
How do geraniums are watered (how often) how do geraniums blossom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Geranium is a common flowering plant, which is very popular with flower friends because of its dense flowering and ever-changing posture. Many people think it is easy to water the geranium before raising it, but it is not. It takes a palm to water the geranium.

Geranium is a common flowering plant, which is very popular with flower friends because of its dense flowering and ever-changing posture. Many people will think it is easy to water the geranium before raising it, but it is not. Watering the geranium requires a lot of knowledge, and an accidental one can cause problems with the geranium and may even cause its death.

How to water the geranium (how often)

1. According to the weather conditions

When the weather is sunny, the water evaporates quickly, and the basin soil dries quickly. it may have to be watered every two or three days, sometimes every day; on rainy days, the air humidity is high, the water evaporates slowly, and the basin soil does not dry for a week, so there is no need to water.

2. According to the size of the seedling

The leaves of large seedlings with luxuriant leaves have a large amount of evaporation, absorb water quickly, and the soil dries quickly and is usually watered every 2-3 days. The seedlings with weak growth have small evaporation and weak ability to absorb water, so the soil naturally dries slowly and watering can be reduced relatively.

3. According to the size and material of the basin

Large pots of soil dry slowly, while small pots dry quickly; clay pots have good air permeability and dry quickly, while plastic pots and porcelain pots have poor permeability and slow drying.

How to raise geraniums in winter

1. Temperature control and light preservation

Geraniums like warm and afraid of cold. In order to avoid frostbite, necessary cold prevention measures should be taken in winter. Control room temperature at 15-20 ℃, not for 10 ℃ at night. If the temperature is low, the growth of the plant will be very weak, the flower bud differentiation will be slow, and the flowering will be few or even non-flowering. However, the temperature should not be higher than 25 ℃, which will affect its growth.

Usually put the flowerpot in front of the sunny window, let it fully receive the light. If the light is not enough, the plant will grow madly, which will also affect the flowering. In severe cases, it will cause the buds to wither and affect the flowering of the second year.

2. Moderation of water and fertilizer

Geraniums are afraid of being wet and drought-resistant, and water evaporates slowly in winter, so watering should be more cautious. Under normal circumstances, water is watered once every 5-7 days to keep the basin soil dry. Pay attention to the water temperature when watering, not too cold. If it is watered too much in winter, it will cause leaves to fall off, flower buds to grow badly, and even rotten roots to die. Spray the foliar surface with clear water to ensure that the foliar surface is clean and accumulate nutrients by photosynthesis.

If you want the geranium to blossom in winter, you need to provide it with adequate nutrients. Apply dilute liquid fertilizer once every 10 days, or irrigate fermented rice panning water.

3. Pruning and heart-picking

In order to promote the more branched geranium to blossom, it is necessary to pick the heart of the plant many times and gently pick the heart before flowering, so as to promote the plant to increase branches and budding. Blossom in winter, it is necessary to timely cut off the withered flowers, cut off dead branches and thin branches, so as not to consume too much nutrients. But the winter temperature is low, pruning should be light, so as to avoid slow plant recovery.

How to prevent the rotting of geraniums

1. Choose the right soil

The quality of the soil determines the root growth of the geranium. choose the sandy loam rich in humus, good drainage and good permeability. The root growth is robust, the resistance is light, the timely maintenance is improper, and it will not rot easily.

2. be careful when turning the basin and transplanting.

Geraniums turn over or change large pots every autumn, which is the cause of extensive damage to the roots. So in the operation, the shovel away from the root system, to avoid shoveling the root system, to know that each wound is fatal to the plant.

3. Watering correctly

Correct watering is the key to prevent root rot, usually do not water more, spring and autumn growth season can be appropriate to pour a little more water, but the basin soil can not accumulate water. Watering should be strictly controlled in summer when the soil is not very dry. Try not to water the soil, especially at noon, watering will hurt the plant. In addition, in many places in the rainy season, can not let the basin soil long-term rain, over-tide, can be irrigated by Rain Water, but should pay attention to the amount.

4. Control of diseases and insect pests

Nematode is the main pest that causes root rot of geranium. When planting, it is best to use artificial media such as perlite and vermiculite, or disinfect the soil. And found that the diseased plant was removed and burned in time.

How do geraniums blossom more?

1. Rational fertilization

Sufficient nutrients lay the foundation for the flowering of geraniums. Need to consume a lot of nutrients when flowering, in the breeding of geraniums, need to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, so that more flowers, and bright colors.

2. Pruning in time

In the seedling stage of the geranium, the heart is about to be picked, so that its plant will grow a lot of branches, which will increase the number of flowers.

3. To ensure proper lighting

Generally, geraniums can be given 5 hours of light every day, which can promote flowering.

Although the geraniums grow rapidly, the branches germinate very well and seem to be very easy to breed. However, the cultivation of solid geraniums is relatively difficult, whether watering or fertilization, all need to master certain skills, but also need the careful care of flower friends.