
How to raise triangular plum culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Although triangular plum is a poisonous and prickly plant, it does not stop people from liking triangular plum. More and more people bring triangular plum home for breeding, but not all people can raise triangular plum well.

Although Bougainvillea is a poisonous and thorny plant, this does not stop people from liking Bougainvillea. More and more people bring Bougainvillea back home for breeding. However, not all people can cultivate Bougainvillea well, but those who can cultivate Bougainvillea must have mastered the cultivation techniques and methods of Bougainvillea.

How to raise triangle plum

1, water control long flowers: triangle plum special like strong light and high temperature, not afraid of exposure, not much water requirements, basin soil and need to keep moist can be. Autumn and winter must control water for 1 month, keep semi-dry and semi-wet, even if the green leaves fall, it does not matter. Water control is beneficial to long flowers, which is why domestic triangular plum "frequently do not bloom, lazy flowers constantly" because.

2, root rejuvenation need to control water: triangular plum strong, budding strong, especially resistant to pruning. Regular pruning and shaping can make its branches multiply. To remind is that it has the special habit of sprouting long branches first. Potted old plants in the pot repair roots, do not water immediately, can be poured in two days after a permeable water. After moderate moisture, wait for the basic growth of new shoots, then gradually change to normal watering, and put it in sufficient sunshine, temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius place.

3. To keep warm and control water in winter: Triangle plum likes warm, not cold, avoid waterlogging, and must pay attention to winter heat preservation and water control. In winter, the temperature should be kept above 7 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will freeze to death. Once the temperature drops, the plants will fall heavily, and at this time, do not water too much. It should be placed in an environment of 10 degrees Celsius to 15 degrees Celsius, watered every 10 days or so, and then gradually increased the amount of watering in the spring. Otherwise, it will lead to rotten roots and death.

Methods and precautions for cultivation of triangular plum

1. Soil selection

The soil of triangular plum is generally mixed with garden soil, rotten leaf soil and fine sand, and appropriate amount of bone powder is added. Buy small pots of triangular plum directly from the flower market, do not need to change the soil in the short term, use the original soil can be. 1~2 years of cultivation, when changing pots, replace a part of new soil, the proportion is as follows (I don't tell him about ordinary people):

Garden soil: moldy soil: sand 5:3:2 or peat soil: moldy soil: sand: pearlite 5:2:2.

2, watering method

The amount of water required by triangular plum is relatively large, and there is a slight difference in watering in each season:

In spring, Bougainvillea grows faster and needs watering every day, and often sprays water on the leaves and surroundings to increase air humidity. If less watering in spring, it will cause defoliation due to insufficient humidity.

Summer, triangular plum needs water watering, watering twice a day, morning spray, watering once after 4 p.m.

In autumn, after the temperature drops, keep the basin soil moist. Reduce watering when the temperature is below 10℃ and keep the pot soil dry. If the temperature is above 15 ° C, it can be watered appropriately.

Reduce watering in winter, and do not irrigate the pot soil until it is dry.

3. Fertilization method

Bougainvillea likes fertilizer. After the weather warms in spring, nitrogen fertilizer is applied once every 10~15 days, cake fertilizer water is applied once a week during the growth period, and phosphorus fertilizer is applied several times during the flowering period. Reduce fertilizer application after cool autumn and stop fertilizer application in winter. During the growth and flowering season, 1000 times potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on leaves 2~3 times, or general fertilizer can be applied once every 10 days.

4. Light and temperature requirements

The suitable temperature for growth of Bougainvillea chinensis is 20~30℃, and leaves will appear below 5℃ in winter.

Bougainvillea likes light, and the growth of plants is weak due to insufficient light, which affects flowering. In winter, the triangular plum should be placed in a bright place, and the daily light time should not be less than 8 hours, otherwise there will be a large area of fallen leaves.

5, pest control

There are few diseases and insect pests of triangular plum, which generally appear in winter and spring. They will be harmed by scale insects and thorn moths when they leave the room and enter the room. They shall be removed in time during family maintenance and sprayed with pesticides.

Characteristics of Bougainvillea chinensis varieties

1. Triangle plum is easy to reproduce and grow quickly

Bougainvillea in the propagation of the time, more is to take cuttage propagation, survival rate is better, propagation is relatively simple. In general, triangular plum will reproduce in March to June, and maintain sufficient water and fertilizer and light, it can grow rapidly.

2. There are many varieties of Bougainvillea and rich colors.

Although it is a color, in fact, mainly refers to the triangular plum color bract. Bougainvillea color bracts, in fact, there are many kinds of colors, in addition to the most common purple, there are colors, yellow, white and so on. The bracts are simple and double petalous, all very beautiful.

In addition, there are some artificially cultivated varieties of triangular plum, through grafting can even be a tree multicolored, ornamental value is really too high.

3. The flowering period of Bougainvillea chinensis is long and the ornamental property is very high.

Bougainvillea flowering is very long, although the small flowers of Bougainvillea is not so gorgeous, but also relatively cute, coupled with the color bracts that can last for a long time, I believe many people will like to appreciate.

Generally, it can be used as a green plant in the city. Domesticated plants are generally potted for viewing, which have unique ornamental value.

Can a triangle be domesticated?

Although it is a poisonous plant, it can be domesticated.

On the one hand, although the triangle plum is poisonous, it also has good medicinal value. Its leaves can be used for medicinal purposes, mashed apply affected parts, there are scattered stasis swelling, blood circulation regulation, dampness stop belt effect. For the treatment of blood stasis amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, red leucorrhea significant effect. This shows that the triangle plum not only has a toxic side, it can also be used as a cure.

On the other hand, the toxicity of triangular plum is mainly reflected in its juice, which will not be poisoned if it is not eaten by mistake. And triangular plum ornamental sex is very high, regard domesticated plant as, adornment home also is good.

Therefore, raising triangular plum is worth a try.

Although Bougainvillea contains certain toxicity, it can also be cultivated at home, because the toxicity of Bougainvillea is very weak, as long as you do not eat Bougainvillea will not cause any harm to the human body, and Bougainvillea has a strong ornamental value, and medicinal value, so the advantages of breeding Bougainvillea still outweigh the disadvantages.