
How to water duck foot wood (how often) how to fertilize duck foot wood

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to duck foot wood, many people may not know what it is. In fact, duck foot wood is a kind of foliage plant, although it can blossom, its leaves are more attractive, green in color, beautiful in shape, and can absorb harmful gases and purify air.

When it comes to duck feet, many people may not know what it is. In fact, duck foot wood is a kind of foliage plant, although it can bloom, but its leaves are more attractive, green color, beautiful shape, but also can absorb harmful gases, purify the air effect, very suitable for indoor breeding. Do you know how to water and fertilize duck feet?

How often do you water your feet?

The duck foot tree itself has certain drought resistance and moisture resistance characteristics, but this is only relatively speaking, compared with other flowers and plants, its drought resistance and moisture resistance are relatively high, we water it, to show signs of dryness in the soil, pay attention not to water too much. In the hot and dry summer, you can increase the number of watering appropriately, because the evaporation at this time is relatively large, the excess water will evaporate quickly, and more watering can make the duck foot grow better. Generally, a small amount of watering can be carried out once a day to keep the soil slightly wet. In spring and autumn, watering once or twice a week can meet its water requirements.

How to fertilize duck feet

When it comes to fertilization, make sure to fertilize every seven days or so during the summer when the trees are growing vigorously. If you are planting spotted trees, you should reduce the use of nitrogen. If you use too much nitrogen, the patches will slowly fade until they disappear. During April to September, the duck foot tree can be applied with light fertilizer once every 30 days or so, which can ensure its normal growth. The fertilizer of duck foot wood should always be sufficient, so that the leaves of duck foot wood will not fall off.

When fertilizing, try to ensure that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements are sufficient, and the use of nitrogen fertilizer should be moderate, not too much or too little, otherwise it is easy to cause the growth of duck foot wood to be unattractive. When choosing fertilizer, choose the appropriate nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content. Then the soil containing humus is used for coordination, so that the branches and leaves of the growth of the duck foot tree can be luxuriant, and the beauty is improved.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Ardisia japonica

1. Duckle-footed wood round shield scale

The scale is the main insect pest of Anatylopoda chinensis. It can occur repeatedly 2~3 times indoors. Many plants are damaged by it. Generally parasitic on the back of the leaves, seriously causing leaves to lose green and fall off, affecting the viewing. Control methods are as follows:

Regularly observe the back of the leaves, brush them in time if they are found, and pay attention not to cause mechanical damage to the leaves, which will aggravate the pest damage.

The family can choose buried insecticide because of the harm of round scale on Anatolia chinensis. Each pot 1 gram, buried in the soil about 2 cm.

4-5 September and September-October are the peak incubation period of nymph, during which spraying 1000 times of 40% omethoate EC once every other week for 2-3 consecutive times can effectively prevent pest occurrence.

2, duck foot wood leaf miner

Leaf miner moth appears, mainly nibbling leaves, serious leaves shaped like net silk.

When the disease occurs, the solution of 3000~4000 times of enemy killing emulsion can be selected for spraying. (Forint emulsifiable concentrate, fenvalerate, bisultap, etc., which can be bought in flower market). In spraying control, attention should be paid to the rotation of different kinds of pesticides to avoid resistance of pests.

The cause of yellow leaves and falling leaves

1. Improper watering

If you want to grow normally, it is very important to grasp the moisture. Too little watering, pot soil is too dry, resulting in duck foot wood leaves droop off. Too much watering, pot soil too wet, root breathing blocked, easy to rot roots, resulting in yellow leaves fall off.

2. Light discomfort

The duck foot wood is a shade-loving flower, which is usually preserved in a bright place. If placed in the dark, it will affect the growth of duck feet, causing yellow leaves to fall off. However, too much light is also one of the reasons for falling leaves. Anaconda is not suitable for growing under strong light. Even if the environment is changed, it needs to be carried out slowly. If it is moved from a place without sunlight to sunlight at once, the situation of falling leaves will be more serious.

3. Improper fertilization

There is a certain demand for fertilizer, especially in the growing period, which will lead to yellow leaves and fall off. If you accidentally apply raw fertilizer, thick fertilizer, resulting in burning roots, the same phenomenon will occur falling leaves.

4. Pest invasion

The disease often affects the leaves, such as leaf spot disease, brown spots appear on the leaves when the disease occurs, yellow leaves appear when the disease is serious, and leaves fall off.

As mentioned above, the general foliage plants are very good breeding, duck foot wood is not included, evergreen, usually do not need to spend a lot of thought to maintain, even watering once or twice a week is enough, especially suitable for lazy breeding oh!