
How to raise potted plants of Pinus elliottii cultivation methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The potted plant of Luohansong is a common variety in potted plants, not only because of its better name, but also because of its strange appearance, which is suitable for shaping different potted plants. However, if you want the potted plants of Luo Han Song to be green and vigorous, you need to treat Luo Han Song.

The potted plant of Luohansong is a common variety in potted plants, not only because of its better name, but also because of its strange appearance, which is suitable for shaping different potted plants. However, if you want the potted plants of Luohansong to be green and vigorous, you need to have a very correct understanding of the breeding of Luohansong and master the correct breeding methods.

How to raise pots of Luohansong

Luohansong is a semi-shade-tolerant tree and prefers a warm and slightly humid environment. Potted plants should use fertile, loose, slightly acidic sandy soil with good drainage. Trees should be planted from March to April before sprouting in spring, and more stumps or seedlings should be planted in order to survive and rejuvenate and grow quickly. Prune the roots, branches and leaves before planting.

Luohan pine should use purple sand basin, the shape and size of the basin should be determined according to the shape of trees and plant size, Luohansong cold resistance, drought resistance is not as good as ground cypress, so it is not suitable to use shallow pots, generally use medium depth or deeper bowls.

Luohansong is more resistant to drought, so watering in the growing season should grasp the principle of dry rather than wet, and keep the basin soil dry and wet. If too much watering, basin soil long-term water stains, will lead to rotten roots, yellow leaves, serious leaves fall off a large number, the plant will die. Water evaporates quickly in summer high temperature season, watering should be sufficient, if the pot soil is too dry, the leaves are easy to scorch, it will also affect the ornamental.

The rarefied liquid fertilizer mainly composed of nitrogen fertilizer can grow well when it is applied 3 times in spring and autumn respectively. Water should be watered once the next day after fertilization, which is beneficial to the absorption of roots. Potted plants should often be shaped and pruned according to their needs in order to improve the ornamental effect. The time for pruning and coring can be carried out in the spring and autumn growing season. When the outdoor temperature drops to 5 ℃ in winter, it should be moved indoors. After entering the room, watering should be controlled and fertilization should be stopped. Generally every 2 years to change the basin, the time to change the basin in spring and autumn. When changing the basin, pay attention to properly cut off the excessive root system and rotten fibrous root, cut off the overdense branches and add new culture soil.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of bonsai Luohan pine

1. Soil selection

Use humic acid soil when potting, do not use alkaline soil. Luohansong likes loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil with good drainage, and is not resistant to salinity and barren.

2. Water and fertilizer management

① watering: Luohansong is more resistant to drought, so watering in the growing season should grasp the principle of dry rather than wet, and keep the basin soil wet. If too much watering, basin soil long-term water stains, will lead to rotten roots, yellow leaves, serious leaves fall off a large number, the plant will die. Water evaporates quickly in summer high temperature season, watering should be sufficient, if the pot soil is too easy to scorch the leaves, it will also affect the ornamental.

② fertilization: potted Pinus elliottii also needs supplementary nutrients. Luohansong does not like thick fertilizer, the growing season can use mature organic liquid fertilizer, the concentration is 1:6, 1:8, 1:10, once every ten days and a half month, the next day after fertilization should be irrigated, which is conducive to root absorption.

3. Temperature and light

① temperature: Luohansong likes to be warm, but its cold resistance is weak. When the winter temperature drops to 13 ℃, it goes into dormancy, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃.

② light: Luohansong, can bear shade, but the growing season should not be stuffy indoors for a long time. Because the indoor light and air humidity are not as good as outdoor, the growth and development of Luohansong also needs sunshine and rain.

4. Mode of reproduction

① sowing and propagation: can be carried out in August. It is generally carried out in the open field seedbed. Broadcast on demand. Cover straw, pay attention to shading, and keep the substrate moist. Anti-freezing should be covered with plastic film in winter.

② cuttage propagation can be carried out in spring and autumn. Spring was planted in the middle of March, one-year-old stout dormant branches were selected as cuttings, autumn was inserted in July to August, and semi-lignified green branches were selected as cuttings. Cuttings should have heels and pay attention to shade. March transplantation is the most suitable.

5. Guard against apprentices

During the growth period, attention should be paid to pruning and coring the molded plants to prevent the branches and leaves from growing, and to maintain the graceful posture of Luohansong. When changing the basin, we should pay attention to cut off too many roots and rotten fibrous roots, and at the same time cut off the dense branches and growing branches.

6. Prevent frostbite

When the outdoor temperature drops to 5 ℃ in winter, it should be moved indoors. After entering the room, watering should be controlled and fertilization should be stopped.

7. Pest prevention

Potted Luohansong is usually placed on a high platform or stone, so that insects such as ants and earthworms can be reduced to drill into the flowerpot from the bottom hole of the flowerpot, harming the plant.

Will Luohansong blossom?

Of course it will blossom, but lohan pine is rare and not very common when it blossoms. When Luohansong blossoms, its flowers are similar to those of calla lilies, but the color is whiter. Luohansong will still bear fruit after flowering, but if it bears fruit in the first year, it may not bear fruit in the second year.

The Flower language of Luo Hansong

Luo Hansong, as the name implies, firm Luohan, a hundred years not loose! Symbolizes longevity, well-being, wealth and auspiciousness. And Luo Hansong symbolizes everlasting, smooth career, peace and auspiciousness, which people are very eager to have. In recent years, some people like to keep a pot of lohan pine in the study or balcony, so as to encourage themselves to keep fighting upward and bring themselves an indefatigable fighting spirit!

Luohansong is a kind of plant with very good symbolic significance. Planting large potted plants of Luohansong at home can not only nourish the mood, but also provide us with some spiritual motivation, which is very beneficial to the cultivation of family temperament and atmosphere.