
How does it work? How does it work?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The bell is hung upside down, also known as the bell. Because the flowers droop, like an upside down golden bell, hence the name upside down golden bell upside down. Widely cultivated throughout the world, it is a highly ornamental plant of the Echinochloa family, so is it good to raise the inverted bell? How?

Hang Admiralty upside down, also known as hanging Zhong Haitang. Because the flowers bloom low, like an upside-down golden bell, hence the name upside down hanging golden bell. Widely cultivated all over the world, it is a highly ornamental plant of the willow family, so is it easy to raise it by hanging the golden bell upside down? How can we raise the upside-down golden clock, and what should we pay attention to?

Is it easy to maintain the golden bell upside down?

Although hanging the Golden Bell upside down is more delicate, it is easy to maintain it as long as you carefully understand its growth habits and take good care of it.

How to water and fertilize the golden bell upside down

First, how to apply fertilizer by hanging Admiralty upside down

1. Hang the golden bell upside down and enjoy fattening. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied every semimonthly after plant growth in spring.

2. In May, the plant begins to enter a vigorous period of growth and flowering. At this time, a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied to the inverted Golden Bell every half a month to promote the plant to produce multiple lateral branches and blossom continuously.

3. There is no need to apply fertilizer in hot summer; you can apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer twice and stop applying nitrogen fertilizer in September; you should stop applying fertilizer in winter.

4. it should also be noted that the basin soil should be dry before fertilization, and water can be sprayed once after fertilization to avoid leaf decay caused by fat and water. 5. Only nitrogen fertilizer should be avoided as far as possible, and nitrogen fertilizer can be applied only when the plant is obviously short of fertilizer and the leaf color is yellow and thin.

Second, how to water the golden bell upside down

1. Hanging upside down Jinzhong prefers moist soil environment and is not resistant to drought. When watering, we should grasp the principle of "dry and wet". When it is dry, it should be watered thoroughly.

2. The dry weather in spring can spray water on the branches and leaves once or twice a day to avoid excessive watering causing stagnant water in the basin. In summer, the plant should be placed under the shade shed, often spraying water to the leaf surface or sprinkling water to the ground to enhance ventilation. In winter, watering needs to be strictly controlled to prevent the basin soil from getting too wet. After each fertilization and watering, the soil should be loosened and aerated in time.

3. In daily maintenance, water near the leaves and flowerpots in the morning and evening; do not spray water directly on the leaves at high temperatures in the afternoon, but spray more water near the flowerpots. During the rainy season in the south, it should be kept indoors so as not to rot and die.

How to raise Admiralty upside down

1. Soil requirements

Pot culture soil should be mixed with 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of sandy loam soil and 1 part of rotten cake fertilizer powder. It is generally appropriate to turn the basin and change the soil once a year in spring.

2. Fertilization method

During the growth period, the dilute liquid fertilizer combined with nitrogen and phosphorus can be applied every 10 days or so. If the nutrition is insufficient, it is difficult to blossom again after blooming once.

3. Watering requirements

Usually watering should grasp the principle of seeing dry and wet, dry spring weather and hot summer season can spray water on branches and leaves 1-2 times a day, do not water too much to cause basin soil stagnant water. If the room temperature is low in winter, watering should be strictly controlled and fertilization should be stopped. Loosen the soil in time after each fertilization and watering to facilitate ventilation.

4. Temperature and light requirements

Hanging gold clock upside down likes cool climate, and is most afraid of high temperature, sun and rain in summer. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the metabolic activity of the plant is slow, and the growth is stagnant. At this time, fallen leaves and rotten roots often occur.

5. Disease and pest control

When cultivated indoors, if poor ventilation, young stems and leaves are easy to suffer from aphids and whitefly. When it occurs, the 200-fold liquid of omethoate can be used to spray and control.

The breeding method of hanging Golden Bell upside down

Upside down Admiralty is often propagated by cutting and sowing.

The main results are as follows: 1. Cutting method: except summer dormancy period, it can be carried out all year round, spring cutting is better, the rooting and survival rate is high and fast. Cuttings choose robust shoots at the tip, 7-8 cm long, with 2-3 nodes, basal leaves cut off, inserted in the sand bed, often spray to keep moist, can take root in about 10 days, can be pots after a month.

2. Sowing method: it can be carried out in spring and autumn. In autumn, it can germinate in 15 days at the temperature of 15-20 ℃. The seedlings sown in spring will not blossom until the second year.

The flower shape of the inverted golden bell is beautiful and the shape is unique, which can bring good visual effects to everyone. In terms of family farming, although the upside-down Admiralty is easy to raise, it is still necessary to pay attention to daily maintenance in order to make the upside-down Admiralty grow more beautiful and produce more flowers.