
How to raise firethorn bonsai methods and matters needing attention in potted culture of firethorn

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Firethorn is very common in life, is a widely distributed plant, its ornamental value is very high, its viewing point is different from other plants, mainly lies in its fruit, its fruit is relatively small, round, often seen in bright red, very beautiful. There are a lot of them now.

Firethorn is very common in life, is a widely distributed plant, its ornamental value is very high, its viewing point is different from other plants, mainly lies in its fruit, its fruit is relatively small, round, often seen in bright red, very beautiful. Now many people make hot thorns into potted plants to watch, so if you want to have a high ornamental value, you must have a good breeding skill.

How to raise firethorn bonsai

1. Soil: Hippophae rhamnoides is not strict on the soil, but in order to grow and develop well, the soil layer should be deep; the soil is loose, rich in organic matter, fertile, well drained, and the slightly acidic soil with pH5.5~7.3 is better.

2, sunshine: Hippophae rhamnoides likes sufficient light, give sufficient light, can be more results, greatly increase the ornamental effect.

3. Temperature: the optimum growth temperature of Hippophae rhamnoides is 20: 30 ℃. In addition, Hippophae rhamnoides has strong cold tolerance and can grow normally at-16 ℃ and survive the winter safely. If the plant is planted in a place where the winter temperature is higher than 10 ℃, the plant dormancy is disadvantageous, which will affect the flowering and fruiting of the following year.

Methods of potted culture of pyracantha

1. Watering: Hippophae rhamnoides is drought-resistant, but the soil is dry in spring. It can be fertilized once before flowering and should be fully irrigated. Keeping the soil dry during flowering is beneficial to fruit setting, so don't water too much. If the florescence is in the rainy season, we should also pay attention to digging ditches and drainage to avoid falling flowers due to too much water. After the fruit is ripe and harvested, sufficient overwintering water should be filled before entering winter dormancy.

2. Pruning: in the natural state, the crown of Hippophae rhamnoides is disorderly and irregular, and the inner branches are often slender due to lack of light, and the knot strength is poor. In order to promote growth and fruit, the overgrown branches, weak branches and over-dense branches should be pruned every year to facilitate ventilation and light transmission and promote the growth of new shoots.

3. Fertilization: after pruning, firethorn should apply 15% cake fertilizer twice. In case of wind and rain, it should be moved into the room so as not to affect pollination. Compound fertilizer should be applied once during flowering. After entering autumn, cake fertilizer and water should be applied twice during the fruit expansion period.

Matters needing attention in potted culture of pyracantha

Firethorn is very fond of water and fertilizer, so potted firethorn should change the soil every two years and turn the basin so as to maintain the fertility of the potted soil.

The cause of losing leaves of Pyracantha and its solution

First, the reasons:

1. Be blown off by the cold wind. If this kind of flower in your family has just been bought, it is very likely that the leaves have been blown off by the wind. The place that specializes in selling flowers is to plant it in the greenhouse, where the temperature is relatively high and very wet, which is very suitable for it. When it is moved outside the greenhouse, its conditions are changed, so the leaves will fall.

2. Overwatering it likes the sunlight. The soil needs proper humidity until it is dry. If there is too much water in the basin for a long time, and the soil is very wet and dry, the roots will rot easily, which will lead to the fall of leaves.

3. If the temperature is too high in winter, the temperature should not be higher than ten degrees in winter, otherwise it will not enter the dormant period and will affect the long flowers of the second year. If the severe winter temperature is very high, the humidity is also very high, it will lose leaves, it can endure the climate of minus 16 degrees, can spend the winter in the open air.

2. Solution:

1. If you want it not to lose its leaves, you must first give it a suitable site. It is a positive tree and likes the sun very much. during its growth, it should be placed where the sun can directly shine, so that it can grow more flowers. Be sure to keep it outside the house when it grows flowers, otherwise it will attract worms.

2. Its roots are well developed, like fertilizer and water, but it still needs appropriate, not a lot of water. When it grows flowers, don't let the rain fall directly on it. Its growth period is relatively long, so it needs a lot of fertilizer to irrigate, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added in summer, and it can also be used in autumn, which can make the fruit bigger and more beautiful.

The cultivation method of firethorn bonsai is very simple relative to private work. Generally, we can start with its growth habits. In the later stage of culture, we need to strengthen the care of fertilizer, water and temperature, so as to prevent it from falling leaves and ensure its growth.