
How to raise tiger prickly plum culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The thin bones of tiger thorn plum are like withered thorns all over the body, with green leaves on the branches. The most wonderful flower heart spit flowers, after the spring calendar and summer bloom so far. The tiger thorn plum blossom is small, lovely and pitiful, but the cultivation of tiger thorn plum is very skillful. How should we raise tiger thorn plum? Tiger thorn plum

Tiger thorn plum thin bones like dry thorn body, partial branches green leaves new. The most wonderful flower heart spit flowers, through the spring calendar summer open to this. Tiger thorn plum small, cute shape, people love, but tiger thorn plum cultivation is very skilled, how should we raise tiger thorn plum?

How to raise tiger thorn plum

Tiger thorn plum also known as iron begonia, unicorn thorn, unicorn flower, native to Madagascar, Africa. Likes warm, humid and sunny environments. High temperature resistance, cold resistance. Loose, well-drained humus is best. Winter temperatures are no lower than 12 ° C.

Potted plants change pots every spring, watering should not be too much. Summer and autumn growth period needs sufficient water, fertilization once a month. Winter temperature is low, leaves fall off, enter dormancy period, should keep basin soil dry. 3-12 Month flowering, soil moisture to maintain moderate flowers can continue to bloom, if the winter room temperature above 15℃, can continue to bloom. When the plants are overcrowded and dense, they can be pruned whole before new leaves sprout in spring.

Tiger thorn plum special nature, slow growth, only about 10 cm long each year, but long life, potted plants can live more than 30 years. Long flowering, such as light temperature appropriate, can open throughout the year. Tiger thorn plum branches are not easy to branch, will grow very long, flowering less, messy posture, affect the viewing, so every year must be timely pruned, pick tips, etc., so that its multiple new branches, more flowers, general branches after picking tips, can give birth to two new branches. Tiger thorn plum root system developed, vigorous growth, can be used for grafting fairy finger, crab claw orchid rootstock, but belongs to shallow root system, horizontal go very far, root hair is not much.

The cultivation methods and precautions of tiger thorn plum

Tiger thorn plum breeding method:

Tiger thorn plum likes warm, not cold, about 22℃ in the day, about 15℃ at night growth best, in the greenhouse to maintain 15℃ to 20℃, can bloom all year round, as follows to 10℃ will fall into a semi-dormant state, to the next spring to reveal new leaves, continue to bloom. Tiger thorn plum likes light, the more abundant the sunshine before flowering, the more colorful the flowers are, the longer they do not Xie, the lack of light, the color is dim, and the long-term shade place does not bloom. Care must also be taken to maintain good ventilation.

Tiger thorn plum can be used as a base fertilizer for the cultivation of soil pad horn, fertilizer every half month during the growth period, stop fertilization after the beginning of autumn, avoid using fertilizer with oil, prevent root rot. Tiger thorn plum drought tolerance, spring and autumn watering to see dry see wet. Summer can be watered once a day, rainy season waterlogging prevention, winter do not water, the pot should not be long-term wet; flowering should also control water, water easy to cause flower rot roots.

In late spring and early summer, from May to July, cutting Juniper is most likely to survive, select thick branches, about 10 cm to 15 cm long, dry the white pulp flowing out of the incision, apply plant ash, dry in the shade for 2 to 3 days, dry the wound and insert it into the plain sand, irrigate it thoroughly, irrigate less later, and irrigate it when the pot soil is slightly dry. After about 50 to 60 days, it can take root.

Note: stem blight and rot mainly occur, with 50% captan 800 times liquid, spraying once every half month. Insect pests are whitefly and scale insect damage, with 50% fenitrothion EC 1500 times spray kill.

The value of tiger thorns

1. Tiger thorn plum is a kind of characteristic plant with high appreciation. Its flowering period is very long. After flowering, there are red bracts, and the color is beautiful and attractive. Tiger thorn plum stems are relatively soft can be bound into a variety of beautiful and moving shape, is some of the hotel shopping malls most like to display decorative plants.

2. Tiger thorn plum has the effect of preventing aphids and red spiders. Its stems, flowers and branches and leaves can be used as medicine. It is a kind of cold and bitter traditional Chinese medicine. When people use it, it has the important effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding to diffuse poison and remove fire.

Is it suitable for indoor cultivation?

Tiger thorn plum was a plant with spikes. The shape of its flowers was similar to plum blossoms. After its branches were damaged, a white liquid substance would flow out from the wound. This liquid contained a certain amount of poison.

For this kind of liquid secreted by Tiger Juniper, it can cause certain effects on the human body. Once people touch this kind of liquid, their skin will feel extremely itchy. If they accidentally consume this kind of liquid, they will cause nausea and dizziness. Therefore, when planting indoors, try to avoid this situation. If there is an accident, you need to go to the hospital for treatment.

If there are children in the home, they need to be well cared for. It is forbidden to pick tiger thorn plum. The spikes on the Tiger Spike Plum were also used to protect themselves to a certain extent and prevent injuries, so they rarely fiddled with the Tiger Spike Plum. Because of carcinogenic substances produced in the soil when the tiger plum is planted, plus many bad factors, it is not recommended to keep it indoors for a long time.

The fence edge sees white clove thorn plum blossom together, white petal wants to soar, bright thorn plum red. Hand in hand fence, cross neck vine leaves. Love through pistil color, ripe Italy together flower fragrance. Love shy frequently avoid, the wind to cover the first busy. Tiger thorn plum leaves big, red flowers hidden in the green leaves, especially love, breeding tiger thorn plum must not only care about its beauty, but also pay attention to their own health.