
How to raise the bonsai of Euonymus mandshurica the cultivation methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Weimao is also a very suitable plant for potted plants. It has a very high value position in the garden, can create a variety of landscapes, and is highly sought after by the public. However, the spear is not a common plant in daily life, so many people think about its breeding methods.

Weimao is also a very suitable plant for potted plants. It has a very high value position in the garden, can create a variety of landscapes, and is highly sought after by the public. However, Euonymus is not a common plant in life, so many people still have a lot of questions about its breeding method. Today's article will answer for you.

How to raise the bonsai of Wei Spear

1. Soil

Euonymus has strong adaptability to soil and can grow in neutral, acidic and calcareous soil.

2. Watering

Weimao is more drought-resistant, just keep the soil moist, not dry or irrigated, dry is better than wet. Plants should be properly watered in spring and summer, which is conducive to flowering and fruiting; watering should be reduced in autumn and the soil should be slightly dry; and watering should be watered every five to seven days during winter dormancy.

3. Fertilization

Weimao has a great demand for fertilizer. During the growing period of the plant, cake fertilizer can be applied every two weeks, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which will grow too much when there is too much nitrogen fertilizer. In winter, rotten cake fertilizer can be added to the soil as base fertilizer.

4. Lighting

Wei Mao likes to grow in places with light, and can put plants in places with plenty of sunshine and air circulation. It is necessary to provide proper shade in the hot summer to prevent the plants from being exposed to the hot sun.

Breeding methods and matters needing attention of potted Euonymus

I. Culture methods

1. Watering: can be wet. The spring and summer growth period should be properly watered to facilitate growth and blossom and bear fruit. When the leaves are red in autumn, the water should be deducted, and the basin soil should be slightly dry. During the dormant period in winter, it can be watered every 5 times every 7 days.

2. Fertilization: Weimao is very fertile, applying thin and rotten cake fertilizer and water every two weeks during the growing period. Give priority to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and apply less nitrogen fertilizer to avoid futile growth. It is advisable to apply less or no fertilizer after autumn. Put some rotten cake crumbs in the basin as base fertilizer in winter.

3. Illumination: celestial spear is fond of light, should be placed in a place with sufficient sunshine and air circulation, and should be properly shaded in summer to prevent hot sun exposure. The light in autumn is beneficial for the leaf color to turn red as soon as possible.

4. Temperature: you can overwinter outdoors in winter and bury it in the soil in the sunny place.

5. Pest control: Euonymus is damaged by leaf-eating insects such as yellow poplar moth and yellow spot moth, and the prevention and control method is sprayed with 1500 times of trichlorfon or dichlorvos during the larval active period from April to May.

II. Points for attention

1. Pruning: when drawing new branches and leaves in spring, they should be cut short properly to keep the crown dense and not scattered. Reshaping and pruning after falling leaves in autumn. Cut off germinating branches, overgrown branches and overlapping branches to maintain a certain styling tree posture.

2. Turning the basin: the basin can be turned every 2-3 years, preferably before sprouting and putting leaves in February-March in spring, or in autumn. When turning the basin, the long root system was trimmed, the old 1B2 soil was removed, the fertile and loose culture soil was replaced, and the appropriate amount of cake crumbs and rice bran ash were mixed. If the root is raised by culture, the plant can be gradually raised to expose the basal main root.

The method of making bonsai of Wei spear

1. Preparatory work

In the plant spear bonsai, we need plants, suitable flowerpots, scissors, water, soil and fertilizer.

2. Material selection and cultivation

Euonymus is generally sown or cuttage propagation. After the plants are propagated by sowing or cutting, they are cultured until they are raised to the height where they can make bonsai. Of course, if the seedlings of wild Euonymus can be found, its plants can also be used as bonsai materials to make bonsai.

3. Upper basin

First of all, prepare the pot soil, the flowerpot can choose purple sand pottery pot, rectangular or oval, the color is preferably light blue or light green. The soil is generally loose neutral soil, it is necessary to add some base fertilizer.

Put the plants of the spear on the pot, preferably with native soil, in the spring. Before putting on the pot, pay attention to pruning the root system, plant the plant into the flowerpot to cover the soil, and shake the flowerpot to compact the soil.

4. Plastic surgery

After pruning and banding, the plant of Wei spear can be tied into a curved dry or oblique dry shape to meet the needs of modeling. The branches should be pruned to make them look more stylish and dense.

Then put the bonsai of Wei spear in a place with sufficient light for maintenance, and then pay attention to water and fertilizer, and pay attention to pruning and changing pots in daily maintenance to maintain the ornamental nature of bonsai.

How to trim the spear

1. Pruning principle

When pruning the spear, it should be noted that because flower buds grow on its new annual branches, care should be taken to avoid heavy pruning. When pruning some dense branches and leaves, the branches should be pruned alternately from left to right, retaining the appropriate branches, so that the whole plant will look more naturally dry.

2. Pruning method

Prune the shape of the tree: prune the new branches and leaves of the spear in spring so that it does not affect the entire crown. After falling leaves in autumn, it is also necessary to trim and reshape, mainly to cut off the long branches and cross branches of the spear, and so on, to maintain the beauty of the tree. It is also necessary to prune the pest-infested and withered branches of the spear so as not to affect the healthy growth of the plant.

Euonymus is a light-loving plant, and it has a strong ability to adapt to soil and climate, so friends who want to raise it don't have to worry, you can try it yourself. In addition, Euonymus has good medicinal value and has a good effect on lowering blood sugar and regulating blood pressure and blood lipids.