
How to make a nice potted osmanthus tree

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The huge osmanthus tree will be made into osmanthus bonsai, placed at home really do not have a flavor, especially to make it into different shapes of bonsai, more interesting, there is a high ornamental value? The following small series will introduce you to several unique manufacturing methods

The huge sweet-scented osmanthus trees into sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai, put at home really have a different flavor, especially make it into different shapes of bonsai, more interesting, there is a high ornamental value? Then the editor will introduce to you several unique manufacturing methods to make your sweet-scented osmanthus tree show different beauty.

How to make sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai

1. Straight bar branch uniform mushroom head pattern

In the production of sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai, more common, more extensive is this shape, generally in the south, the ground planted sweet-scented osmanthus is pruned in this way, in other areas, there are many such shape of sweet-scented osmanthus.

In general, many people like to make sweet-scented osmanthus into a tree with a uniform crown, usually three or five branches, which is more generous and atmospheric.

2. Stem-branch type

In fact, this shape is divided into two types, one is the tassel style planted in the ground, and the other is the form of downhill piles.

The so-called ground planting tassel style can be said to be relatively ingenious, mostly artificial creative shapes, such as animal shapes, or some patterns.

But this kind has a lot of artificial traces, lack of natural beauty, and downhill piles with the form is mostly affected by the environment, the natural creation of some shapes, more vivid and ornamental.

3. Root variants

With regard to this shape, one is that the old sweet-scented osmanthus tree has been cultivated for a long time and has a kind of historical vicissitudes. Or in the young stage of its growth, the roots will be properly trimmed, the man-made traces are not large, so the ornamental is better.

The second is to trim the roots of sweet-scented osmanthus from the seedling stage, which can also be molded into different bonsai, but the appreciation is different. There is to directly take the root type of the more peculiar sweet-scented osmanthus tree for modeling.

4. Variants of crown width, branch, branch and root type

The shape of this kind of bonsai is relatively changeable, the whole crown shows unequal triangles, or there are several small crowns, branches and roots are relatively changeable, the ornamental value is very high.

How to water potted sweet osmanthus trees

Osmanthus fragrans in different growth periods, the demand for water is different, too much or not enough watering directly affects the normal growth and development of the plant. Newly planted sweet-scented osmanthus trees, especially within a month after planting, should be watered timely according to weather conditions and site conditions, and should be watered thoroughly every time. If possible, the crown of the plant should be sprayed with water to maintain a certain air humidity and reduce the water evaporation of the seedlings.

In addition, in order to promote the early flowering of sweet-scented osmanthus, in mid-September, when the flower buds begin to sprout, they should be properly watered to keep the soil moist. Zhu Songtu should be watered before watering, and then the watering operation should be carried out. Do not wash away the soil from the roots of sweet-scented osmanthus plants when watering with water pumps or tap water. Adult sweet-scented osmanthus has a certain ability to resist drought and does not need a lot of watering. It is necessary to prevent drought and water only in the early days of high temperature.

Causes of rotten roots of potted sweet-scented osmanthus

1, flowerpot: sweet-scented osmanthus will rot root, may be because of the use of porcelain flowerpot, the air permeability of flowerpot is poor. The flowerpot is not breathable enough and too much watering may lead to shortness of breath in the root of sweet-scented osmanthus, which in turn causes its root to rot.

2. Watering: stagnant water is also the main factor leading to the rotting root of sweet-scented osmanthus. In general, if the soil is too wet, or when there is stagnant water, it is easy to cause sweet-scented osmanthus roots to rot. Basically, stagnant water is the most common factor for the rotten roots of sweet-scented osmanthus.

3. Root rot: the root rot of sweet-scented osmanthus may also be caused by the root rot of sweet-scented osmanthus, which is mostly due to the invasion of bacteria, so it needs timely prevention and control.

4. Fertilization: excessive fertilization is also the reason for the rotten roots of sweet-scented osmanthus, because the concentration of fertilizer is too high, it will damage its roots.

The solution of rotting Root of potted Osmanthus fragrans

1. If you want to use porcelain flowerpots for viewing, you can use them as set pots, and it is better to use mud pots for potted sweet-scented osmanthus.

2. In the daily maintenance, reasonable watering is the most important step to prevent the root rot of sweet-scented osmanthus, and the PV pipe can also be inserted to drain the water. If the root is rotten because of stagnant water, if the rotten root is removed, new root tissue can still be grown.

3. When root rot occurs, some sulfur powder can be sprinkled in spring and treated with Dysenamine solution when the disease occurs.

4. you can change the soil for sweet-scented osmanthus, cut off the rotten roots, remove some of the branches and leaves, and wait for them to recover. After that, it is best to apply some thin fertilizer.

If sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai is to grow well, nursing becomes the key, but when something goes wrong, there is no need to panic. Just find out the disease and treat it in time, but to remind everyone that watering is a very important link when nursing. Watering too much and too little will not work, and the demand for water is different in different periods.