
What if the leaves of the safe tree withered? how to fertilize the safe tree?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Speaking of Ping an Tree, most flower friends must be very familiar with it. As one of the fengshui and air-conditioned green plants, it is deeply loved by people, and most of them are raised in the living room. But all kinds of environmental factors in the living room can cause the safety tree.

Speaking of Ping an Tree, most flower friends must be very familiar with it. As one of the fengshui and air-conditioned green plants, it is deeply loved by people, and most of them are raised in the living room. However, a variety of environmental factors in the living room may cause many problems such as leaf wilting and wilting of Ping an trees. Now let's learn the correct way to deal with it.

What if the leaves of the safe tree wither?

1. Caused by lack of light

Plants can not see light for a long time, a lot of energy conversion can not be completed, will cause plant chlorosis, in the long run, the leaves of the plant will wilt and yellowing, serious may also cause shedding.

Solution: timely supplement of light, but also pay attention to shading! If the plant has begun to wilt, it is recommended that you do not let the value week receive strong light at once, it can be appropriate, let the plant receive scattered light first, and the plant will recover naturally.

2. Unreasonable watering

Too much watering is likely to cause stagnant water, at this time, the root system of the plant will have difficulty breathing, nutrients and water can not be transported normally, and the leaves of natural plants will be listless. On the other hand, if the plant is short of water for a long time, the plant can not absorb enough water, which will also cause its leaves to become depressed.

Solution: scientific and appropriate watering, the amount of watering is best determined according to the size of the basin soil and the degree of dryness and wetness, and when watering, pay attention to the water temperature, the best water temperature and room temperature are quite good.

3. The maintenance air is too dry

When the air nearby is too dry, the plants will also be affected to a certain extent, such as leaf yellow and withered leaves.

Solution: there are two ways to alleviate air dryness. one is to spray water on the leaves of the plant at the right time to improve the wetness of the nearby air, and another way is to put a pot of clean water around the flowerpot. This can also alleviate the dryness in time.

4. caused by diseases and insect pests

This situation is also relatively common, such as some common pests, such as red spiders, shell insects, etc., once found that it is best to clean up in time. In the face of the emergence of some diseases, it should be treated by spraying drugs in time.

In addition, it should be noted that the occurrence of diseases and insect pests is often related to the cleanliness of the basin soil, usually should be timely cleaning of the basin soil, so as to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

How to fertilize Ping an trees

1. Selection of fertilizers

Ping an tree needs a lot of nutrients because of its large leaves and full growth, so it needs a large amount of fertilizer. According to the different seasons, topdressing should be carried out from late spring to early autumn, and cake fertilizer and water, or fertilizer and alum, should be applied once a month. Phosphate and potash fertilizer should be applied after late autumn.

2. The season of fertilization

Safe trees should apply different fertilizers according to different seasons, and the season of fertilization should last from the end of spring to the early autumn, and fertilize every month. The second stage is after late autumn, you only need to apply fertilizer twice and stop applying fertilizer after winter.

3. Frequency of fertilization

The frequency of fertilization in Ping an tree does not need to be too high, it only needs to be applied once a month during the first stage of fertilization, and only twice in the second stage.

4. Base fertilizer

After the beginning of winter or at the beginning of spring sprouting, Ping an trees should carry out base fertilizer, which can not be interrupted, and compound fertilizer should be applied according to the amount from April to May. Compound fertilizer is applied again in August.

How to grow and flourish Ping an trees

1. Temperature

Ping an tree is not very hardy, so in winter, the indoor temperature should be above 5 degrees Celsius, and the best temperature for maintenance on weekdays is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius. In summer, when the temperature is too high, please remember to ventilate and dissipate heat. When the temperature is higher than 32 degrees Celsius, you should remember to shade and spray water to cool down.

2. Soil

If you want the plant to grow luxuriantly, the most important thing is to choose the right soil, which is suitable for planting safe trees, preferably acidic soil with good air permeability and organic acid soil, and rotten leaf soil. Only in this way can the plants grow luxuriantly.

3. Lighting

Many flower friends know that Ping'an tree is a shade-tolerant plant, so it ignores the light, but in fact, light is also very important to its growth. It is suggested that it is best to let the plant receive reasonable light every day. Remember to shade at the right time when the summer light is hot.

4. Watering

Ping an tree relatively prefers the humid soil environment. In winter, due to the weather, the requirement for water is gradually reduced, but the supply of water is still needed, so we can reduce the number of watering and spray water on the leaves, which can make the leaves grow greener. Although this kind of tree likes to be moist, it is too wet, it will still lead to stagnant water, which will cause the plant to turn yellow, so it is best to pay more attention to it.

5. Fertilization

Many people think that their Ping an trees are beautiful in shape and have thick leaves, so they don't need to apply fertilizer at this time, but in fact, this is the time when they have the greatest demand for nutrients, so during the Spring and Autumn period, it is recommended that you should apply fertilizer once a month.

How to change the pots of Ping an Tree

First of all, the time to change the pots of Ping an trees is in the spring. First dig up the soil where the safe tree is growing, uproot the safe tree, and the most important thing is to have a soil ball on the root. Before that, prepare a larger basin and put the soil in the basin.

Second, pour enough water. Then plant the safe tree with soil balls in a large basin, and it is best to fully spread the roots and come into contact with a large area of soil.

Finally, after a week of growth, compound fertilizer should be applied, cake water fertilizer should be applied once a month to send out new buds, and after autumn, phosphorus and potash fertilizer can be applied.

Ping an tree has a very good fengshui effect, and its lush leaves have high ornamental value, so it is one of the first choices for family potted plants. Ping an trees like to grow in a warm and humid environment, and we need to give enough light when we breed them.