
What to do about the yellowing of Brazilian wood leaves? the cause and solution of Brazilian wood losing leaves

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Brazilian wood is a common tree plant, its shape is relatively tall, its leaves are the main ornamental value, the four seasons evergreen, is very beautiful. Now many people like to buy it and go home for maintenance, but in the process of maintenance, it is often because of improper methods.

Brazilian wood is a common tree plant, its shape is relatively tall, its leaves are the main ornamental value, the four seasons evergreen, is very beautiful. Now many people like to buy it to go home for maintenance, but in the process of maintenance, often because of improper methods, so the phenomenon of falling leaves, leaves yellowing, in fact, it is not impossible to solve the problem.

What if the leaves of Brazilian wood turn yellow?

1. Lack of light. Brazilian wood likes the sun, and many people put it in a bad light position in order to enjoy it indoors. in this case, it is possible in the short term, and if it takes too long, it will also cause the leaves of Brazilian wood to turn yellow. The specific solution is very simple, after a period of time, put the Brazilian wood in a sunny place for maintenance, and then move back after a period of time, so that both maintenance and viewing will not be delayed.

2. Poor ventilation. If the leaves of Brazilian wood grow luxuriantly, coupled with the fact that they have not been trimmed for a long time, it will lead to the problem of insufficient light in the internal branches and leaves. At this time, we should trim the branches and leaves in time, fertilize them, and carry out careful maintenance. I believe that the green leaves will soon be restored.

The cause and solution of the loss of leaves of Brazilian wood

1. The reason for watering. The reason for the loss of leaves and leaves of Brazilian wood is that too much or too little watering will lead to the loss of leaves. When overwatered, the roots of Brazilian wood rot and the leaves fall off. With too little watering and poor ventilation, the air will be dry, humidity will decrease, and Brazilian wood leaves will fall off. The solution in the process of conserving Brazilian wood, watering should be reasonable. Keep the basin soil moist, but there can be no stagnant water. Brazilian wood should be given plenty of water in the hot summer, and the plants can be sprayed with water every day.

2. The reason of fertilization. The reason for the loss of leaves and leaves of Brazilian wood is to maintain Brazilian wood, fertilization is very important. First of all, the soil is required to be fertile, rich in organic matter, and reasonable fertilization, otherwise it will lead to poor growth of Brazilian wood, or even loss of leaves. The solution is to add a certain amount of base fertilizer to the soil when raising Brazilian wood, and to keep topdressing during the growth period. Fertilizing once a month during the growing season, liquid fertilizer or rotten cake fertilizer is usually used to ensure adequate nutrition for the growth of Brazilian wood.

The solution to Brazil's heartlessness

1. Brazilian wood can buckle the bark slightly to check the necrotic site, and the normal flesh is light green and watery. When it is found that the flesh is dark brown, the trunk can be cut off, leaving a section of green meat. If it were all dark brown, unfortunately it would be hopeless. It should be because only the tree trunk whose flesh is light green can be inserted with sand and running water.

2. If the bark of Brazilian wood is rotten, the side branches can be cut off at the growing point of the pile, and the lower leaves can be cut off, leaving only the upper leaves, about 1 ℃ of the number of branch leaves. It is appropriate to cut them in the river sand, and keep them in a cool place after pouring water thoroughly. Pay attention to spray moisturizing to avoid branch dehydration and dryness, and the temperature can be maintained between 20-30 mmol for about a month. As a new Brazilian wood, three trees can be planted in one pot, and the appreciation effect is very good. It is useless for the old pile to stay and can only be discarded.

How to trim Brazilian wood

1. The first step in pruning Brazilian wood is to determine which branch to prune. If the plant is luxuriant and dense, consider marking it with a marker to prevent errors during pruning. After marking, check the tree potential to see if it is the shape you want, and if not, modify the tag before pruning begins.

2. The scissors must be sharper, so that the pruning is easier and the wound is neat, which makes it more beautiful. Disinfect the pruning tools with alcohol before pruning.

3. The pruning method of Brazilian wood is generally to cut the whole heel section from a branch. When cutting, you must pay attention to it from the top to the bottom, and then from the bottom to the top, so that the incision is parallel to the trunk of the plant.

There are many reasons for the yellowing and loss of leaves caused by Brazilian wood. when solving the problem, we need to find out the cause and then solve it from the root cause. Brazilian wood in the breeding process may also have a broken heart phenomenon, so the need for correct maintenance, timely pruning, in order to ensure its growth.