
How to make a gentleman how to plant a gentleman and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The gentleman is a common plant, which can be seen in many parts of our country at present. So that the ornamental value of the gentleman is very high, generally with flowers as the main ornamental point, and its flowers are generally common in red, white and so on. Now there are a lot of people planting to make a gentleman, but

The gentleman is a common plant, which can be seen in many parts of our country at present. So that the ornamental value of the gentleman is very high, generally with flowers as the main ornamental point, and its flowers are generally common in red, white and so on. Nowadays, there are many people who make a gentleman by planting, but before planting, people should have a comprehensive understanding of its planting method.

How to make a gentleman grow

1. The gentleman is a deciduous vine plant, native to India, Malaysia and other places. Like warm and humid climate, more resistant to cold, light, but also slightly resistant to shade, the suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃, full-day or half-day sunshine, the general courtyard is very easy to cultivate.

2. Make the gentleman like the light, so it is better to have all-day sunshine or direct sunshine for more than four hours a day, while in the shade, the plant is easy to grow but not blossom.

3. Propagate with seed, ramet, cuttage and striping. Seed seedling transplanting: harvest mature and full fruit in autumn, sow with harvest, or store spring sowing with wet sand. The height of seedlings can be planted about 30cm.

Make a gentleman's planting methods and matters needing attention

1. Planting methods:

1, 2-3 months, first strong long branches, bent and buried in the soil, or wavy strips, rooting and then intercepted and transplanted. The seedlings propagated by the above methods were planted in mid or late February or in the rainy season. The row spacing was 3.3m × 2.3m. The stable manure was applied in the hole and mixed with the soil. One seedling was planted in each hole, and the root was fixed by watering after planting.

2. Fertilization: like fertile and wet land with good drainage, sandy loam or clayey soil, avoid waterlogging, but slightly resistant to water and moisture, not resistant to drought. Sufficient fertilizer is needed in the flowering and fruiting stage, except for the application of basal fertilizer during planting, topdressing is needed once or twice every spring and summer in order to blossom and flourish.

3. Watering: make the gentleman a terminal flower bud, and the growth of the branch must be at a standstill before the flower bud is formed at the top of the branch, so that the gentleman should appropriately reduce watering and fertilization before the flower bud is formed, so that its growth can be slowed down in favor of flowering. The period from November to February of the following year is the defoliation period, which can reduce the times of watering and stop fertilization.

2. points for attention:

In order to make the gentleman blossom better, before the flower bud is formed, it is necessary to stop the growth of the branches of the gentleman, appropriately reduce watering and fertilization, and slow down the growth rate of the gentleman, which will be conducive to flowering.

Why doesn't the gentleman blossom?

1. Lack of light. One of the important reasons why the gentleman does not blossom is the lack of light. When raising a gentleman, we need to give her enough light, so that it can grow healthily and is beneficial to its flowering. However, if the gentleman is placed in a hidden place for a long time without sufficient light, it will lead to the overgrowth of the gentleman's plant and will not blossom.

2. Improper fertilization. Improper fertilization is another important factor that keeps a gentleman from blooming. This is mainly said that insufficient fertilization, resulting in the growth of the gentleman does not have sufficient nutrients, and their own nutrients are not enough to support flowering, income flowering will be affected. In addition, it is in the fertilization, the use of too much nitrogen fertilizer, so that the gentleman luxuriant branches and leaves, and poor flowering.

How to raise a gentleman can blossom more.

1. The light is sufficient. If you want to make a gentleman blossom well, such maintenance is very important, the first is to meet sufficient light, sufficient light is conducive to the growth of flowers.

2. Rational fertilization. If you apply fertilizer, you should mainly master two points, one is base fertilizer, the other is topdressing. When planting a gentleman, you should apply enough base fertilizer, and then, in spring and summer, topdressing should be carried out, and the fertilizer should not be too thick, so as to ensure that there are sufficient nutrients in flowering.

3. Pruning. If the gentleman is often pruned, it will not only make the plant beautiful, but also conducive to ventilation and light transmission, and pruning in winter will help the gentleman to blossom in the coming year.

When you plant a gentleman, you must pay attention to the choice of soil, and then plant it at the right time. The management of fertilizer and water must be done well after planting. If a gentleman does not blossom, he must first find out the reason, and then solve the problem from the root.