
How to raise duck foot wood breeding methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Duck foot wood is a common plant in daily life, which is deeply loved by consumers because of its high ornamental value and certain medicinal properties. Now it is a kind of plant raised by many families, but when raising it, some people will produce it because of improper methods.

Duck foot wood is a common plant in daily life, which is deeply loved by consumers because of its high ornamental value and certain medicinal properties. Now it is a kind of plant raised by many families, but when breeding, some people will have some problems because of improper methods, so it is also very important to master its breeding skills.

How to raise duck foot wood

1. Soil. The planting soil of duck foot wood requires deep, loose and fertile soil. Family potted plants are generally made of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, pastoral soil, plus 1x4 river sand or perlite. In order to ensure that the soil is fertile, a small amount of cake fertilizer can be added to the soil as base fertilizer.

2. Sunshine. Duck foot wood likes a semi-overcast environment, so it is appropriate to keep it in a place with plenty of bright scattered light, so it is better to put a pot at home. As long as the light at home is bright, you can enjoy it for a long time. In winter, you can move to the south window, and in spring and autumn, you can move the flowerpot to an outdoor well-ventilated place for maintenance for a period of time, but you should pay attention to proper shade so as not to cause the leaves to turn yellow due to sun exposure.

3. Temperature. Duck foot wood is not resistant to cold, and the room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃ in winter. If the room temperature is lower than 8 ℃ for a long time, the leaves will gradually wither and yellow, and if it falls below 0 ℃, the leaves will fall off, so it is necessary to control the indoor temperature in the most difficult winter.

Duck foot wood culture method

1. Planting in the pot. Choose robust seedlings with well-developed roots and plant them in pots before germination in late autumn or spring. Put a layer of rubble on the bottom of the container before planting, add a small amount of nutritious soil, put the plant into the flowerpot and add a small amount of soil roots to closely combine with the soil. Then pour the water through and compact the soil. After the new plants are planted, they should be placed in the semi-shade for a week, and then gradually transferred to the sun for normal management.

2. Watering. Duck foot wood grows well in the environment of high air humidity and sufficient soil moisture, daily maintenance, pay attention to timely replenishment of water, but do not accumulate water, otherwise it will cause a large number of fallen leaves, water control should be paid attention to under the condition of low temperature in winter. If the duck foot wood is maintained in a plastic flowerpot, it should be drained in time, and the soil should be watered without waiting for dryness when watering, and keep the soil moist at any time. When the weather is dry, spray around the plant, pay attention to cover the rain during the rainy season, and avoid stagnant water in the basin.

3. Change the basin for pruning. Duck foot wood needs to be changed every spring, and if you use plastic pots, you need to pay attention to the loose soil. Duck foot wood grows fast, and it is easy to sprout and grow branches. An adult plant needs regular shaping and pruning to keep the plant shape neat and beautiful. The duck foot wood, which has been preserved for many years, has perennial old branches and the plant shape is too large, so it can be re-cut in combination with changing pots when the new buds germinate every year to cut off branches, leaves and old roots.

Matters needing attention in duck foot wood culture

If the duck foot wood is obtained by cutting, do not rush to change the basin in order to take shape, wait for the obvious growth to change the basin. Usually grow for 2-3 years before changing the basin, and then change the basin once a year.

Duck foot wood disease and its control

1. Leaf spot. Prevention and treatment: after finding the disease of duck foot wood, remove the diseased leaves in time. Keep the basin soil dry and strengthen maintenance during this period. Apply thin fertilizer once a month to avoid excessive nitrogen fertilizer. For drug prevention and treatment in time after the onset of the disease, you can spray 1000 times of 25% Shibaoke EC or 40% chlorothalonil suspension.

2. Anthrax. Control methods: pay attention to proper watering in the maintenance, do not accumulate water in the basin soil, and properly reduce the relative humidity of the plant growth environment from June to July. Appropriate cooling, not to create a suitable habitat for germs. Spraying chemicals at the initial stage of the disease can choose 80% mancozeb 800x liquid + 3000 times good humidity spray to prevent and cure.

The breeding method of duck foot wood is actually very simple, and we must pay attention to temperature and light when breeding. The temperature should not be too low, the light should not encounter strong light, and it should be shaded in summer. In the aspect of fertilizer and water, we also need to pay more attention to it. Duck feet are not resistant to stagnant water, so drainage should be done in place.