
How to water potted tea plum? how to plant rotten roots of tea plum?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The cultivation of potted plants pays attention to the beauty of potted plants and the growth of plants in potted plants. Plants with very beautiful and unique shapes are planted, but their growth conditions are poor, which will greatly reduce the vitality of potted plants and affect their appearance. So plant potted plants.

Breeding potted plants pay attention to the beauty of potted plants and the growth of plants in potted plants, planting very beautiful, unique plants, but the growth state is not good, it will greatly reduce the vitality of potted plants, the appearance will also be affected, so planting potted plants in watering and fertilizing, and then pay attention to the growth status of plants and other basic aspects must be done well.

How to water potted tea plum

1. Watering steps of tea plum

Tea plum is a kind of plant that likes wet environment, so watering tea plum is a very important maintenance process.

Tea plum needs to be watered properly: when tea plum is newly planted and cultivated, it should be properly watered to maintain soil moisture and ensure survival.

The watering management of tea plum during the seedling period should be careful, watering at least 3 times a day, and spraying water on the leaves of tea plum, so that the water supply and transpiration of aboveground stems and leaves and underground roots are balanced. The seedlings can be watered normally after they sprout.

During the period of seedling germination and growth, proper watering should be carried out according to the needs of tea plum growth.

2. Watering time of tea plum

The watering of tea plum is also different all the year round.

First of all, summer: tea plum should be watered in the morning and evening every day, and water should be sprayed to the leaves every few days to keep the leaves moist and fresh.

The second is the cold winter season, because the winter air is cold, tea plum will enter the dormant period, so it is appropriate to water less, you can water it every 3 days or more.

Finally, in addition to watering tea plum in spring and autumn, it is also necessary to spray water on the leaf surface every few days.

3. Points for attention in watering tea plum

The main thing to pay attention to when watering tea plum is to water thoroughly. Don't see if the soil is wet and stop watering. Be sure to peel off the soil to see if it permeates and reaches the root.

Pay attention to the first watering of tea plum just planted, be sure to water enough, and then do not water the pot soil if it is not dry.

How to plant rotten roots of tea plum in pot?

1. The reason for the rotting root of tea plum-potted soil

Improper selection of potted soil, tea plum is very easy to rot roots, which mainly includes two reasons, soil and changing pots.

If there is something wrong with the soil, it includes two reasons, one is that the acidity and alkalinity of the soil is not suitable, and the other is that the soil is not loose and permeable enough. Camellia oleifera likes acidic soil, so when choosing potted soil, do not choose highly alkaline soil. In addition, the soil also needs to be loose and breathable, rich in humus, more suitable mountain soil, can add a certain amount of pine needles or river sand, which can be conducive to the growth of tea plum roots and reduce the occurrence of rotting roots.

If there is something wrong with the flowerpot, it is necessary to find the cause in terms of texture and size. Generally grow tea plum, tile basin is better, followed by purple sand basin, porcelain basin is not suitable. In terms of size, it is mainly to ensure that the plant of tea plum can grow well and facilitate the extension of the root system.

2. the reason for the rotting root of tea plum-- fertilization.

Fertilization leads to rotting roots of tea plum, mainly because fertilization is too frequent and too strong. The best way to fertilize tea plum is to use thin fertilizer, which can be divided into three growth stages. Nitrogen fertilizer can promote the good growth of Chung shoot in March and April. Phosphate fertilizer is the main fertilizer in May and June, which can make the flowers blossom brightly. The compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is the best in September and October. Winter is the dormant period of tea plum, generally stop fertilizing.

Therefore, in the fertilization, in addition to ensure that tea plum nutrients are adequate, but also need to pay attention to a degree, in case the fertilizer is too thick and burning roots, rotting roots.

3. The reason for the rotting root of tea plum-watering

In fact, the root rot of tea plum is mostly caused by too much watering. Tea plum needs a lot of watering when it is growing vigorously, but there is still a certain degree, so watering is best carried out according to the dry and wet condition of the potted soil, which is related to the climate, the size and texture of the flowerpot, the growth environment and so on. Basically, when the surface of the basin soil dries, it should be watered, not too much, or the roots will rot. In addition, if watering is needed in winter, the water temperature should not be too low.

What if the tea plum leaves fall?

1. Proper shading

As the newly planted tea plum can not withstand the cold wind and sun in early spring, it should be placed outside in a sheltered, warm, semi-shady place.

If it is cold outdoors, it should be placed indoors where there is scattered light, and only with the rise of the temperature can the basin be gradually placed outside.

As the temperature continues to rise, pots can be placed around noon on the north windowsill or balcony of the north house, accepting only the rising sun and sunset, while avoiding the direct sunlight around noon, and should be placed under the eaves of the corridor or under the scaffolding in the courtyard in summer.

2. Appropriate watering

After the newly transplanted or newly mailed tea plum seedlings are fully watered for the first time, do not water as long as the pot soil is not dry, spray water to the plant and the basin surface 3 times a day to keep the basin soil slightly moist, ensuring that the leaves are not short of water, and do not make the basin soil too wet.

Usually watering should be dry and wet, while watering should be thoroughly watered.

3. Fertilization is light.

In general, a dilute nitrogen fertilizer was applied from February to March to promote the growth of branches and leaves. A thin cake fertilizer and water was applied from April to May to facilitate flower bud differentiation. 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was applied from September to October to make the flowers bright. In order to maintain the proper acidity of the basin soil, it can be combined with fertilization to irrigate alum fertilizer water or water with grass bubble brush.

Control methods of tea plum diseases

1. Anthrax

The basin soil for cultivation should use slightly acidic loess with good fertile and loose soil, good aggregate structure, good drainage and moisture permeability. The adult plant turns the basin once every two years, combined with turning the basin and applying rotten base fertilizer, 50% of the basin soil is mixed with about 10% of the compost or organic fertilizer made by enzyme bacteria. Pay attention to the light and shade, tea plum likes the sun, accept all-day sunshine in winter, and do not have direct sunlight in summer and autumn.

Guoguang Yintai (80% Dysen zinc wettable powder) 600 Mel 800 times solution and Guoguang Sitalin can be sprayed regularly to prevent and supplement nutrition before disease prevention and improve ornamental. In the early stage of the disease, 25% prochloraz EC 500 Mel 600 times or 50% mn-Zn wettable powder 400 Mel 600 times were sprayed at the initial stage. 2murine was used 3 times in a row, with an interval of 7murine for 10 days.

2. White star disease

Chlorothalonil and Dyson zinc are protective fungicides, which are suitable for pre-morbidity prevention. It is recommended to use Guoguang chlorothalonil or 80% Dysen zinc 600m liquid 800 times spray before the disease.

In the process of the growth of tea plum, there are many problems that may be encountered, most of which are caused by improper breeding, so from the basic point of view, if you want tea plum to grow well, you need to master the growth habits of tea plum. It is always a bad policy to fix it when something goes wrong.