
How to water the safe tree (how often) how to plant the safe tree?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peace tree, a name has a very good meaning, can bless people's safety and health, for its name, many people think that planting one at home will certainly have the effect of ensuring safety, so they buy a kind of plant to plant one, but when they plant it, they find it.

Ping an tree, a name has a very good meaning, can bless people's safety and health, aiming at its name, many people feel that planting one at home will certainly have the effect of ensuring safety, so they buy species to plant one one in succession, but when they plant it, they find that there is no way to start, so let's introduce its planting method.

How to water the Ping an tree (how often)

Safe tree watering principle: no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly, water is not easy to be too much, otherwise rotten roots will cause poor growth or even death, if put indoors, generally water once a week, leaf spray water 1-2 times a day.

How to plant a safe tree

1. Selection of basin soil

The soil had better choose loose and fertile, good drainage acid soil rich in organic matter, you can use your hands to pick up the soil, more particles, more loose can. There is a lot of soil powder in some soil, long-term water irrigation can easily lead to soil hardening, can not be selected, there is no great requirement for flowerpots, according to the size of the plant, to meet the growth of safe trees.

2. Sunshine requirements

Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis to ensure rapid growth. In a sunny environment, its leaves give off a metallic luster. The light requirements of plants with different growth time are also different. Grow for 3 ~ 5 years, appropriate sunlight, avoid exposure, 6 ~ 10 years, avoid exposure, more sun exposure, the older the safe tree, the more sunlight is needed.

3. How to water

Spring and autumn is the growing season, keep the basin soil moist moderately, and often spray water to the leaves to ensure adequate air humidity. The amount of water watered in winter is halved.

4. General knowledge of fertilization

Safe trees prefer fertilizer, apply compound fertilizer once a month in the growing season, and apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer after the weather turns cool in autumn to increase the cold resistance of Ping an trees. Stop fertilizing at the temperature angle in winter.

Points for attention in planting Ping an trees

1. The suitable temperature for growth is from 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. Young trees are not tolerant to low temperature. If frost lasts for more than 5 days, the plants maintained or cultivated in the open field can easily lead to bark cracking, branches and leaves withering, and even the whole plant being frozen to death.

2. Whether it is a small number of plants in family pot or large-scale production and management cultivation, the greenhouse temperature should be maintained at no less than 5 ℃ in winter in order to keep the leaves green and beautiful all the time. Larger plants can endure a low temperature of about 0 ℃ for a short time when there is no cold wind in the greenhouse.

3. Potted plants in the Yangtze River basin should be moved into the shed before Frosts Descent's arrival and leave the room after the Qingming Festival the following year. Attention should be paid to prevent the possible cold damage caused by late frost or late spring cold. At the height of summer, when the temperature is more than 32 ℃, it is necessary to build a shed to shade and spray water on the leaf surface in order to humidify and cool down, so that it can maintain exuberant growth.

The causes and Solutions of Yellow leaves in Ping an


The main results are as follows: 1. Due to accidents or special circumstances, the root system of the plant is seriously damaged, and the leaves turn yellow.

2. The yellow and fallen leaves of Ping an tree were caused by freezing injury when the indoor temperature was below 5 ℃.

3. Too much watering leads to rotten roots at the bottom and causes the plants to yellowing and falling leaves.

4. The water quality is alkaline, which leads to the slow yellowing of leaves, which is more common in the north, especially in Xinjiang.

5. improper fertilization, excessive fertilization and excessive concentration, resulting in water loss, atrophy and necrosis of nutritious fibrous roots.

6. after exposure to the hot sun for a long time, the leaves withered and yellowed.

Solution: when it is found that the leaves of the trees are yellowing, you should immediately check whether the roots of Ping an trees are growing normally. If you find that the roots are rotting, remove the decayed parts, yellowing or dead leaves, cut off and replant them.

It seems that it is relatively easy to plant a safe tree, but if it is not well maintained, it will appear the phenomenon of yellow leaves, which will affect its beauty. Although there will be problems of one kind or another in the process of planting, it does not matter as long as it is carefully nursed, especially water and fertilizer, soil and temperature, which have a great impact on its growth.