
How to cultivate winter coral methods and matters needing attention in winter coral culture

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Winter coral, also known as Jiqingguo, will produce small white flowers in summer and produce delightful berries after flowering, echoing with green leaves, and are loved by many people. For this kind of potted plant, which is mainly for viewing fruit, many people are concerned about its growth habits and

Winter coral, also known as "Jiqingguo", will produce small white flowers in summer and produce delightful berries after flowering, echoing with green leaves, and are loved by many people. For this kind of potted plant based on watching fruit, many people do not understand its growth habits and breeding methods well enough, so let's learn how to breed it with Xiaobian.

How to raise winter coral

1, soil: requires fertile and good drainage of soil, acid and alkali requirements are not strict, the most suitable for potted plants.

2. Fertilization: after potting, liquid fertilizer is often applied (twice a month), and phosphorus fertilizer is applied before flowering.

3. Watering: when the flowers are in full bloom, there should be less fertilization and less watering, so as to reduce the falling flowers and increase the fruit setting rate. When the fruit is the size of mung beans, it is necessary to apply more fertilizer and water more to make the fruit big and red.

4. Pruning: for potted flowers, when the plant is 10-15 cm high, it is necessary to pick the heart many times to remove the top advantage, so that it has more new branches and more fruit. For cutting vase (for viewing fruit), when the plant is 10-15 cm high, the lateral buds should be removed to make the main branch grow tall.

5. Others: the old plant of Dongshan paste should loosen the soil and apply fertilizer in spring, and the old plant of more than 3 years should be eliminated because of its sparse branches and few fruits.

Methods and matters needing attention of winter coral culture

I. Culture methods

1. Soil

Potted winter coral, flowerpots to choose the right size, in the pot when choosing loose. , fertile and well-drained soil, you can add a little base fertilizer.

2. Light and temperature

Winter corals like the warm growing environment, like the sun, suitable for growing in sunny places. The suitable temperature for its growth is between 18 ℃ and 25 ℃. In winter, when the temperature is low, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature of its living environment is not lower than 5 ℃, so that it can survive the winter safely. In addition, winter corals like the sun, do not block the sun, you can keep the winter coral in a well-ventilated and brightly lit place when the summer temperature is high and the sun is strong.

3. Watering and fertilizing

Winter coral has the characteristics of drought tolerance, it is more afraid of waterlogging, so avoid stagnant water in the basin. In the process of breeding, it is necessary to keep the soil moist and properly watered, not too dry or too wet. Fertilizer can be applied with thin liquid fertilizer every half a month. Note that it is necessary to apply some phosphate fertilizer before flowering to make the flowers multiply and fruit. It is necessary to control water and fertilizer during flowering to avoid falling flowers and fruits. When the fruit grows to the size of mung bean, water and fertilizer can be restored and some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be properly applied to make the fruit bright.

Matters needing attention in aquaculture

1. Methods of reproduction

The propagation of winter coral is mostly sowing or cutting, sowing is carried out in spring, cutting can be carried out in spring or autumn.

2. Diseases and insect pests

Potted winter coral, when the temperature is high in summer, it is easy to suffer from anthracnose, harm stems and leaves, the disease is more serious. When the disease occurs, the diseased leaves can be cut off and burned, and need to be sprayed. Pests are mainly aphids, which can be sprayed with insecticides to kill insects.

3. Florescence management

The florescence management of winter coral is mainly water and fertilizer management. It is necessary to suspend fertilization and control watering, and then restore water and fertilizer after the fruit has grown.

How to manage the florescence of winter coral

1. Fertilizer management

Winter coral has a strong ability to adapt to the environment, and the requirement of fertilizer is not high, but reasonable fertilization can promote the growth and development of winter coral and make winter coral plants strong. When the winter coral is about to enter the flowering stage, it is the period of budding. At this time, we can apply some fertilizers to promote the amount of flowers. When the winter coral florescence comes, we should stop fertilizing. When the winter coral grows fruits the size of mung beans, we can resume fertilization.

2. Water management

When the winter coral blooms, the amount of water should be reduced. In general, as long as you keep the soil moist, try not to water it. Because watering may wash away the pollen from the winter coral flowers, or lead to a large number of falling flowers, the reduction of pollen and a large number of falling flowers will reduce the amount of fruit in the winter coral fruit stage or even fail to bear fruit.

Similarly, when the winter coral grows fruits the size of mung beans, we can resume watering, slightly more than the normal amount of water, and at the same time properly spray water on the leaves of the winter coral, which can increase the humidity in the air, give the winter coral enough water, and clean the leaves to make them more fresh and bright.

What if the winter coral doesn't bear fruit?

1. Reason

Winter corals do not have high requirements for the environment, but if too much water will cause winter corals to rot roots, branches and leaves to wither, it is very difficult for such weak winter corals to bear fruit, and during flowering, if you can't water the winter coral regularly, make the soil dry and wet, and fertilization is not fixed, it is easy to cause the winter coral not to bear fruit. Another reason is that the flowers of winter corals are not pollinated, which can also lead to the failure of winter corals to bear fruit. 2. Solution

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the health of the winter coral plants, watering the winter coral regularly during the flowering period, not letting the soil wet and dry for a few days, and fertilizing regularly to ensure that the winter coral can get sufficient nutrients. If the daily maintenance of winter coral is very good but does not bear fruit, it may be that the flowers are not pollinated, and we can pollinate winter coral artificially. Since winter corals are hermaphroditic, we only need to tap each flower with a clean wet swab.

The breeding method of winter coral is relatively simple, and many people are very handy when raising it. However, it should be noted that the watering requirements of winter coral are relatively strict, too much water will not only cause winter coral rotten roots, but also may affect its fruit rate.