
African jasmine how to water African jasmine pot change notice

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, African jasmine is very adaptable to the environment, its flowers are very beautiful, but also send out flowers, very suitable as indoor potted plants, loved by many flower friends. Although the cultivation of African jasmine has been relatively extensive, some daily maintenance cannot be less.

African jasmine has a very strong ability to adapt to the environment, its flowers are very beautiful, but also send out the fragrance of flowers, very suitable for indoor potted plants, loved by many flower friends. Although the cultivation of African jasmine has been relatively extensive, but some daily maintenance can not be less. Let's follow the editor to learn the daily watering method of African jasmine.

How to water African jasmine

1. Summer

In summer, the soil should be kept moist and watered if it is slightly dry. At the same time, plants and their surroundings should be sprayed with water in the morning and evening, one is to lower the temperature, and the other is to increase the humidity.

2. Winter

Keep the soil slightly moist in winter, and spray water on the surface and periphery of plants at noon. It is drier indoors in winter, which can increase humidity, and the best time to water in winter is at noon.

Points for attention in changing pots of African jasmine

1. It is better to change the basin of African jasmine from November to the following spring before Qingming Festival. Small potted plants are best once a year. When changing the basin, the topsoil on one side of the basin is first removed, and then the soil is dug from the edge of the basin to the bottom of the basin to clean up the soil at the edge of the basin, and then the whole basin is removed. Part of the old soil and residual roots around the jasmine root system were removed and replaced with new culture soil to improve the soil aggregate structure and nutrients, which was beneficial to the growth of Riley. After changing the basin, pour water thoroughly two hours after planting, in order to close the root soil and restore the growth.

2. Do not move the old soil on the roots of African jasmine, because the roots of plants will secrete certain substances and form electrolytes with the soil on the roots, thus decomposing and absorbing nutrients in the soil. Once the old soil is removed, it takes a process to re-form such electrolytes, and plants often die without nutrients before the process is formed.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of African jasmine

I. Culture methods

1. Choose the right soil

There are different requirements for the cultivation of African jasmine soil in the south and north: the planting site is loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam in the south. The potted African jasmine in the north can be prepared with 7 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of river sand, 1 part of retted organic fertilizer and 1 part of fermented sawdust.

During the growth period, loosen the soil once a month to keep the roots in a good state of penetration. Potted African jasmine can be changed every 1 to 2 years.

2. Apply the right fertilizer

Potted African jasmine can survive the winter safely by applying thin mature cake fertilizer once a month in the growing season and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once before flowering in May to promote plant flowering into autumn, topdressing 1-2 times and replenishing phosphorus and potassium. Potted plants in the north, in order to avoid yellowing leaves, 0.2% ferrous sulfate was added during the growing season to ensure that the leaves were green.

3. Control the temperature

African jasmine grows well in warm climate, and the optimum growth temperature is from 18 ℃ to 32 ℃. When the summer temperature is higher than 38 ℃, it will inhibit plant growth. Try to ventilate and humidify as much as possible and lower the temperature. Some areas in the south can spend the winter in the open field, but the temperature should be controlled at 3-5 ℃ as far as possible.

4. Make up the light

African jasmine likes the sun, the primary environment is mostly semi-shaded, family potted plants can accept full light in spring and autumn, and shade is required in summer, or moved to shade, at least to avoid direct sunlight for several hours before and after noon. Special attention should be paid to the sunny day after a long rain from June to July, when the temperature rises suddenly and the light is very strong. Shading must be done to prevent young shoots and leaves from being burned.

5. Pour the right water

African jasmine potted plants require sufficient water, but the roots must not accumulate water, otherwise they are easy to rot. Watering in spring and autumn in order to keep the basin soil moist, reduce watering in the plum rain season, spray water once in the morning and afternoon in summer to humidify and cool down; for potted African jasmine in winter, it is appropriate to keep the pot soil slightly tide. and spray appropriate amount of water to the leaves when the temperature is relatively high around noon.

II. Points for attention

1. The African jasmine at home was just bought in autumn and winter that year, so we should do a good job in preventing the cold. In particular, the strong cold air in the north to the south, there is a substantial drop in temperature, we must keep warm in time.

2. African jasmine in many flower friends' homes will not bloom for many years. In fact, it is not a disease, but the conservation environment is different. As long as you pay a little attention to it every day, you only need to wait for it to bloom.

What about the rotten roots of African jasmine

1. Symptoms

If there is rot in the roots, the leaves of the plant will wither and fall in a large area.

2. Reasons

The main reason is mostly due to the phenomenon of stagnant water in the roots, so friends must pay attention to this phenomenon when watering plants. If the soil seeps slowly, it can be watered slowly, and one watering can be divided into several times, until the bottom of the flowerpot seeps water, a small watering can be done. The soil seepage is slow, so it is appropriate to loosen the soil, at the same time, it can also improve the water permeability of the basin soil.

3. Governance methods

After the rotten root is found, the root can be sprinkled with carbendazim solution, methyl thiophanate solution or chlorothalonil solution every 10 days to half a month.

However, because it is very contagious after root decay, it is best to change pots and soil, throw away all the original soil, do not use it, let alone plant other plants, and trim all the rotten parts. After cutting off, you can disinfect the wound with medicine, and then plant it in a new flowerpot. If you want to improve the survival rate of replanting, you can trim off some of the branches and leaves of the upper part of the plant.

The breeding method of African jasmine is relatively easy, it is evergreen all the year round, and it will produce beautiful white flowers. Breeding a pot at home can not only decorate the home environment, but also has a faint scent of flowers when it blossoms, with the effect of sterilization and disinfection.