
How to raise White Butterfly Flower Culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, White butterfly flower white leaf green, is a kind of Iris, a kind of butterfly flower, many places use white butterfly flower to decorate the courtyard, gardening often choose white butterfly flower for modeling and decoration. At the same time, because the flowers of white butterflies are beautiful, they are also cultivated on the balconies of many families.

White butterfly flower white leaf green, is a kind of Iris, a kind of butterfly flower, many places use white butterfly flower to decorate the courtyard, gardening often choose white butterfly flower for modeling and decoration. At the same time, because the white butterfly flower is beautiful, bonsai Phalaenopsis is also cultivated on the balcony of many families. How to raise the white butterfly flower? What kind of value does it have?

How to raise white butterfly flowers

The main results are as follows: 1. The best growth soil: butterfly flower has strong adaptability, sand, clay and general soil can be cultivated, and the roots of seedlings cultivated with sandy soil are well developed.

2. Growth humidity requirements: the suitable growth air humidity is 50% to 80%. The new root of butterfly flower should be watered more in the prosperous period and less in the dormant period after anthesis. The plants grow vigorously in summer when they are watered around 05:00 every afternoon in spring and autumn.

3. The optimum growth temperature: the optimum growth temperature is 7: 15 ℃. Too high or too low temperature is not suitable for the planting of butterfly flowers, which makes the plant grow weaker and weaker.

4. the best growth light: sensitive to light, if sufficient light, long sunshine time, prosperous stem and leaf growth, early flowering; if insufficient light, short sunshine time, poor flowering or delayed flowering.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of White Butterfly Flower

I. Culture methods

1. Soil selection: White butterfly flowers like wet, well-drained, humus-rich, slightly alkaline clayey soil. If they grow in moist, poorly drained soil, it will adversely affect the healthy growth of white butterflies.

2. Watering method: the white butterfly flower should be slightly dry in the process of growth, and it is easy to suffer diseases if the potted soil or seedling bed is too wet in the seedling stage. During the period of vigorous growth of stems and leaves, the basin soil can be kept slightly moist, but not too wet or stagnant, otherwise it will affect the normal growth and development of the plant, and even wither and die.

3. Light conditions: the white butterfly flower is sensitive to light, if the light is sufficient and the sunshine time is long, the stem and leaf of the butterfly flower will grow luxuriantly, and the flowering will bloom ahead of time; if the light is insufficient and the sunshine time is short, the butterfly flower blossoms poorly or delayed.

4. Temperature conditions: the optimum temperature for the growth of white butterfly flower is 7 ℃ 15 ℃, the best temperature in spring is 10 ℃ in daytime and 7 ℃ in night. When the continuous high temperature was above 25 ℃, the flower buds disappeared and could not form petals. But when the temperature was lower than-5 ℃, the leaves were frozen and the edges turned yellow.

5. Fertilization and maintenance: the white butterfly flower is fertilized once every 20 miles and 30 days during the growth period, and all kinds of organic fertilizers or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are good. In the growing period, it is necessary to remove the residual branches and flowers in time, control the growth of the overgrown branches by picking the heart, promote the new branches, make the plant complete, have a good crown shape, and prolong the flowering period.

II. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of white butterfly flowers

1. The white butterfly flower is vulnerable to many diseases in the process of growth. the main diseases that harm the stem, leaf, flower and root of the white butterfly flower are charcoal jaundice, rust, gray mold, root rot and so on. Once the disease occurs, it can be sprayed 500 times 50% carbendazim or 800 times 75% chlorothalonil diluent, and relevant preventive measures must be taken.

2. White butterfly flower transplanting is easy to survive, which should be carried out before germination in early spring, preferably in semi-overcast environment, and pay attention to fertilizer and water management after survival. The main branch is easy to sprout and grow and disturb the shape of the tree. it can be pruned properly after flowering, and the tip of the overgrown branch should be cut off in summer to take the shape of the whole plant. Fertilization should be applied once after flowering to facilitate the healthy growth of the white butterfly flower.

Main value of White Butterfly Flower

1, medicinal, for folk herbs, actively eliminate heat and detoxification, eliminate blood stasis and expel water, treat children with fever, lung disease, hemoptysis, sore throat, traumatic blood stasis and so on.

2. Gardens, which are often planted in flower beds or forests as ground cover plants.

The breeding method of White Butterfly Flower

1. Ramet or sowing and propagation.

2. As long as the place is fertile and moist, the weaker light will grow well. Just keep the soil moist.

White butterfly flower gardens are often planted in flower beds or forests as ground cover plants, which play a good role in environmental decoration and soil and water conservation. At the same time, the white butterfly flower has a good medicinal value, and it also has a good prospect as an industry. As a potted plant, it is a good choice for family breeding.