
What to do about the yellowing of the leaves of the rubber tree? the cause and solution of the loss of leaves in the rubber tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rubber trees like warm, humid, sunny growth environment, and they are cultivated more in our country, no matter indoor planting or garden planting, they all have high ornamental value. So in the process of planting, when the leaves of rubber trees turn yellow and fall off, we

Rubber trees like warm, humid, sunny growth environment, and they are cultivated more in our country, no matter indoor planting or garden planting, they all have high ornamental value. so in the planting process, when the rubber tree leaves yellowing, falling leaves and other phenomena, what should we do? How to solve these problems?

What if the leaves of the rubber tree turn yellow?

1. Long-term de-fertilization: there is no application of nitrogen fertilizer or no change of water for a long time, and there is a lack of nitrogen and other nutrient elements in the water, resulting in thin and weak branches and leaves, thin and yellow leaves, which need to be changed into new culture water in time to gradually apply thin mature liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer.

2. Excessive fertilization: if there is too much fertilization, the new leaves will be thickened, and the old leaves will be rugged, and the dry tips of the old leaves will fall off. You should immediately stop fertilization, increase the amount of water exchange, make the fertilizer lose, or immediately pour the pot, rinse the bulb root with water and then replant it into the basin.

3. Hot and high temperature: if you put the flowers in a high temperature place and let the strong light shine directly, it is very easy to cause scorch on the leaf tip and edge of the young leaves, or the leaf yellow falls off, which should be moved to a cool place with good ventilation in time.

4. Excessive shade. If the flowers are kept in shade for a long time or in places where there is not enough light, the branches and leaves will turn yellow and should be placed in a sunny place.

The reason for the loss of leaves in rubber trees

1. Do not change the basin for a long time, resulting in serious consolidation of the basin soil, unable to absorb nutrients and causing leaf loss.

2. Plants have not been fertilized for a long time, resulting in malnutrition and yellowing of leaves.

3. The phenomenon of withering and yellowing of leaves occurs when the temperature is on the low side.

4. Improper watering or fertilization will cause leaf shedding.

5. The indoor air is too dry and the soil moisture is not enough to supply all the leaves.

6. the indoor ventilation is poor and the yellow leaf phenomenon occurs.

7. Infected with gray mold.

The solution to the loss of leaves in rubber trees

1. When the temperature reaches more than 15 ℃, turn the basin, cut off the dead roots and shake off the persistent soil.

2. When changing the basin, add an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to remove yellow leaves, and then apply liquid fertilizer once a month, mainly phosphorus and potash fertilizer.

3. To increase the room temperature through the winter, be sure to keep it above 6-8 degrees.

4. Cut off the rotten root system until the wound section is fresh and white milk exudates. When the milk of the wound is dried, you can also apply sulfur powder to the wound, or wipe it with clean plant ash and charcoal shavings, and then plant it in a different basin.

5. Check the wetting degree of the basin soil from time to time, replenish water in time, spray water to the leaf surface every morning and evening, and spray water to the leaf surface again around noon if it is still insufficient.

6. Opening windows in time for ventilation, keeping indoor ventilation and fresh air can be improved.

7. Diseased leaves should be picked and burned in time to increase indoor light and room temperature.

Four-season conservation of rubber trees in pots

1. Spring maintenance

Put the plant in a bright place in spring, keep the basin soil moist, and often sprinkle water around the plant to increase air humidity. Fertilize properly according to the growth status of the plant. When the temperature rises gradually at the end of spring, the rubber tree can be moved to a half-light environment or indoor maintenance with scattered light. Change the basin when the temperature is about 15 ℃ in spring every year, and trim it properly before changing it.

2. Summer maintenance

Rubber trees are resistant to high temperature and hot sun, but excessive light will also make the leaves lose their luster, which is not good for viewing. Rubber trees can be placed in bright places or directly exposed to the sun, but with proper shade at noon. Water evaporates quickly in summer, so it should be watered in time to keep the basin soil moist, and spray more to its leaves and all around to meet its requirements for air humidity.

3. Autumn maintenance

As the light weakens in autumn, the rubber tree can be moved to the windowsill or balcony with sufficient light, keep the basin soil moist, and appropriately enhance its cold resistance, so that it can exercise at a low temperature outdoors for a period of time, but it can not be hit by frost. You should move into the room with light before frosting.

4. Winter maintenance

The rubber tree is not cold-resistant and can withstand a low temperature of 0 ℃ for a short time. But the indoor temperature should be kept at about 5 ℃, when the growth of rubber tree is stagnant, sufficient light should be ensured to make the basin soil moist and dry, and the basin soil is too wet and easy to rot roots. When the temperature is high at noon, spray water and spray on its surrounding and leaves for several times. In winter, when the indoor temperature is kept above 15 ℃.

It seems that if any kind of plant wants to grow well, conservation has become a key factor. Because the leaves of the rubber tree belong to the type of evergreen all the year round, we must take careful care of the four seasons, otherwise it will cause problems in its growth and affect the viewing. Although the nursing process is troublesome, the result is worth it.