
How long does it take to water the four seasons?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Hibiscus is a flower with great ornamental value. It likes a warm and humid environment. It has low requirements for water. It keeps moist and dry during the growth period. Although it has strong adaptability, watering is a very important link for plants.

Hibiscus is a flower of great ornamental value, like warm and humid environment, it does not have high requirements for water, growth period to maintain moisture is not dry on the line, although its adaptability is very strong, but watering is a very important part of the plant, then it is exactly how to water, how often do you need to water it? Let's take a look below.

How often do you water them?

Hibiscus 6-October flowering, summer drought when appropriate watering, try to water in the morning, the rest of the weather extensive management, if it is potted, see dry watering, a thorough watering, generally 2-3 days of watering.

Four Seasons Conservation of Hibiscus

1, spring: early spring, at this time small hibiscus should also be placed indoors, but due to the gradual rise in March temperature, need to increase the amount of watering. May can be placed in sunny places, can be properly shaded. It is recommended that when there is frost at night, it should be moved indoors (Beijing area should not be used). At this time, the outdoor hibiscus water demand will increase, especially in sunny days, and the pot soil should be kept moist (understood as watering when the surface is dry).

In spring and summer, it is recommended to put a shallow dish under the flowerpot. If the shallow dish is full of water, the hibiscus has enough water to avoid watering every day. In case of continuous rainfall, the tray should be removed to facilitate drainage of accumulated water. If long roots are found on the bottom of the basin, they should be cut off immediately. Once flowering, it's best to prune.

Summer: Summer hibiscus needs watering almost every day and ensure that excess water is drained from the pot. Fertilize every 14 days. If slow release compound fertilizer is used, slow release compound fertilizer can be applied in July.

Autumn: autumn, especially after October, according to the weather watering. Warm weather can be watered several times a week, cold and rainy to pay attention not to water more. Stop fertilizing after September. If you live in an area with frost in early autumn, hibiscus can recover from frost at night temperatures of-1 to-2. In late autumn, if the temperature is below 5 or 6 degrees for a long time, it must be moved indoors and placed in a cool and well-lit place, preferably between 0 and 12 degrees.

4, winter: regular watering, do not make it dry, do not fertilize.

What about yellow leaves?

1, pay attention to watering: hibiscus requirements for water is not high, keep moist during the growth period can not be dry, but too little watering or do not pay attention to drainage and too much water, will cause hibiscus leaves yellow fall, so even if hibiscus requirements for water are not strict, we should also pay attention to maintain water supply treatment.

2, reasonable fertilization: many people hope that hibiscus can grow vigorously and bloom more, so they will pay attention to the fertilization of hibiscus, in fact, hibiscus mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, supplemented by nitrogen fertilizer reasonable topdressing can be, if the fertilization is too much too thick but trouble, the most obvious is the burn root system, causing yellow leaves to fall off, so if the hibiscus leaves appear after fertilization, pay attention to whether the fertilization is too thick.

3. Spray aphids

Aphids are very common pests, there is also a danger to the growth of hibiscus, aphids will suck more leaf juice, leaf juice dried up, leaves will slowly yellow, so the yellow leaves also have to see if aphids are doing trouble, if yes, you can spray 40% omethoate oil 1000 times liquid treatment.

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One is to change the head with the upper branches on the back in time to prevent the peripheral branches from drooping and premature aging, and to treat the branches in the same way as the open shape; the other is to sprout upright branches in the inner bore, which are generally thinned out and the space can be utilized, but generally not truncated to prevent too many branches from disturbing the tree shape. Thinning out vigorous branches and other branches is adopted for inner bore branches and other branches. After strong branches are slowly released, they are timely contracted, and then released and contracted again. With this method, the proportion of medium and short branches is continuously increased.

It seems that if you want to plant hibiscus well, you need special careful care. Every season has its care method, and you should pay special attention to the yellow leaves, otherwise it will affect its beauty. Although it is very troublesome in the planting process, when we see the blooming hibiscus flowers, we will feel that our efforts are not in vain.