
The Propagation method of Dragon Blood Tree (Cuttage) what should be paid attention to in pot-moving planting of Dragon Blood Tree

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dragon Blood Tree must be no stranger to many people, it is a very special tree, if you cut it, it will flow out red juice, just like bleeding, even so, it does not affect people's love for it. Now many people choose to plant

Dragon Blood Tree must be no stranger to many people, it is a very special tree, if you cut it, it will flow out red juice, just like bleeding, even so, it does not affect people's love for it. Now many people choose to plant it, but before planting, it still needs to master its breeding skills and basin-moving techniques.

Propagation method of Dragon Blood Tree (Cuttage)

First, striping reproduction:

The main results are as follows: 1. In the appropriate part of the stem of the plant, the ring is cut in a ring with a width of 1.8cm to 2.2cm, reaching to the xylem, peeling off the skin of the ring with a knife, wiping off the overflowing liquid branches with a clean wet cloth and smearing the upper layer of the incision with 5000-1000ppm of naphthalene acetic acid solution.

2. Tie the white plastic film at the lower end of the incision, straighten it out into a funnel, install the rooting stem mixed with moss and mountain soil, wrap the knife edge, pour water once, fasten the upper end of the river film, and then keep the plant outside to strengthen fertilizer and water management.

Second, cutting propagation:

1. Selection of cutting time. The dragon blood tree can also be propagated asexually by cutting, which is from May to June. At this time, it is the exuberant growth period of the dragon blood tree, the plant is rich in nutrition, and it is easy to survive after cutting.

2. Selection of cuttings. Before cutting, you can select the mother plant with high ornamental value, and take the robust branches that have grown for more than two years, each section is about 10-20 cm long, with leaves or no leaves.

3. Specific cutting skills. The base of the cuttings is cut into a flat mouth, and the leaves are retained after the upper part is crosscut. The upper and lower incisions can be soaked in clean water to wash the overflowing juice, put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry for a period of time, and then soak the cuttings base 2-3 cm with 500-1000ppm naphthalene acetic acid, usually for 5 seconds.

4. Dragon blood tree cuttings, small pottery flowerpots can be used in the seedling bed, and vermiculite, perlite or plain sand sterilized at high temperature can be used in the substrate. One plant in each pot, pour water once after it is inserted, put the seedling bed in the bright place of flowers, and maintain it carefully.

What should be paid attention to when planting dragon blood trees in pots

1. When taking off the basin, you should be careful not to hurt the root system of the dragon blood tree, especially the main root.

2. The new nutrient soil is consistent with the original soil preparation scheme as far as possible.

3. After putting on the basin, it can not be watered immediately. It needs to be placed in a cool place for 3-5 days before watering.

How to move the basin of dragon blood tree

1. Time. The family potted dragon blood tree usually needs to change the soil and pot after 2-3 years of planting, and it is recommended to change the pot in April in spring.

2. Select the basin. As for what kind of flowerpot to choose, it depends on the needs of plant growth. Because the leaves of the dragon blood tree are longer and drooping, in order not to let the leaves hang too low, it is recommended to choose a higher flowerpot.

3. Soil. The dragon blood tree does not have a high demand for soil, but it can not be replanted with some soil at will, and the soil also needs to be selective. It is suggested that loose and fertile sandy soil with good drainage should be used and humus soil should be added properly.

4. Take off the basin. Take the dragon blood tree out of the old basin and remove the soil. Due to the lack of nutrients in the old soil, the peripheral soil attached to the root needs to be removed. Be careful not to damage the root system in the process of soil removal and avoid breaking the root beard.

5. Put on the basin. Put some broken tiles on the bottom of the new basin, then spread a layer of nutritious soil, put the plant into it, then cover the basin soil, and compact the soil around the plant to stabilize the plant.

How does the dragon blood tree get fat and water?

1. Fertilization:

1. After planting it, it should be fertilized 1-2 times a month, and at the same time, it should also keep the soil moist. It likes the sandy loam with loose and good drainage.

2. The dragon blood tree should apply thin fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer and more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so as to avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, the golden markings of leaves are not obvious, and stop fertilization in winter dormancy.

Second, watering:

1. Dragon blood tree is a plant in the tropics, it can withstand too dry environment. When watering every day, you should not water too much, or it will lead to the rot of the dragon blood tree. Water can be watered once every 10 days after being thoroughly watered.

2. The dragon blood tree hibernates in winter. Hibernating will not absorb a large amount of water, so it is necessary to control the amount of water. Water can be watered more than ten days to keep the soil in a relatively dry state, so that it can safely hibernate.

There are many ways to reproduce the dragon blood tree, but the common one is cutting. Cuttage propagation needs to move the basin for a long time. When moving the basin, we must pay attention to the selection of soil and the breeding after moving the basin. Only by doing a good job can its growth be guaranteed.