
How to raise Michelia mollissima methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The smiling flower is a shrub that is evergreen all the year round. Michelia flowers are often used to make potted plants for families to enjoy. When the flowers are in full bloom, they have a strong aroma and have a good effect of calming the nerves and relieving depression. Michelia is often born in the forest of mixed trees on shady slopes, and it grows well along the banks of valleys.

The smiling flower is a shrub that is evergreen all the year round. Michelia flowers are often used to make potted plants for families to enjoy. When the flowers are in full bloom, they have a strong aroma and have a good effect of calming the nerves and relieving depression. Michelia is often born in the forest of mixed trees on shady slopes, and the valleys grow well along the banks. So how to raise Michelia flowers? What should we pay attention to in family farming?

How to raise Michelia flowers

Michelia likes warm, moist, ventilated, half-shaded growth and development environment, not resistant to drought and hot sun exposure, in strong light dry conditions, the leaves are easy to wilt. Michelia likes fertilizer, is afraid of waterlogging, and is slightly resistant to cold. It will not suffer frost damage at 3 ℃. It requires a slightly acidic soil with loose and fertile soil, deep soil layer and good drainage, and the suitable pH value is 5.0-6.0.

Michelia can be planted in the south of the Yangtze River and potted to the north of the Yangtze River.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Michelia mollissima

I. Culture methods

1. Soil: Michelia is a fleshy root, which requires good permeability of basin soil. 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten stable fertilizer soil and 1 part of sandy soil can be used.

2. Watering: smile should keep the basin soil moist at ordinary times, but it should never be too wet. More water is needed during the growing period and before flowering, which is watered once a day, and the foliar surface should be watered in high temperature in summer. It can be watered once or twice a week in autumn and winter due to short sunshine.

3. Sunshine: plants with a smile should not be exposed to the sun in summer and should be shaded by 30% so as not to burn the leaves by strong light. They can be placed indoors in windows and balconies facing east, and outdoors under shade or shade. You can see more sunshine when it is cool in autumn. Put it in the sunny ventilation place indoors in winter.

Temperature: the lowest temperature of Michelia mollissima overwintering is not less than 5 ℃. At the same time, the maximum temperature should not exceed 15 ℃. Therefore, it is suitable to keep the room temperature at 5 ℃ to 15 ℃ in winter.

5. Fertilization: Michelia likes fertilizer, and retting fertilizer such as rotten cake fertilizer, bone meal, chicken and duck manure and fish belly intestines are often mixed with water. Fertilizer is applied every 15 days in the growing season (from April to September), and fertilizer is stopped after flowering and October. If you find that the leaf color is not bright and thick green, you can apply fertilizer and water for once.

6, insect pests: Michelia often occurs shell insects, but also can induce soot disease, shell insects can be brushed off with a small brush, or with 150 times the water of the No. 20 petroleum emulsion spray: soot disease can be scrubbed with clean water or sprayed with 500 times water and 1000 times carbendazim aqueous solution.

7. Pruning: Michelia flowers should not be overpruned. Usually, the overgrown branches, weak branches and overdense overlapping branches that affect the shape of the tree can be pruned after flowering, and the fruit after flowering can be subtracted to reduce nutrient consumption. Remove some old leaves properly before sprouting in spring.

Second, precautions: do not put in the strong sun exposure in summer, when watering in summer, you should choose when the all-weather temperature is relatively low. When watering in winter, the water temperature should not be too cold, but should be close to room temperature. Don't have stagnant water when watering.

Propagation mode of Michelia mollissima

Michelia mollissima can be propagated by cutting, ring wood propagation and grafting.

1. Cutting method: from late July to early September, the Lignified branches or terminal buds with 8 leaves can be taken from late July to early September, and the hairy root element is attached to the base of the cuttings and placed on sandy soil. In addition, proper shading and keeping the environment moist can take root in about 2 MUE for 3 months, and then transplant in the following spring.

2. Circle branch propagation: 2-year-old branches with good development and strong tissue are generally selected in April. The girdling of wide 0.5cm was carried out in the appropriate part of the branch, reaching as deep as xylem, applied with moist bryophytes on the girdling site, wrapped in plastic film, and rooting in about 2 months. After the new root is fully developed, it is cut and cultivated in the pot. after cultivation, it should be watered thoroughly, and then watered once a day or not. Fertilization began when the new shoots grew around 7cm.

2. Grafting: it is generally implemented between May and June, often with Magnolia as rootstock, which can grow rapidly after survival. The smiling flowers with thick and succulent roots are not resistant to transplantation. if it is really necessary to carry out transplantation, it is appropriate to bring more soil balls, while the pruning and shaping of plants is appropriate before overwintering.

All of these three methods can promote the propagation of Michelia, depending on the situation.

When will the Michelia flowers blossom

Every year, April and May are the season for a large number of flowers.

Smiling flowers like fat and semi-dark places, but they can't stand the cold, so pay attention to avoid the cold when raising families, and remember to keep warm when the temperature is too low. Michelia flowers in full bloom when the aroma is rich, calm the mind to relieve fatigue, very suitable for family breeding.