
How do desert rose leaves turn yellow? what should desert roses pay attention to when changing pots?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Although the desert rose is one of the succulent plants, it is neither fleshy nor as elegant as a rose. But the unique charm of desert roses still attracts many people. Desert rose flowers are very beautiful and gorgeous, with high ornamental value, but if

Although the desert rose is one of the succulent plants, it is neither "fleshy" nor as elegant and moving as a rose. But the unique charm of desert roses still attracts many people. Desert rose flowers are very beautiful and gorgeous, with high ornamental value, but if there are a pile of yellow leaves hidden under this beauty, it will naturally reduce a lot of aesthetic value.

What if the desert rose leaves turn yellow?

1. Environmental change

Desert roses can survive in dry conditions, and desert roses are not resistant to humid conditions, so if they are overwatered or drenched too much in the rainy season, coupled with poor air circulation and weak light, it will cause the leaves of desert roses to turn yellow.

Solution: in the daily maintenance to understand its growth habits, and according to the disease to reasonable maintenance to prevent occurrence.

2. Overwatering

Desert rose is not resistant to moisture, so the amount of water should not be too much, otherwise it will cause stagnant water in the roots, lead to rotten roots, and make the leaves yellow and fall off, and even wither.

Solution: cut off the rotten roots and pay attention to the reasonable watering and less watering of desert roses. Desert roses are resistant to drought, so they don't need too much water.

3. Low temperature fertilization

Desert rose enters the dormant period in winter, it will have withered leaves, in order to reduce its own water evaporation, self-protection, fertilization should not be too much, not too thick, otherwise it will lead to leaf yellowing or even death.

Solution: keep the right temperature, the amount of fertilizer is reasonable, not too much, it is best to put the desert rose in the greenhouse for cultivation.

4. Poor ventilation

Desert roses like to grow in a warm and ventilated environment, and poor ventilation will cause rotten roots and leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: put desert rose potted plants in an indoor ventilated position, which is conducive to balcony, windowsill and other positions for breeding.

5. Diseases and insect pests

Its main diseases and insect pests are scale insects, which will cause the whole plant to fall off, stagnate growth and even die when it occurs seriously. Solution: if shell insects are found, 2000 times omethoate EC should be used in time for spray control.

What should desert roses pay attention to when changing pots?

1. Desert roses like sandy soil with good drainage. When changing basins, it is good to add more river sand or small gravel to the general soil, which can improve the drainage of basin soil.

2. Desert roses at seedling stage should be changed every year. Before changing the basin, stop watering, and then after the basin soil is completely dry, you can pour out the plant, remove the old basin soil and trim the roots, and then plant it again.

3. Pay attention to ventilation and stagnant water in the basin, otherwise it is easy to cause root rot; do not water too frequently and fertilize too much at ordinary times.

How to raise desert roses in winter

1. Lighting

Desert roses are native to East Africa to the southern Arabian Peninsula. So I like to grow in high temperature, dry climate and plenty of sunshine. Desert rose is afraid of the cold, so it is best to put it indoors in winter, put it behind the window to get the sun, and keep it dry.

2. Watering

Desert rose is very resistant to drought, so every time you water it, you can't water it too much. If you water too much, it will make its roots rot. As the temperature in winter is relatively low, watering should be properly controlled and watered once a week. Also pay attention to keep the flower soil dry, so as to promote the growth of desert roses. 3. Soil

Because of its growth conditions, it also has certain requirements for soil quality. Sandy soil has good drainage, so it is the first choice. We can add some small gravel or river sand to its matrix during its flourishing period, which is good for drainage. The mixture of rotten leaf soil and rich loose sand is the best.

4. Fertilization

Fertilize desert roses, if it is normal, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer once a month. But in autumn and winter it will enter a dormant period, when its growth is very slow, or even stop growing. So there is no need to apply fertilizer in autumn and winter.

How to water and fertilize desert roses

1. Spring and autumn

Spring and autumn are the most vigorous periods for the growth of desert roses. During this period, the soil should be fully watered to keep the soil moist, but at the same time be careful not to get too wet. When watering, we should pay attention to see dry and wet, dry and thoroughly watered. The temperature is low in early spring and late autumn, so watering needs to be controlled properly.

2. Summer

In summer, during the period of vigorous growth, it is necessary to ensure adequate fertilizer and water, so as to ensure that the flowers bloom luxuriantly and brightly. In addition, when changing the basin once a year, you can also apply some long-term base fertilizer in the basin, such as rotten bean cake, bone meal and so on.

3. Winter

Reduce watering in winter to keep the basin soil dry, but it also needs watering when it is too dry. Roses do not have much demand for fertilizer. During their growth, they can apply dilute liquid fertilizer once or twice a month, and stop fertilizing in winter. Desert rose likes phosphate and potash, so it can be replenished once a month.

Although desert roses do not grow in the desert, their origin is close to the desert, so it is not difficult to maintain a pot of this beautiful flower plant. In addition, desert roses are also widely used in medicinal value and landscaping. Flower friends who like it can try it.