
How to raise Dragon Blood Tree Culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, As an excellent foliage plant, the dragon blood tree is evergreen all the year round, so many people keep the dragon blood tree making bonsai at home, on the one hand, to improve the indoor air quality, and on the other hand, the dragon blood tree plant is beautifully shaped, used to decorate the space, and has high ornamental value. So dragon blood.

As an excellent foliage plant, the dragon blood tree is evergreen all the year round, so many people keep the dragon blood tree making bonsai at home, on the one hand, to improve the indoor air quality, and on the other hand, the dragon blood tree plant is beautifully shaped, used to decorate the space, and has high ornamental value. So how to raise the dragon blood tree? What should we pay attention to in the process of breeding?

How to raise the dragon blood tree

1. Light: like light but afraid of hot sun exposure, resistant to semi-overcast and dry. The light is sufficient and the leaves are colorful.

2. Soil: Dragon blood tree likes loose, fertile and permeable sandy soil. An appropriate amount of organic fertilizer and ferrous sulfate can be added to the nutritious soil.

3. Watering: Dragon blood tree has strong ability to resist drought. It can be watered every ten days or half a month to keep the basin slightly dry.

4. Fertilization: less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, the golden markings of leaves are not obvious, and fertilization should be stopped during winter dormancy.

5. Temperature: the lowest temperature in winter is 510C. If the temperature is too low, yellowish-brown patches will appear at the tip and edge of the leaf.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Dragon Blood Tree

I. Culture methods

1. Soil

The requirement of soil is not strict, but the slightly acidic soil with loose, fertile and good drainage is the best.

2. Water and fertilizer management

3, watering: like high temperature and humidity, afraid of the hot sun, there is no regulation of watering once every few days, the luxuriant growth in spring, summer and autumn needs more watering. Watering times can be reduced appropriately in winter. But the potted soil can not dry to ensure sufficient nutrients to promote spring flowering.

4. Fertilization

It is mainly the application of nutrient solution. The root system of the dragon blood tree is developed, the growth is robust, but fertilizing is not too frequent.

5. Temperature and light

Dragon blood trees not only like the warm, humid and sunny environment, but also can withstand shade. It is best to put the flowerpot on the southeast windowsill to make it fully exposed to the sun. When the summer sun is too strong, to move the flowerpot indoors, especially at noon, to properly shade, the general illuminance of 40-50%, so as not to burn the leaves. The dragon blood tree likes to be warm and can not stand the cold.

6. Mode of reproduction

The propagation of dragon blood tree in the family generally adopts cutting propagation combined with pruning, which can be carried out from April to August every year, and can be carried out indoors all year round, but it is necessary to keep the temperature between 20-30 ℃ in order to grow new roots.

II. Points for attention

1, winter dormant period to rest fertilization, control watering, generally placed indoors over the winter, can be watered every ten days and a half month, to maintain the basin soil slightly dry, so that it can survive the winter safely.

2. If there is no sunlight for a long time, you can turn on the light at night and put the dragon blood tree under the 40-watt light.

3. At night, the dragon blood tree should be placed inside the curtains, and thick curtains should be used to block the cold air, or the flowerpots should be placed in the warm corner of the house.

How to cut Dragon Blood Tree

1. The time is from May to June. At this time, it is the exuberant growth period of the dragon blood tree, the plant is rich in nutrition, and it is easy to survive after cutting.

2. Before cutting, the mother plant with high ornamental value can be selected, and the sturdy branches that have been growing for more than two years can be taken. Each section is about 10-20 cm long, with or without leaves.

3. The base of the cuttings is cut into a flat mouth, and the leaves are retained after the upper part is crosscut. The upper and lower incisions can be soaked in clean water to wash the overflowing juice, put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry for a period of time, and then soak the cuttings base 2-3 cm with 500-1000ppm naphthalene acetic acid, usually for 5 seconds.

4. The nursery bed can be made in a small pottery flowerpot, and the substrate can be cut with vermiculite, perlite or plain sand sterilized at high temperature.

5. One plant in each pot, pour water once after it is inserted, put the seedling bed in the bright place of flowers, and take good care of it.

6. the main management work in the future is to keep the matrix moist.

7. Generally, calli can be produced in 15 to 20 days, primitive roots can appear in 25 to 35 days, new roots can germinate in 35 to 40 days, and two months later, the culture soil can be used to turn over the pot and transplant.

Common diseases and insect pests

Common disease: Alternaria black spot. It mainly harms the leaves of dragon blood tree.

Common insect pests: red spiders.

The dragon blood tree does not have high requirements for the growth environment, and all kinds of rooms can be placed, but the time spent in darker rooms should be shortened as much as possible. However, in the process of family breeding, we should pay attention to pruning the branches of the dragon blood tree in time, so as to maintain the beautiful shape of the dragon blood tree.