
How to raise hairy jasmine culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mao jasmine its flowers are also very beautiful, the smell is also very good, many people are willing to plant a pot at home, but found that after planting a variety of problems, so how should Mao jasmine in the end? If there is anything we need to note when breeding.

Mao jasmine its flowers are also very beautiful, the smell is also very good, many people are willing to plant a pot at home, but found that after planting a variety of problems, so how should Mao jasmine in the end? If there is anything we need to pay attention to when breeding, let's take a look at it with the editor.

How to raise jasmine?

1. Planting: potted hairy jasmine, every 2-3 years, should turn the pot in March or after flowering. The basin soil can be prepared with 2 parts of garden soil, 1 part of compost and 1 part of sand.

2. Fertilization: 20% cake fertilizer and water was applied once a week, and phosphorus and potassium were applied twice in summer to promote shoot enrichment and flower bud differentiation.

3. Watering: watering to keep the basin soil moist. When the air is dry, it should be humidified by spraying water around noon. In early November, move into the greenhouse 4, sunny place or sealed balcony, watering as appropriate, do not make the soil too dry.

During the growing season, adequate light should be given at all times except for shade around noon in midsummer.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of hairy jasmine

First, the culture method of hairy jasmine

1. Water and fertilizer management: maojasmine is watered, generally, it is better to keep the basin soil moist, and appropriate amount of water is needed. When the air is relatively dry, you can improve the humidity of the air by spraying water. Less watering is needed after autumn to ensure that the soil is not dry.

Fertilization is generally 7-10 days to apply fertilizer and water once, in summer, the application of phosphate fertilizer twice, can promote the growth of flower buds. Stop fertilizing in autumn.

2. light and temperature: Mao jasmine likes a warm and sunny growing environment, which generally needs to be given sufficient light during the growing season, but pay attention to shade in summer, especially at noon when the light is strong and hot.

Pay attention to heat preservation in winter, it is best to put it in a warm indoor maintenance, you need to find a place with sunshine.

3. Propagation method: the propagation of hairy jasmine is mainly cuttage propagation, which is carried out in spring and summer and propagates quickly. In addition, striping reproduction can be carried out.

II. Points for attention

1, change the pot: potted hairy jasmine needs to change the pot, usually in 2-3 years, usually in early spring in March or after flowering.

2. Pruning: the pruning of hairy jasmine is generally combined with changing pots, and it is necessary to prune the diseased, weak and withered branches of hairy jasmine, as well as cut off the old roots and flowering branches of hairy jasmine to promote the growth of new branches.

3, diseases and insect pests: hairy jasmine will have insect pests during the growth period, mainly leaf roll moths and red spiders, which need to be controlled in time, and generally can be sprayed and killed.

The reason why Mao jasmine does not blossom

The main results are as follows: 1. Placed in shade for a long time, the leaves are too long and thin, while flower bud differentiation and bud opening need direct sunlight. Therefore, jasmine flowers should be placed outside in direct sunlight.

2. If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the leaves will grow excessively and the bud formation will be affected. Therefore, in the early stage of pregnancy, controlling the application of nitrogen fertilizer, proper application of phosphate fertilizer, such as bone dregs, fish bones, rice water and other retting fertilizer, proper control of water, the bud can bloom.

3. The branches and leaves are too dense, and the nutrition is consumed too much, which can inhibit the formation of flower buds, which can be combined with the pruning of the whole plant from April to May to make the branches and leaves of jasmine dense and promote flower bud differentiation.

4. Excessive watering, stagnant water in basin soil, too low temperature and outdoor rain during pregnancy will all cause bud drop. Prevention and control methods: moisture should be controlled, soil should be loosened properly, and heavy rain should be avoided.

How to prune jasmine

1. Pruning after anthesis should cut off the remnant flowers together with the following four pairs of leaves, this part has strong germination, can divide more lateral branches and bloom more, but it should be flexibly mastered according to the length of flowering branches, because there are overgrown branches that need to be cut a little heavier. Try to maintain a better plant type with the plant, which can not only control the long branches, but also increase the overall ornamental. Slender branches can be cut off from the connection between the side branch and the main branch to avoid consuming too much nutrients.

2. Proper pruning should be carried out before sprouting in spring, elongated branches, weak branches and over-old branches should be cut off, and strong branches should be cut short. 3. If new branches have been issued and grow well, coring should be carried out when the length reaches more than 10 cm, in order to promote secondary shoots and more flowering.

3. After each flower fade, the residual flowers should be removed in time, the long branches should be trimmed properly, and fertilizer should be applied once. The amount of cutting is generally determined by the height of the plant and personal preference, usually between one and three nodes of the flower, and if it is a long branch without flowers, it should be cut more.

4. Pruning should be combined with leaf thinning on a sunny day, and the diseased branches should be cut off at the same time.

If you want Mao jasmine to grow well, you need to prune regularly, but you still need to pay attention to skills. If you prune randomly, you will not only achieve a beautiful effect, but also have a counterproductive effect. However, the editor has introduced the techniques to you today. So you can trim according to the way, so you can see the beautiful hairy jasmine.