
The method of pruning branches and leaves of tea plum with bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Now many people in life like to put some beautiful plants at home as bonsai to improve their furniture environment and purify the air at the same time. Tea plum bonsai is a very popular bonsai plant. It has a special shape and can bloom.

Now many people in life like to put some beautiful plants at home as bonsai to improve their furniture environment and purify the air at the same time. Tea plum bonsai is a very popular bonsai plant. It has a special shape and can produce very beautiful flowers. So do you know how to trim the tea plum bonsai?

How do tea plum bonsai look good?

1. Material selection

The tea plum with low plant, slow growth, small leaf shape and soft branches is more suitable for processing, such as expanding the low winter tea plum.

Ordinary tea plum varieties that are more upright can also try to make towering bonsai, but it is best not to use varieties with tall plants, rapid growth and large flowers and leaves.

2. Material sources

It is best to use 2-3-year-old cuttings or seedlings, because the branches of the seedlings are easy to process and shape, and can be cultivated into a variety of trees by continuous shaping, pruning, hanging and winding in the process of cultivation.

Can also dig dry Qiu wild Camellia, Camellia oleifera and other old plant branches through truncated grafting or the use of old plants to sprout new branches, after continuous modeling, the production of old tea plum pile pots.

3. Modeling

It is usually based on the natural posture of tea plum plant or artistically processed into straight dry type, oblique dry type, double dry type, and can also be cultivated into curved dry type, cliff type, semi-cliff type and so on.

The method of pruning branches and leaves of bonsai tea plum

1. Branch treatment

The length and density of branches should be coordinated with the height and thickness of the trunk. Branches that are too dense can be trimmed moderately, do not let them blossom for the first two to three years, and do not be too hasty in the process of posture.

As the branches are relatively brittle and hard, especially where the branches are easy to break, special care should be taken. For individual slender branches, in addition to the long branches that can be cut off or cut short, lead wire twist is generally used to shorten the shape, and the shape should be thick rather than thin. The best shape is processed year by year.

2. Leaf treatment

Through the treatment of branches and leaves and twigs, ingenious combination, to achieve a reasonable layout, proportion coordination. The relationship between leaves and leaves should be dealt with more but not complicated, less but not sparse, and some can be cut off properly for the coordination of branches and leaves and plants. In the process of cultivation, fertilizer and water should be properly restricted to make the leaves smaller as much as possible.

What if the tea plum leaves fall?

1. Proper shading

As the newly planted tea plum can not withstand the cold wind and sun in early spring, it should be placed outside in a sheltered, warm, semi-shady place.

If it is cold outdoors, it should be placed indoors where there is scattered light, and only with the rise of the temperature can the basin be gradually placed outside.

As the temperature continues to rise, pots can be placed around noon on the north windowsill or balcony of the north house, accepting only the rising sun and sunset, while avoiding the direct sunlight around noon, and should be placed under the eaves of the corridor or under the scaffolding in the courtyard in summer.

2. Appropriate watering

After the newly transplanted or newly mailed tea plum seedlings are fully watered for the first time, do not water as long as the pot soil is not dry, spray water to the plant and the basin surface 3 times a day to keep the basin soil slightly moist, ensuring that the leaves are not short of water, and do not make the basin soil too wet.

Usually watering should be dry and wet, while watering should be thoroughly watered.

Maintenance method of tea plum bonsai

Generally change the basin once every two to three years, in addition to choose a good color, size, style of the basin and the plant to match, the basin had better be a little smaller, do not choose a large one, about 1/2 of the crown.

Properly cut off the damaged roots and part of the old roots to help the better development of shallow roots, but also contribute to the dwarfing of plants. When planting, the base of the stem needs to be slightly higher, beyond the edge of the basin, and exposed plants should avoid wind blowing and sun exposure.

Under the condition of not affecting the growth and development, fertilizing as little as possible, in order to keep the tree posture balanced and natural, it is not suitable to cut off the top casually, it is possible to prune lightly in the growing season, and the coring method is used to remove the growth buds of unwanted or too long branches. more intensive pruning and shaping should be carried out before germination.

In addition to long branches, if there are over-long or over-proportional branches, the longer part of the tip can be cut off, or it can be shortened by twisting from the bottom to the top of the wire.

Do not store it indoors for too long, which will affect the growth and development of tea plum.

Through the above content, I believe you have a certain understanding of tea plum bonsai. If you put a pot of bonsai full of art in the study or office, it will be absolutely pleasing to the eye. What are you waiting for? hurry up and trim it yourself!