
How to raise gold marbles in bonsai pot culture methods and precautions

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gold marbles are very good medicinal materials in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, their ornamental value is also very high, especially when they are made into bonsai, they are more beautiful. Whenever you see gold marbles with many fruits, you will feel a sense of achievement, but in the process of planting, they are very beautiful.

Golden marbles are very good medicinal materials in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. in addition, its ornamental value is also very high, especially when it is made into bonsai, which is more beautiful. Whenever you see golden marbles with numerous fruits, you will feel a great sense of achievement. but it is not easy in the process of planting, here is to introduce its potted culture methods and matters needing attention.

How can bonsai marbles be raised?

1. Selection of pots: medium-deep glazed pottery basins, purple sand pottery pots or stone basins are suitable for gold marbles. The color should be light, not too deep.

2. Soil: Golden marbles like rich, loose and moist sandy soil. Potted plants are often cultivated with humus soil or matured pastoral soil mixed with sand.

3, upper basin: should be carried out in the spring and autumn, pay attention to the basin floor cushion empty, to ensure good ventilation and permeability, in order to make it grow normally.

4. Watering: keep the basin soil moist and not dry at ordinary times. In summer high temperature, in addition to paying attention to appropriate shade, but also should often spray water, watering, increase air humidity, in order to promote good growth.

5. Fertilization: regular fertilization should be applied during the growing period, and phosphate fertilizer should be increased in summer and autumn to promote flowering and fruiting.

Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of golden marbles

I. the method of pot culture of golden marbles

1. Cultivation site: Golden marbles like a ventilated and sunny environment, the thick leaves of the golden marbles placed on the roof platform are thick, and they blossom and bear fruit early. If the golden marbles are maintained in the gap between the buildings, it is best to lay out the high platform to facilitate ventilation and daylighting.

2. Water and fertilizer management: in the stage of golden marbles stocking and promoting branches, large water and large fertilizer should be adopted to facilitate the rapid growth of branches and meet the requirements of transitional coordination as soon as possible. Water and fertilizer should be properly controlled during the fruiting period and the viewing period, so that it is not dry or irrigated.

Watering in summer and autumn is carried out in the morning and evening before the sun rises or just rises and at sunset in the evening, when the sun is strong, watering is avoided, and topdressing of liquid fertilizer is mostly carried out in the afternoon when the sun is setting in the west. Winter watering is generally carried out at noon or in the afternoon when there is sunshine. Winter watering should not be too thorough, and the basin soil can be slightly wet, because there are many frost and fog basin soil in the evening in winter.

3. Turn the basin and change the soil: the roots and branches of golden marbles are not heavy-cut, and the pots can be changed all the year round. Cultivation in places with poor environmental conditions can be carried out in the spring and autumn season. The interval between turning the basin is generally once every three or four years, which can be advanced or postponed for a year or two according to the specific situation.

When turning the basin and changing the soil, generally carry on a pruning, if the root branch is trimmed too heavily, finally use the oxidized deep soil, wait for the bonsai to resume growth, adopt the method of thin fertilizer and frequent application.

II. Points for attention

In the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, golden marbles generally have few diseases and insect pests, but poor ventilation and lighting conditions and long-term stagnant water in pots are easy to produce diseases and insect pests such as leaf wax and skin rust. General use of rapid culling and fenpropathrin solution spraying or improving ventilation and lighting conditions can be prevented.

The reason why the leaves of golden marbles turn yellow

It is very likely that there is too much watering. Many friends are always afraid that their plants are short of water and often water desperately, which just has the opposite effect. Plants need to rely on their roots to absorb water to maintain the growth of their branches and leaves. But the roots need enough air to maintain. If there is more water, there will be less natural air. Long-term dampness will make the roots suffocate, so the plants are easy to have yellow leaves. So we should water it properly.

How to trim golden marbles

1. Pruning the root system is basically in line with the characteristics of shallow and small bonsai pots in the future. The upper branches are more pruned, leaving only useful branches to prevent too much evaporation.

2. Find a large pot or plant it directly into the ground, ordinary garden soil is fine, do not apply fertilizer.

3. Fill the bottom of the basin with 5 cm, then put it into the head of the pile, and then fill it slowly to make it solid.

4. Place neither yin nor yang, and pour enough water to fix the root.

5. Then cultivate the moist soil to the upper pile head, revealing only the uppermost position ready to germinate. In this way, keep the soil moist, keep piles for one to two years, combined with new bud shape, pinching and controlling height.

It seems that the planting method of golden marbles is skillful, we can plant according to the above method, it will be much easier, and if you want your golden marbles to grow better, timely pruning is very necessary. We can prune according to the above method, the effect is quite good.