
How to deal with the yellowing of the leaves of Admiralty?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The leaves of the inverted Golden Bell are wilting or the leaves are yellow. there must be something wrong with the inverted Golden Bell itself. as growers of the inverted Golden Bell, we should try to find out the cause of this symptom. of course, most people are not experts in flower cultivation.

The leaves of the inverted Golden Bell are wilting or the leaves are yellow. there must be something wrong with the inverted Golden Bell itself. as growers of the inverted Golden Bell, we should try to find out the cause of this symptom. of course, most people are not experts in flower cultivation, and can not find the root cause of this symptom very quickly, so this article will give you the answer.

What if the leaves of the golden bell droop upside down?

It is suspected that the water has rotted the roots-root rot, especially if the soil is not permeable well.

Fertile sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage should be used in basin soil. Watering must be appropriate to ensure that the basin soil is half-dry and half-wet.

Treatment of yellowing of leaves of Admiralty hanging upside down

1. Strengthen water management

Too much watering, basin soil water for a long time wet, resulting in a lack of oxygen in the soil, resulting in part of the fibrous root rot, thus weakening the ability to absorb water and fertilizer, causing tender leaves to become light yellow, flowers and leaves also gradually become dark yellow. So rotten roots are one of the reasons for the yellowing of leaves. Once it is found that the leaves of the plant are yellow, we should immediately control watering, stop fertilization, and often loosen the soil, so that the basin soil is well ventilated. If the disease is serious, the plant should be removed from the pot and placed in a dry soil pile so that the water can slowly seep out and be replanted after the branches and leaves recover.

Too little watering, or long-term half-cut-off or missed watering, so that the water evaporation of the leaves is greater than the absorption, resulting in water supply falling short of demand, but also cause leaves yellowing. Once it is found that the leaves are withered and yellow, immediately move the flowerpot in the shade, spray some water to the leaves in time, and pour a small amount of water. Later, as the stems and leaves gradually return to straight and straight, and then gradually increase the amount of water.

2. Influence of soil acidity and alkalinity.

Soil alkali: flowers planted in acidic soil in the north, because the soil in most areas of the north contains more saline and alkali, the soil will also be alkaline after a period of culture, affecting the growth of plants. 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be poured at intervals to change the acidity and alkalinity of the soil.

3. Reasonable lighting

The upside-down hanging golden bell is a kind of shade flower, and the maintenance in the position of strong sunlight can easily cause the leaf buds to appear scorched yellow or even the whole leaf yellowing phenomenon. Immediately move the plant to a well-ventilated place for maintenance. But do not completely shade, as long as the appropriate shade at noon.

4. Control humidity

Humidity: dry weather in the north, coupled with heating at home in winter, the air is even more dry, in this environment, upside down hanging Golden Bell is easy to dry leaf tip, scorched spots appear on the leaves. You should often spray the leaves with warm water and increase the humidity of the indoor air. The leaf tip can be humidified in a plastic bag over the plant and opened in the morning.

5. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Admiralty hanging upside down is easy to be infected by diseases and insect pests, which will cause a variety of leaf spot disease, local tissue necrosis of leaves, loss of green macula or yellow-green mottle, or yellowing and shedding of the whole leaf. Or by insect pests, chlorophyll is destroyed, there will also be small yellow-and-white spots, causing leaves to fall off. Once diseases and insect pests are found, spray and control them in time.

What about the rotten root of the golden bell?

Hang the golden bell upside down with well-drained new soil, and the soil with germs should be sterilized by steam. if you are not sure whether there are germs in the end, it is recommended that in the spring, combined with turning the basin, directly sterilize all of them, or replace them all.

Scientific watering. It is advisable to irrigate frequently with small water and avoid irrigation with heavy water. The basin soil is too wet for a long time, the root system is suffocated, and it is easy to rot.

Rotten roots are not easy to detect, but it is found that the growth of the plant is not good, there are no disease spots on the surface, you can consider whether it is rotten roots. Take out the plant in time, remove the rotten part, and then replant it with carbendazim.

When does the golden bell blossom?

The whole florescence of Admiralty hanging upside down is actually quite long.

The golden bell blossoms upside down, usually from April to December. When it blossoms, the flowers droop, just like a colorful golden bell hanging. The color of the flowers hanging upside down is relatively rich, amaranth, flower color, pink, gorgeous and delicate.

In addition to the yellowing and wilting of the leaves, some phenomena such as rotting roots may occur in breeding upside down, and so on. In the face of these problems, we must calm down and think about the solution to the problem. If we really can't think of it, let's look for the heat of getting rich. It is our most loyal partner in the process of planting.