
How to raise star anise gold plate breeding methods and precautions

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Star anise is a subtropical tree species, it is evergreen, green leaves, has a high ornamental value, is a good choice for indoor potted plants. However, many people do not know enough about its growth habits, so they often have a variety of improper daily maintenance.

Star anise is a subtropical tree species, it is evergreen all the year round, green leaves, has a high ornamental value, is a good choice for indoor potted plants. However, many people do not have a thorough understanding of its growth habits, so it is often caused by a variety of improper daily maintenance problems. So how on earth should star anise gold plate be raised? What are the precautions?

How to raise star anise gold plate

1. Choose the cultivated soil. Better permeability. The more permeable the soil is, the better the rhizome of the star anise plate can breathe. The soil should be fertile. When the soil is fertile, star anise gold plate can absorb its nutrients and grow better.

2. Control the intensity of light. Star anise gold plate prefers semi-overcast environment, and controlling the intensity of light and temperature is the key to keeping star anise gold plate well. If the light is too strong, the leaves are easy to curl, dry tip, and even burn; if the light is not enough, the leaves become thinner, yellowing and non-tough, which reduces the ornamental effect.

3. Watering and fertilizing. Star anise gold plate likes the humid environment, and the daily management should keep the basin soil moist without stagnant water. It should be watered once every 4-7 days in winter, 3-4 days in spring and autumn, and once in the morning and evening in summer. In addition to watering, it is also very important to spray the octagonal gold plate.

4. in order to maintain the star anise gold plate, we should also pay attention to help it get rid of diseases and pests, so as to prevent it from suffering from diseases and insect pests.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

I. Culture methods

1. Temperature conditions

Star anise gold plate likes cold growth environment, the temperature is suitable between 10-25 ℃, generally 18-20 ℃ during the day, and can maintain good growth in the room of 10-12 ℃ at night. It is important to note that the long-lasting high temperature can easily make the leaves thinner and bigger and begin to droop. Star anise gold plate is more hardy and can survive the winter safely if the temperature is above 7 ℃.

2. Lighting conditions

Star anise gold plate is a semi-negative plant, strong negative tolerance, but avoid strong light. Suitable for greenhouse cultivation, except in winter, generally shading should reach more than 60%, especially pay attention to summer strong light direct light, strengthen shading work. On the other hand, if there is not enough light for a long time, the leaves will become small. There should be more sunshine in winter.

3. Water and fertilizer situation

During the growing period of star anise plate, that is, from April to October, thin liquid fertilizer is applied about every two weeks, and fertilizer is stopped after October. Water frequently during the hot season to keep the soil moist, while spraying water on and around the leaves to improve the humidity of the nearby air. After October, we should gradually reduce watering and control watering.

4. Soil requirements

It is suitable to choose fertile, loose and well-drained soil. Pot soil can be mixed with 3 parts of garden soil and 1 part of rice chaff ash, and then add a little base fertilizer.

5. Change the basin and turn the soil

In the process of breeding, the basin should be changed every 1-2 years, usually in March or April. When turning the soil and changing the basin, the base fertilizer should be put into the bottom of the basin.

II. Points for attention

1. Disease

Star anise gold plate has diseases such as bituminous coal disease, leaf spot disease and yellowing disease. Leaf spot disease often occurs in summer and can be controlled by thiophanate methyl or carbendazim. Chlorosis can be prevented by foliar spraying of molten ferrous sulfate.

2. Insect pests

Insect pests are mainly aphids, shell insects and red spiders, generally can be used to control scale insects, for aphids, can be used to control aphids, triclofenac is used to control red spiders.

What if the leaves of star anise gold plate droop?

1. Rational watering

Reasonable watering is an important way to avoid the sagging of star anise gold plate leaves. When watering, it is necessary to maintain a certain degree of dryness and humidity. Generally speaking, watering is better when the surface of the soil is dry.

2. Control lighting

In terms of lighting, to ensure that star anise gold plate growth has enough sunlight, but need to give star anise gold plate semi-overcast environment, timely shade in summer, can reduce the direct light.

3. Root treatment

If star anise gold plate rotten roots due to watering, you can take out the plant, cut off the rotten roots, and plant them in a pot again. The replanted star anise gold plate needs to be watered thoroughly and preserved in a cool place. If star anise gold plate burns roots because of excessive fertilization, you can take out the plant, rinse the root with clean water, rinse it a few more times, soak it in clean water for a period of time, wait until the leaves recover, and then put it back on the pot.

What if the star anise gold plate loses its leaves?

1. Heat preservation in winter

When the temperature is low in winter, the star anise plate will lose its leaves, but if the stems and leaves are intact, it can continue to grow in the coming year. In winter, it is best to take measures to keep the temperature above 0 ℃, which can reduce the occurrence of frost damage.

2. Rational watering

Star anise gold plate likes the growth environment with high air humidity and sufficient moisture, be careful not to be too dry and wet, and water it according to the growth situation.

3. Reasonable lighting

Basically, the star anise gold plate in the semi-shady environment is OK, you can often let the star anise gold plate bask in the sun, be careful not to overdo it, it is best to shade in summer.

Through the above description, does it feel that the breeding of star anise gold plate is not so difficult? Aquaculture star anise gold plate is really a good choice, it not only has ornamental value and medicinal value, in fengshui, it has the beautiful meaning of octagonal wealth and gathering wealth in all directions. The editor here also wishes all the flower friends prosperity and wealth!