
Propagation methods of mulberry flowers how to prune branches and leaves of mulberry flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Fusang flower is beautiful in shape, bright in color and very beautiful, so many people like it and have high ornamental value. although it is very beautiful, it is not easy to multiply because of its growth habits. let's see how it is.

Hibiscus flower its flower type beautiful, bright color, very beautiful, so many people like it, has a high ornamental value, although it is very beautiful, but because of its growth habits, so it is not very easy to multiply, then look at how it is reproduced, generally used which method.

A Method of Hibiscus Flower Propagation

The propagation method of hibiscus flowers is mostly cuttage. Outdoor cultivation of Fusang in May-June cutting is the most suitable, select an annual semi-woody stout branches, long 8- 10, only retain a part of the upper leaves, inserted into coarse sand 1/3 after watering, plant spacing 100pxx100px. To keep the air warm, it's covered with a thin film. After 20 days, most of them take root and can be potted after more than a month of growth.

Indoor cuttings are generally in early spring 1-2 months, sand as substrate, the effect is good. In cold places, artificial intervention is needed to keep the temperature at 20-25℃, the basin is filled with sand, inserted into the basin, sprayed 1-3 times a day, rooted in more than 40 days, 60 days in the basin, the survival rate is more than half.

How to cut the leaves of hibiscus flowers

1. Dormancy pruning: After winter, it is the dormancy period of Fusang, which can be combined with pot change for a shaping pruning. Its purpose is to adjust the tree structure, promote the emergence of new flowering branches, and lay the foundation for the formation of colorful crowns.

2. Pruning of large hibiscus: large-scale potted hibiscus, with the purpose of forming a crown with large flowers and natural and beautiful trees. Firstly, straighten out the relationship between branches, find out and cultivate backbone branches at all levels, and cultivate them into sparse layer or other shapes by borrowing the tree structure model in fruit tree pruning.

3. Pruning in early spring: In order to keep the tree shape beautiful and have more flowers, according to the characteristics of strong sprouting ability of hibiscus, pruning and shaping are generally carried out before and after moving out indoors in early spring. It should be shaped according to the plant shape. For plants with better tree vigor, only part of unreasonable branches, diseased branches, cross branches, overlapping branches, etc. need to be pruned to facilitate ventilation and light, and promote plant growth and health. For trees with poor morphology (such as bare trees in the lower part of the crown) or plants that grow too high, they should be re-cut during the dormancy period. Generally, 2 to 3 lateral branches or buds can be left at the base of each lateral branch, and the top branches will be cut off to make the plants dwarf and germinate healthy new branches, forming a beautiful crown.

Before pruning, carefully observe and consider according to the tree potential, so as to decide whether to choose, do not rush to cut, such as pruning too heavy, not only can not quickly expand the crown, but also delay flowering; operation should be careful, the incision should be flat with the branch base, to prevent damage to other branches; bud generally choose to stay outside the lateral bud, do not leave inside the lateral bud, and the top of the cut should be 0.2 to 0.3 cm higher than the bud.

What about yellow flowers?

Unreasonable watering: water shortage or excessive watering will adversely affect the growth of hibiscus flowers. Fusang likes water and is not tolerant of waterlogging. It is afraid of drought. Whether it is waterlogging or drought, it will cause yellow leaves and fall leaves. Too much watering, pot soil in a wet state, will cause rotten roots, resulting in deciduous, bud drop.

Lack of essential nutrients: The growth of hibiscus flowers requires a lot of nutrients, so it is necessary to irrigate enough fertilizer.

3, lack of light: hibiscus flowers like sunlight, the growth environment requires sufficient sunlight, such as long-term in the environment without light, insufficient light, will lead to yellow leaves, leaves falling phenomenon.

4. Suffering from pests: If there are pests and diseases on hibiscus flowers, they will cause yellow leaves to fall off, such as red plants, whiteflies and scale insects.

Winter maintenance of hibiscus flowers

1, fertilizer control: from October to stop fertilization, to avoid greed, greed, adverse physiological dormancy.

2, water control: hibiscus flowers in the indoor winter period, the pot soil should be dry and wet, so to control watering, only to keep the pot soil slightly moist can, generally can be 5 days to 7 days to irrigate water, water should not be too much, in case of low temperature and high humidity caused by rotten roots death.

3. Temperature control: The suitable dormancy temperature of hibiscus is 5℃ to 15℃. If the temperature is higher than 15℃, the hibiscus can't get full dormancy, which is bound to affect the flowering of the next year, while if it is lower than 5℃, it is easy to suffer from freezing injury and fail to overwinter.

It seemed that planting hibiscus flowers was not an easy task. Not only did he have to prune its branches and leaves frequently, but he also had to solve the problems that easily occurred to it. In particular, he had to make it able to survive the winter steadily, otherwise it would affect the flowering of the next year. These processes were like passing a test. As long as he could overcome these difficulties step by step, he would get the ideal result.