
The breeding method of pocket coconut (sowing, dividing plants) how to raise pocket coconut

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The plant of pocket coconut is small, graceful and elegant. Take a closer look at its bright green leaves, spreading leaves, mature plants like an umbrella, like a small coconut tree in general. So how do pocket coconuts breed? Breeding method of pocket coconut (

The plant of pocket coconut is small, graceful and elegant. Take a closer look at its bright green leaves, spreading leaves, mature plants like an umbrella, like a small coconut tree in general. So how do pocket coconuts breed?

Propagation method of pocket coconut (sowing, dividing plants)


The suitable time for sowing is from spring to summer, and it is better to pick and sow; because the endocarp of the seed is hard and the mesocarp contains substances that inhibit germination, the seed usually germinates slowly and unevenly; the optimum temperature for seed germination is 30-35 degrees Celsius, and it can germinate earlier when the air temperature is high, and the germination duration is shorter, and the final germination rate is also higher. It can germinate in about 1-1.5 months after sowing at 35 degrees Celsius, 1.5-2 months after sowing at 30 degrees Celsius, 4-6 months below 25 degrees Celsius, and heat preservation when sowing in winter; soaking at room temperature for 1-2 days before sowing, covering soil about 1 cm after sowing, watering to keep moist, germinating seedlings after about 1-2 months, and then planting after 2-3 times of pseudo-planting fertilizer culture.


The suitable period of ramet is from spring to autumn, and it is the best when it is combined with changing basin in spring; when the plant is crowded, it can be dug out, and every 1-3 plants can be cut and planted separately. The cultivated soil quality is better in humus-rich loam or sandy loam with good drainage, while potted mixed rotten leaf soil, peat moss, river sand and a small amount of base fertilizer are more vigorous.

How to raise pocket coconuts

Spring to summer is the peak growth period, which requires more water, so attention should be paid to water supply, and the soil is often kept moist to help the growth; when the air of the Summer Solstice is dry in autumn, he can often spray the foliar surface to improve the air humidity and keep the foliage green and bright.

When planting, the soil mixed with organic fertilizer as base fertilizer will grow better in the future; topdressing every 1-2 months from spring to autumn, all kinds of organic fertilizers or three elements are ideal; fertilization should be reduced after the end of autumn; when the winter temperature is lower than 13 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to reduce watering and stop fertilization to facilitate overwintering, and the lowest winter temperature is 3 degrees Celsius.

The pot should choose a pot of 6-8 inches, with a single plant or 2-3 plants per pot, and the drainage of the bottom of the basin should be smooth; the shape of the plant is the most beautiful between 30 and 60 centimeters, and the ornamental value will be reduced because the plant is too high. At this time, smaller young plants can be cultivated below; change the pot and soil every 2-3 years, and spring is the appropriate time. If the plant is crowded, you can take advantage of this ramet cultivation. Transplantation in winter is vulnerable to cold injury, fertility hindrance and difficult recovery.

How to cultivate Pocket Coconut without soil

Soilless cultivation technology to cultivate pocket coconut is the use of inorganic fertilizer solution, that is, the method of nutrient solution cultivation. Pocket coconuts like shady environment, should not be placed near the south window, should be placed in the north, east, west windowsill, or equivalent place. The leaves grow dark green in darker places, and turn yellowish green in direct light. Too much strong light can produce scorched leaves and black spots. The optimum temperature for growth was between 20 and 30 ℃, 13 ℃ entered dormancy, and no less than 10 ℃ in winter.

Watering should grasp the principle that it would rather be wet than dry, and keep the basin soil moist all the year round. To properly reduce the amount of water in winter, it is best to irrigate with cold boiled water. You might as well use a clean Rain Water in summer. Often spray water on the leaves and the surrounding ground to maintain high air humidity. Brown spot disease is easy to occur in high temperature and humidity, and it is easy to be damaged by scale insects when the air is dry and poorly ventilated, which needs strict prevention and timely treatment. Strong and extensive nature, like warm and humid, shade-tolerant, fertility temperature of 20-30 degrees Celsius.

What's the use of pocket coconuts?

Pocket coconut is a common potted plant in home, with beautiful plant shape and ornamental value. Let's take a look at the specific functions of pocket coconut:

1. The function of staying at home

It can purify benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air at the same time. It is a "high efficiency air purifier" in plants and is very suitable for indoor or newly decorated rooms.

2. Ornamental value

Pocket coconut plant is small and exquisite, beautiful plant shape, elegant posture, bright green leaves, strong negative tolerance, is an excellent indoor small and medium-sized potted foliage plants. Leaves flat, mature plants such as umbrella-shaped, dignified, simple and elegant, leaves chic, jade run crystal clear, giving people a sense of sincerity and simplicity, full of vitality. Small plants should be planted in small pots, desk desktops, treasures on the stage, and hanging rooms to decorate the space. The plants can be displayed in halls, conference rooms, waiting rooms and other places. it is an important foliage plant to beautify the room and has become popular all over the world.

Pocket coconut is shade-resistant, so it is very suitable for indoor small and medium-sized potted plants, desk desktops, treasures for the stage, but also suitable for hanging indoor, decorative space, can add tropical atmosphere and charm. Put it at the corner of the room or on the coffee table can add business atmosphere to the room and make the room show a charming tropical scenery.

Pocket coconut, as a common indoor plant in the courtyard, has a dignified appearance, simple and elegant appearance, chic leaves and jade run crystal clear, giving people a sense of sincerity and simplicity, full of vitality, and has high ornamental value. and can be cultivated by soilless cultivation, deeply loved by people.