
What about the yellowing of the leaves of Luohansong? the solution of losing leaves of Luohansong

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Luohan pine is a kind of pine tree, its tree species are tall, some can be as high as 20 meters. Luo Hansong is of high ornamental value and is very popular with consumers in the market. However, many people may have leaves because of improper care when planting.

Luohan pine is a kind of pine tree, its tree species are tall, some can be as high as 20 meters. Luo Hansong is of high ornamental value and is very popular with consumers in the market. However, many people may have yellowing or falling leaves because of improper care when planting, so how should it be solved?

What if the leaves of Luohansong turn yellow?

The main results are as follows: 1. If the leaves of the whole crown are basically yellowed and yellowed evenly, it is likely that the amount of fertilizer applied is too heavy, which burns a considerable part of the absorbing roots of the roots. it is difficult for the root group to absorb enough water and nutrients to support the consumption of the upper organs, resulting in the yellowing of the leaves. If you plant Luohan pine on a plate, you can change the pan soil step by step, and then often spray water on the crown, and do a good shade to increase air humidity and reduce the evaporation of the crown.

2. If the yellowing leaves of the crown appear locally, it is likely to be the diseased leaves with leaf spot disease. If the diseased leaves are removed and burned centrally, fungicides such as 75% chlorothalonil and 1500 times propiconazole EC can be sprayed every other week or so, and the diseased leaves can be sprayed alternately for 2-3 times.

3. If a reddish irregular disease spot appears at the tip of the tender leaf, and the disease spot spreads from the leaf tip to the leaf base, resulting in the death of the first half of the leaf. In the later stage, the color of the disease spot was light brown, and the small black spots on both sides of the leaf disease in the later stage were leaf blight, which was easy to occur in April, May and August, and September. The causes of leaf blight may be extensive management, poor ventilation conditions, sunburn wounds and so on. The control method is to cut off the dead branches in winter, remove the diseased leaves and destroy them centrally, strengthen the management and enhance the disease resistance of the plants.

The solution to the loss of leaves by Luohansong

1. Waterlogging prevention. Luohansong is resistant to Yin and dampness, so it should be watered frequently during the growing period, but it should not be watered. The Pearl River Delta region should pay attention to regular watering on sunny days in summer, generally watering once in the morning and evening, and often spraying foliar water. Luohansong is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should pay attention to prevent water accumulation for a long time.

2. Light treatment. Pinus elliottii is a neutral and negative tree species, which can accept strong light and grow in a shady environment. Although the temperature is high and the sun is strong in summer, it is not necessary to shade the tree in summer because the tree is propitious to maintain its leaf shape under the condition of high temperature and strong light.

The reason for the loss of leaves in Luo Han Song

1. Rotten roots. The Pearl River Delta region has high temperature and rainy summer, humid air and high basin soil temperature, which can easily lead to plant root rot, affect the transport of water and nutrients, and lead to the wilting and falling of leaves of Luohan pine.

2. The light is too weak. Luohansong is a wet-tolerant plant, but the long-term shade leads to weak photosynthesis, the leaf shape of the tree can not maintain a good state, and even the leaves are yellowing and wilting, which is distressing.

How to change the basin for Luo Han Song

1. When changing the basin, Luohansong can change the soil, and the soil can choose the soil made of rotten leaf soil, mountain soil, pond soil and so on. These soils can be allocated according to a certain proportion, and some rotten fertilizers can be added. The configured soil had better be exposed to the sun and play a role in disinfection.

2. When changing pots, first of all, take the Luohansong out of the flowerpot, preferably with the old soil. After the plant is removed, part of the old soil can be removed, and then the overlong roots and rotten roots can be trimmed properly. You can also trim the branches that are too dense.

3. Put the new soil in the flowerpot, then put the plant in the pot, let the roots stretch out, and cover the soil. Pay attention to the soil to be placed away from the basin edge 2cm. After changing the pot, pour water thoroughly, then block the flowerpot in a cool and ventilated place, slow the seedlings and maintain them normally.

There are many causes of yellowing and falling leaves of Luohansong leaves, generally the most common is the problem of fertilizer and water or light, and so on. If you want to solve the problem, you should find out the cause from the root, and then solve it thoroughly. Only by doing well the usual maintenance work can we ensure the growth of Luohansong.