
How to cultivate African jasmine methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, African jasmine is a very beautiful foliage plant, many people like to put African jasmine in the living room, study, office and so on as a decorative ornamental plant. The leaves of African jasmine are green and shiny, and occasionally they can produce white flowers, which are elegant and beautiful.

African jasmine is a very beautiful foliage plant, many people like to put African jasmine in the living room, study, office and so on as a decorative ornamental plant. The leaves of African jasmine are green and shiny, and occasionally they can produce white flowers, which are elegant and beautiful. So how to maintain and manage African jasmine? Let's get to know it with the editor.

How to raise African jasmine

1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for its growth is between 18 degrees and 32 degrees, and if the summer temperature exceeds 38 degrees, it will stop growing; in winter, we should pay attention to cold prevention, and its temperature should not fall below 3 degrees. If you are in an environment below 3 degrees for a long time, it is easy to frostbite. There is no need to worry about the temperature when breeding indoors, but be careful to stay away from the tuyere of its cooling and heating equipment.

2. Lighting: African jasmine is very fond of light. When placed indoors, choose the place where the light can penetrate, but avoid the strongest light at noon, or you can use a layer of shelter to cover it. If there is no condition to keep it in the sun all day, you need to be able to bask in the sun for at least 3 hours a day. If you are bathed in no sun for a long time, it is easy to make its leaves lose green and turn yellow until they wither and fall.

3. Moisture: there should be enough moisture during daily maintenance, especially in spring and autumn, the soil can be kept moist in winter, and the soil can be kept moist in summer. it is also necessary to spray water on plants twice a day, one can cool down, the other is to increase its humidity. If the summer watering is not timely, the leaves appear wilting yellow and weak phenomenon, at this time can not be directly watered, the leaves should be sprayed first, the leaves return to normal before watering. Do not allow stagnant water whenever you are watered.

Culture method of African jasmine

1. Choose the right soil

There are different requirements for the cultivation of African jasmine soil in the south and north: the planting site is loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam in the south. The potted African jasmine in the north can be prepared with 7 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of river sand, 1 part of retted organic fertilizer and 1 part of fermented sawdust.

During the growth period, loosen the soil once a month to keep the roots in a good state of penetration. Potted African jasmine can be changed every 1 to 2 years.

2. Apply the right fertilizer

Potted African jasmine can survive the winter safely by applying thin mature cake fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once a month in the growing season and once before flowering in May to promote plant flowering into autumn, topdressing twice and replenishing phosphorus and potassium. Potted plants in the north, in order to avoid yellowing leaves, 0.2% ferrous sulfate was added during the growing season to ensure that the leaves were green.

3. Control the temperature

African jasmine grows well in warm climate, and the optimum growth temperature is from 18 ℃ to 32 ℃. When the summer temperature is higher than 38 ℃, it will inhibit plant growth. Try to ventilate and humidify as much as possible and lower the temperature. Some areas in the south can spend the winter in the open field, but the temperature should be controlled at 3-5 ℃ as far as possible.

4. Make up the light

African jasmine likes the sun, the primary environment is mostly semi-shaded, family potted plants can accept full light in spring and autumn, and shade is required in summer, or moved to shade, at least to avoid direct sunlight for several hours before and after noon. Special attention should be paid to the sunny day after a long rain from June to July, when the temperature rises suddenly and the light is very strong. Shading must be done to prevent young shoots and leaves from being burned.

5. Pour the right water

African jasmine potted plants require sufficient water, but the roots must not accumulate water, otherwise they are easy to rot. Watering in spring and autumn in order to keep the basin soil moist, reduce watering in the plum rain season, spray water once in the morning and afternoon in summer to humidify and cool down; for potted African jasmine in winter, it is appropriate to keep the pot soil slightly tide. and spray appropriate amount of water to the leaves when the temperature is relatively high around noon.

Matters needing attention in African jasmine culture

The African jasmine at home was just bought in autumn and winter that year, so we should do a good job in preventing the cold. In particular, the strong cold air in the north to the south, there is a substantial drop in temperature, we must keep warm in time.

African jasmine in many flower friends' homes will not bloom for many years. In fact, it is not a disease, but the conservation environment is different. As long as you pay a little attention to it every day, you only need to wait for it to blossom.

How to prune African jasmine

Pruning should be prepared half a month in advance, put African jasmine in a suitable environment and fertilize properly to promote growth. After half a month, the branches can be cut short, and the specific method can be determined according to the size of the plant. Usually keep about 15cm to 30cm, this is very flexible.

For normal growing plants, cut short the branches properly, and the branches of the same year can be retained properly, while the branches of the previous year can be retained only about 10 centimeters, cut off the withered branches, diseased branches, and over-thin branches, remove the old soil and residual roots around the root system, and replace them with new culture soil. Be careful not to hurt the root system.

Pruning at the same time also pay attention to the shape, what strange shape can be, such as mushroom-shaped, spherical, etc., according to their own mood to make. But we should pay attention to the styling, do not trim too much at one time, it is difficult to restore.

As mentioned above, putting some green plants at home will not only add a touch of green vitality to the home, but also purify the air and absorb formaldehyde. Friends who like it can plant a pot of African jasmine as soon as possible. Make your warm home more beautiful!