
How to raise Primula and its Culture methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Primroses, the name sounds very good, it implies the recovery of all things in spring, all kinds of beautiful flowers in full bloom; beautiful primroses like to grow in wet and cool places, its flowering period is very long and easy to raise. Today let's take a look at it.

Primroses, the name sounds very good, it implies the recovery of all things in spring, a variety of beautiful flowers in full bloom; beautiful primroses like to grow in wet and cool places, its flowering period is very long and easy to raise, today let's take a look at how it is raised, what matters need to pay attention to.

How to raise primroses

1. Lighting conditions

Primroses like to shine in a warm and adequate environment, but they are afraid of strong light, so summer seedlings should be placed in a cool, ventilated place with plenty of scattered light. Since September, the sun is not so strong, and the potted plants can be exposed to scattered light. From October, all the plants can be placed under the light, so that they can receive more light in the late autumn when the temperature drops. Promote its growth and flower bud differentiation.

2. Growth temperature

Primroses prefer warm and cold-tolerant climate, and the suitable temperature for growth and development of primroses is about 15 ℃. In winter, the indoor temperature should be kept at about 10 ℃, and the poles of growth temperature are 0 ℃ and 30 ℃. Overheating or overcooling will lead to plant wilting and prevent it from developing normally.

3. Water condition

Primroses like the humid climate, but not too much watering, to prevent the pot soil is too wet caused by the root rot phenomenon. Improper watering in summer will lead to the cessation of plant growth and the withering and yellowing of leaves. It can be watered once in the morning and late in summer, and the weather is dry and hot at noon. It is necessary to sprinkle water around the plant to maintain the humidity of the basin soil and its surrounding environment, lower the temperature and create a cool and humid growth environment. Gradually reduce watering in autumn, after winter, with the flowering of pregnant buds should also be suitable for watering, not more watering.

4. How to apply fertilizer

Slow seedling 8-10 days or so applied nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, the climate gradually cooled after autumn, primroses also entered the vigorous growth season, which should strengthen the fertilizer of flowers; in the late growth stage of primroses, phosphate fertilizer should be appropriately increased. 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed to the leaves every half a month, which can promote the blooming of pregnant buds.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Primula

1. Soil: 2 pieces of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of garden soil should be selected in basin soil, and a small amount of culture soil should be applied. This kind of culture soil is loose and fertile, mostly slightly acidic, in order to facilitate root development.

2. Illumination: primroses are fond of light, but avoid strong sunlight. In summer, pot plants should be placed in a cool, ventilated place with scattered light. From September, the pot plant can receive more scattered light, and from October, the pot plant can be placed in full light to receive more late autumn light to promote its growth and flower bud differentiation.

3. Temperature: primroses like to be warm, slightly cold-resistant, and the suitable growth temperature is about 15 ℃. If the room temperature is maintained at 10 ℃ in winter, it can survive the winter above 0 ℃, and the summer temperature can not exceed 30 ℃, so shading and cooling measures should be taken.

4. Watering: primroses like a moist environment, but should not be watered too much, the basin soil is too wet, it will rot the roots. Improper watering in summer will kill the seedlings, so we should pay attention to the amount of water and times of watering in summer. Generally, water should be watered once in the morning and evening every day, and when the weather is especially dry and hot around noon, water should be sprayed to the ground around the plant and basin to increase air humidity and reduce air temperature, creating a cool and humid climate environment to facilitate its growth. 3456 . The amount of water and times of watering should be reduced appropriately when it is cool in autumn. 3456 . After entering the house in winter, you should also pay attention to proper watering as you grow and blossom.

5. Fertilization: apply rarefied liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer combined with nitrogen and phosphorus once 10 days after slow seedling. After the autumn, the weather is gradually cool, and the spring also gradually enters the vigorous growth period. at this time, the management of fertilizer and water should be strengthened, and the rotten thin cake fertilizer liquid should be applied once every 7-10 days, and more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in the early stage to make the branches and leaves fat. at the same time, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be sprayed to the leaves every half a month to promote its multiple pregnant buds to blossom until budding.

6. Insect pests: primrose seedlings are weak and prone to quenching disease, causing seedling decay and death, so attention should be paid to timely spraying control. If the disease has occurred, a small amount of 70% dimethazone powder mixed with 40 times fine sand can be applied to the basin soil, or 800 times liquid can be sprayed on the soil surface, which has a good control effect.

7. Pruning: during flowering, the newly seeded plants are selected, some of the flower branches are removed, and the thin liquid fertilizer is added for 1 or 2 times to make the seeds full and full. After the flowers are shedding, they should be cut off in time and apply 1-2 times of thin fertilizer to facilitate the growth of new flower branches, then they can continue to bloom.

Methods of continuous flowering of potted primroses

1. Separate planting and transplanting

When the sowing seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, they are first planted in a small pot, cultivated for about one month, and then transplanted to the middle pot.

2. Fertilization and watering

During the growing period, the basin soil should be kept moist and should not be too dry or too wet. at the same time, liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen fertilizer should be applied every 10 days, and liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphate fertilizer should be applied for 2 or 3 times in bud stage. Fertilization should be reduced in full bloom and stopped after blossom. Before fertilizing, you should stop watering and make the basin soil dry to facilitate fertilizer absorption. Pay attention to fertilizer and water when fertilizing

If you stain the leaves, you can spray water once after fertilization.

2. Temperature and light

Primroses like to be warm and slightly hardy. The suitable growth temperature is about 15 ℃. If the room temperature is kept at 10 ℃ in winter, it will blossom from February of the following year. Should pay attention to ventilation, can survive the winter above 0 ℃, summer temperature can not exceed 30 ℃, afraid of strong light, so shading and cooling measures should be taken.

4. Cut off the residual flowers in time

When flowering, in order to prolong the viewing period, the temperature and light should not be too high. After the flower fades, in order to make it blossom continuously, it is necessary to cut off the residual flowers and stems in time, and apply fertilizer to promote the growth and flowering.

Taboos on Primula Culture in Winter

1. Direct sunlight

Primroses grow in damp and open places, which determines that primroses are rarely exposed to the sun most of the time. Because there are basically big trees or plants a little taller than primroses to protect it from the sun. If the sun shines directly outside in winter, you may not survive this winter. The best way is to put it under the shelter so that it can bask in the sun a little bit.

2. Put it in a place with lower temperature

The temperature in winter is usually several degrees below zero, so in such an environment, primroses are destined not to be raised in the open air. Be sure to put it indoors, and the indoor temperature had better be kept at about 10 degrees, preferably constant temperature. In this way, we are not afraid that the change in temperature will cause the primroses not to survive the winter. Of course, if the weather warms up during the day, you can also take it out and put it out.

3. Improper watering

Primroses bloom in February every year, so they are usually pregnant with buds in winter, which will be affected if they are not watered properly during this period. Therefore, we must always pay attention to observe the bud growth of primroses, early watering can be a little less, more observation, and then pay attention to sum up the experience, so that watering will be much more convenient.

4. Drainage of flowerpots

Bad because primroses like moist soil, so this determines the drainage of flowerpots must be good. If the drainage system is not good, the roots of primroses may rot in the basin and die. Therefore, every time when watering, we should pay attention to observe whether there is water flowing out from the bottom of the basin. If the small hole of drainage is blocked, it must be dredged in time.

Seeing primroses can really make people feel very beautiful. it is not only good-looking, but also relatively simple to breed, and the color of flowering is also very bright. In fact, if we want to let more flowers go, we can't help trying the above method to make our primroses look more beautiful.