
How to raise small hibiscus cultivation methods and precautions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Small hibiscus beautiful color, small and exquisite, deeply loved by everyone, many people will follow others, planted a pot at home, but when it appears problems are helpless, only to find that they do not know its breeding method, just blindly follow other

Small hibiscus beautiful color, small and exquisite, deeply loved by everyone, many people will follow others, planted a pot at home, but when it appears problems are helpless, only to find that they do not know its breeding method, just blindly follow others and plant, then the following to introduce its planting methods and matters needing attention.

How to raise small hibiscus

Small hibiscus is very easy to raise, as long as he has enough light, watering in time, it is very healthy, rarely insects, occasional fertilizer on the line, pay attention to temperature control in winter on the line, summer process must be watered more, so as not to dry to death.

Culture method of small hibiscus

1. Soil: The soil matrix selected by the small hibiscus is preferably soil with good permeability and strong drainage. Generally, the nutrient soil for cultivating flowers sold on the market can be used to raise the small hibiscus, or the nutrient soil mixed with river sand and organic fertilizer can be used.

2, light: small hibiscus is like sunshine, like warm flowers, so the requirements for sunlight are quite high, sufficient light can promote plant growth more robust, too shade easy internode length and flowering reduction, such as indoor maintenance, should be placed in bright places such as balconies, windowsills and so on.

3, watering: summer small hibiscus in the maintenance process must pay attention to watering, because water makes small hibiscus the key to summer, when the weather is too hot, the temperature rises when you need to water once a day, watering to irrigate water, if water shortage will be easy to die, winter dormancy irrigation a small amount of water.

4. Fertilization: When the fertilizer is sufficient, the small hibiscus grows rapidly and blooms luxuriantly. When the young plant is mainly balanced fertilizer, or slightly partial nitrogen fertilizer, the general spring fertilization ratio of ammonia: phosphorus: potassium is 20:20. In early summer, the fertilizer with higher phosphorus content is applied, such as flowering fertilizer of 10:30:10.

Because the small hibiscus blossoms more, the fertilizer consumption is also large, should be applied once 1200 times of liquid fertilizer about 10 days, winter small hibiscus gradually entered the dormant period, during the dormancy period to stop fertilization, conditional flower friends can apply some fully decomposed organic fertilizer, the effect is better.

5, propagation: potted small hibiscus to cuttage propagation, spring is the season of cuttage, so the cuttage branches should choose semi-lignified branches, branches too old or too tender are not conducive to the rooting of small hibiscus, generally cuttage about a month can take root and germinate.

Small hibiscus breeding precautions

1, breeding small hibiscus do not use clayey soil or slightly acidic soil.

2, summer weather is too hot, need to put it in the balcony has scattered light sufficient place, and keep ventilation, you can safely spend the summer, when the direct sunlight temperature is too high, must be watered once a day.

3, small hibiscus can be removed when it is still a seedling, and then hit again during the growth period.

4, small hibiscus resistant pruning, so flower friends can rest assured that bold pruning, general light or heavy shear can be, light shear can cut off one-third of the overall buds, heavy shear soil surface more than 10 cm can be cut off, pruning can make the plant more robust.

5, small hibiscus is more prone to red spiders and aphids, timely prevention work.

How does the little hibiscus winter?

1, choose the appropriate environmental conservation

Small hibiscus can be planted by potted plants or planted in the ground. Of course, the suitable treatment methods for these two planting methods in winter are not the same. Generally speaking, small hibiscus planted in flowerpots is more afraid of freezing than in the open air. It is best to move indoors after winter and place it in the sun.

The outdoor balcony can be moved inside to prevent frost and snow from causing frostbite in the branches and leaves. It is best to use plastic film to cover the outdoor planting in winter. The plastic film has excellent thermal insulation and antifreeze effect. This is beneficial to the safety of the small hibiscus for winter.

2. Ensure reasonable lighting

Little hibiscus is a flower that likes sunshine and warmth. It must have high requirements for sunshine. In winter, the temperature is low, and light becomes an extremely important factor to help little hibiscus survive winter.

Therefore, in the winter maintenance process, the small hibiscus will be placed in a place where the sun can be exposed, and the small hibiscus will be moved in time, so that all surfaces of the small hibiscus can be illuminated, and the long-term maintenance of one direction of illumination will prevent the growth deviation of the small hibiscus.

3. Trim the plants

In order to make the small hibiscus better winter, flower friends had better prune the small hibiscus in time at the end of autumn, cut short the long branches, dead branches, diseased branches and residual branches or cut them directly, so as not to consume too much nutrients in winter and affect the growth and development of the next year.

4. Reasonable supplement of water

Water is an essential factor for the growth of small hibiscus, but in winter, small hibiscus will enter the dormant period, at this time the most should not be done is a lot of watering, but the right amount of less watering or simply stop, if the flower friends are really not assured of not watering, then you can properly control the water, slightly moist can be.

5. Fertilization

Fertilizer and water treatment is basically consistent, that is, winter into dormancy period, stop applying fertilizer or appropriate application of a small amount of fertilizer.

Although the breeding method of small hibiscus is relatively simple, there are still many places that need our attention. There are different requirements for water and temperature according to the season. On the other hand, don't pay attention to pruning it. Don't not prune because you don't want to give up its well-grown branches. This is not to help it but harm it.