
How to water Ruixiang (how often) how to fertilize Ruixiang

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The flower language of Ruixiang is auspicious and auspicious, which means very beautiful. In addition, its ornamental value is also quite high, and it has become an indispensable member of the family breeding flowers. However, many people have found that there is still a great need for patience in the daily maintenance of Ruixiang.

The flower language of Ruixiang is auspicious and auspicious, which means very beautiful. In addition, its ornamental value is also quite high, and it has become an indispensable member of the family breeding flowers. However, many people have found that the daily maintenance of Ruixiang still needs to be patient, such as water and fertilizer management is a very key step in maintenance. Next, let's study together.

How to water Ruixiang (how often)

1. Watering should be controlled at ordinary times

Because Phnom Penh is a fleshy root plant, the root system is easy to rot in the soil with high water content, and because its leaves belong to leathery, the transpiration is weak, so Phnom Penh is not suitable to grow in wet soil environment. Therefore, when watering, Phnom Penh Daphne must remember to control the watering times, usually once every 3-7 days, and wait to see that the soil is dry enough before watering, otherwise the soil will keep a high humidity for a long time. Phnom Penh will easily have root rot and other phenomena, and even threaten its normal growth in serious cases.

2. Adjust watering according to the changes of the four seasons

Different seasons will also affect the watering mode and frequency of Phnom Penh Daphne. In spring, pour water thoroughly before Phnom Penh Daphne is about to sprout, and then water the soil thoroughly. In summer, in addition to watering the soil after drying, water should be sprayed regularly to its leaves to prevent the temperature from getting too high. In autumn, to keep the basin soil in a semi-dry state, let its growth trend slow down in preparation for the winter. In winter, Phnom Penh incense stops growing, so watering should be more strictly controlled and watered as little as possible.

How to apply fertilizer to Ruixiang

1. Fertilization frequency

In fact, Phnom Penh Daphne can grow well when there is not enough fertilizer, but we still have to fertilize Phnom Penh according to a certain frequency every day, which can further promote the growth of Phnom Penh. In general, we can fertilize Phnom Penh Daphne once a month, and the fertilizer can be liquid and mature.

2. The time of fertilization

We plant Phnom Penh Daphne mainly to watch the flowers of Phnom Penh Daphne, so a very important reason for fertilization is to make the flowers of Phnom Penh Daphne more delicate and beautiful, so we should pay attention to apply some liquid fertilizer to Phnom Penh Daphne before and after flowering. It can make the flowers bloom more, taste more fragrant and brighter, and prolong the flowering period to a certain extent.

How to raise Daphne odora

1. Temperature and light

When breeding objects, the most basic condition is to pay attention to the indoor temperature and light problems. First of all, we must know what kind of environment in which Ruixiang is suitable to grow, and understand the habits and characteristics of this kind of flowers. Ruixiang likes a more refreshing place, so do not put them in a sunny place, usually be prepared to avoid the light.

2. Watering

Daphne is a kind of flower that likes to live in a wet flowerpot. When summer comes, many words may have reached the time of blooming. But on the contrary, they have already entered a dormant state at that time, so don't keep watering.

3. Fertilization

When choosing fertilizers, you should pay attention to choosing mature fertilizers as far as possible. don't apply too much fertilizer when fertilizing, and try to apply it thinly, otherwise it will easily burn out the flower roots. if you only apply too much fertilizer for temporary convenience, the loss will outweigh the gain.

4. Soil

Daphne is suitable for growing in soil with high permeability, and this kind of flower needs to be changed every three years or so, which can be carried out after flowering, which can remove more than half of the old soil. and in the process of turning the soil, it can help Ruixiang remove some redundant fibrous roots.

How does Daphne reproduce

1. Cuttage propagation

The suitable time for cutting in spring is from late February to late March, select the annual strong branches, the length is about 10 cm, remove the lower leaves of the branches, while retaining 2-3 leaves, and then insert them into the seedbed.

Cutting propagation is carried out in summer and autumn, first of all, cut off the branches of Daphne which grow well in that year, and the base of the cuttings had better have internodes, so that it is easier to root. Insert the cuttings into the river sand basin with a depth of about 2x3, properly shade after insertion, and keep reasonably moist, wait for about 45-60 days before taking root.

2. High pressure propagation

The suitable time for high pressure propagation of Daphne odora is generally from March to April. Select 1-2-year-old sturdy Daphne branches, need to be annular peeling treatment, the width of about 1-2 cm, after the incision is wrapped in plastic sheeting, fill it with soil, fasten the lower end of the plastic sheet, and pay attention to leaving a small hole while the upper end is tight. in order to permeate and irrigate, and to keep the soil moist, it will take more than 2 months to take root. After autumn, it needs to be cut off from the mother in time for potting or planting.

In fact, the breeding method of Ruixiang is not so difficult, as long as it has mastered its growth habits, water and fertilizer management will be fine here. Like friends quickly breed a pot, can be used to decorate the home environment, for the home to add a touch of gorgeous color.