
How to grow bauhinia and its planting methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bauhinia is a very meaningful flower for us, but compared with Bauhinia, Bauhinia is a more attractive and widely used plant. Planting Bauhinia is not as good as landscaping. At the same time, it can also play Bauhinia.

Bauhinia is a very meaningful flower for us, but compared with Bauhinia, Bauhinia is a more attractive and widely used plant. Planting Bauhinia is not as good as landscaping. At the same time, it can also play the medicinal effect of Bauhinia, more importantly, Bauhinia is also an important wood.

How to grow Bauhinia

Bauhinia likes high temperature, humid and rainy climate, but it is not very cold-resistant, but it can survive the winter in the area south of the Tropic of Cancer; it likes the nutrient-rich acidic soil environment, but it is afraid of waterlogging.

Planting methods and matters needing attention of Bauhinia chinensis

I. Culture methods of Bauhinia chinensis

1. Soil

Bauhinia likes acidic soil, which can withstand barren soil, but grows better in fertile soil, and requires looseness and good drainage, especially sandy soil. When transplanting Bauhinia chinensis, you can bring some soil to its root and transplant it.

2. Light and temperature

Bauhinia prefers a sunny environment and requires a warm growing environment because Bauhinia is not very hardy. In the process of breeding Bauhinia, it is necessary to ensure sufficient light, but Bauhinia can be shaded and can be shaded to prevent exposure when the summer temperature is strong. The suitable temperature for the growth of Bauhinia is between 23 ℃ and 34 ℃. It is necessary to keep the overwintering temperature above 5 ℃ in winter. If necessary, the potted plants should be placed in the greenhouse or warm indoor to spend the winter.

3. Watering and fertilizing

Bauhinia likes a wetter environment, but avoid stagnant water. Spring and autumn season to maintain sufficient water, watering more frequently to maintain a certain humidity, autumn and winter season can make potted plants dry, reduce watering, winter watering is best carried out at noon. Fertilization needs to be based on the growth of the plant, generally in the growing period can be applied 1-2 times liquid fertilizer, after flowering can be applied several times mature thin fertilizer and water. In autumn, some phosphate fertilizer can be applied to promote flowering in the coming year.

II. Matters needing attention in the culture of Bauhinia

1. Pruning

Bauhinia can be pruned after flowering, cutting off those overgrown branches, diseased branches and weak branches, and retain the old flowering branches. Summer can pick the heart, promote the growth of flowers and branches, and make the crown plump.

2. Turn the basin

Bauhinia usually turns the basin every 2-3 years, usually in autumn. In autumn, it can be combined with turning the basin, trimming the roots, and replacing the culture soil.

3. Pest control

Bauhinia will suffer from diseases such as angular spot, bituminous coal disease and pests such as aphids and coir moths.

Grafting Propagation of Bauhinia chinensis

In the grafting propagation of Bauhinia chinensis, the selection of rootstock is very important. We generally choose Bauhinia Bauhinia and Bauhinia bauhinia as the rootstock of grafting Bauhinia bauhinia, using the way of bud grafting. Specifically, the bud part of Bauhinia bauhinia is selected to be grafted on the rootstock to achieve the effect of breeding Bauhinia.

There are two periods of the year suitable for the grafting of Bauhinia bauhinia, one between April and May in spring, and the other between August and September in autumn, because these two periods are just before the seedlings germinate. this period of time grafting helps to improve the success rate of grafting.

The efficacy and function of Bauhinia

1. The ornamental function of Bauhinia chinensis

The trunk of Bauhinia is smooth gray, the leaves are verdant, the flowers of Bauhinia are light pink, the edge of the petals is dark, there is a halo effect on the whole, very charming, there are dark crimson, dark purple stripes on the petals, showing a kind of enchanting posture, the flowers of Bauhinia also have a slight fragrance, very fresh and pleasant. Bauhinia can be planted in the garden, the blooming season will be very beautiful, can also be used as a street tree, planted on the side of the road, decorated with urban greening.

2. The medicinal effect of Bauhinia chinensis.

The medicinal effect of Bauhinia is very extensive, and many parts of Bauhinia can be used as medicine. The flower of Bauhinia can be used as medicine. One kind of flower in Bauhinia is white. This white Bauhinia flower can be used as medicine. Bauhinia white flower as a medicinal taste is bitter, astringent, flat. With the function of anti-inflammation and detoxification, Laobaihua can be used to treat indigestion, wind-heat cough and hepatitis, it can be said that the effect is very extensive. The bark and root bark of Bauhinia can also be used as medicine, and the bark of Bauhinia can be used to treat indigestion, acute gastroenteritis and other diseases. The leaves of Bauhinia can also treat cough and constipation. The fruit and tender leaves of Bauhinia can also be eaten. It can be said that Bauhinia is covered with treasures.

3. Other functions of Bauhinia chinensis

The trunk of Bauhinia is very hard, and the growth ability of Bauhinia is very strong, so Bauhinia can be used as a good kind of wood. Bauhinia can be made into farm tools as wood.

Planting Bauhinia we need to start from the growth habits of Bauhinia, and then according to the local environment, in the appropriate season to provide Bauhinia with appropriate light, heat and water fertilizer, so that Bauhinia can better repay you through its role.