
What if the leaves of Chunlan turn yellow and black? how to fertilize Chunlan?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chunlan, as its name implies, is a variety of orchids, and it has a long history of cultivation. Although the plant type is short, it is beautiful and charming, and it is deeply loved and sought after by flower friends. However, it takes some skills to cultivate Cymbidium, and it is easy to cause Cymbidium if the method is not right.

Chunlan, as its name implies, is a variety of orchids, and it has a long history of cultivation. Although the plant type is short, it is beautiful and charming, and it is deeply loved and sought after by flower friends. But breeding Cymbidium needs certain skills, if the method is not right, it is easy to cause the phenomenon of yellow and black leaves of Cymbidium, so how to deal with this situation?

What if the leaves of Chunlan turn yellow and black?

1. Improper watering causes the leaf yellow of Cymbidium.

Watering should master skills, watering should be carried out according to the drying condition of the basin soil, and the right amount should be watered at the right time. Avoid basin soil being too dry or too wet. Pay attention to the air humidity in the growing environment of Chunlan. If the air is too dry, spray water frequently to maintain humidity.

2. Leaf yellow of Cymbidium caused by improper fertilization.

In terms of fertilization, Chunlan needs thin fertilizer to apply skillfully, and must not apply thick fertilizer, big fertilizer and unrotten liquid fertilizer. On the second day after fertilization, clear water should be irrigated once to dilute the fertilizer and avoid fertilizer damage.

3. Light causes the leaf yellow of Cymbidium.

Spring orchids like semi-overcast, in addition to full sunshine maintenance in early spring and winter, put the plants in a well-ventilated place at other times to avoid direct sunlight.

4. Yellow leaves of Cymbidium caused by diseases and insect pests

In general, the emergence of diseases and insect pests in Chunlan, affecting the leaves will be a gradual process. In the early stage of the onset of diseases and insect pests, if they can be found in time, measures can be taken. According to the symptoms of Chunlan, to judge what kind of diseases and insect pests Chunlan encountered, and choose the corresponding treatment measures, spraying pesticides or artificial control, will alleviate the yellowing of Chunlan leaves.

How to fertilize Chunlan

It has two ways to fertilize, one is through soil, the other is through leaves. Its growth rate is relatively slow, generally need a small amount of fertilizer on it, in the Spring and Autumn season, when it grows more rapidly, add alum fertilizer and water to it once a week, after ripening, high temperature and severe winter season do not need to add fertilizer. It is best to use organic fertilizer, adding fertilizer to the leaves can supplement other trace elements, once every half a month in the growing season. If its leaves are very shiny, it means that it is not short of fat, if it is relatively dim, it needs to be fattened.

How to keep Chunlan exuberant

1. Fertilizer

Although it needs to be planted with Chunlan mud at first, the nutrients are not enough in the long run and need to be replenished by fertilization. The requirements for fertilization are stricter, more is not enough, less is not enough. First of all, just grow buds and leaves, you need to apply a N-based fertilizer. Then comes the period of exuberant growth, specifically from May to the Beginning of Autumn, where nitrogen fertilizer is used every two weeks or half a month. After that, the application can be stopped. However, in the meantime, it needs to be added once after the flowers have faded. In addition, the specific time should also be paid attention to, preferably in the evening.

2. Moisture

Perhaps some friends have heard such a saying, "dry orchid wet chrysanthemum". Therefore, naturally, there can not be too much moisture. A small amount of water can make it thrive, but not too much. Generally speaking, it is best to keep 20% dry and 80% wet. It can not only meet its need for water, but also will not cause harm. Be careful not to water it at noon.

3. Light

Although this plant likes shade, it will not be exuberant for a long time. In spring and summer, it can be properly shaded. However, in autumn and winter, it is best to put it outside to bask in the sun for half a day. In this way, the plant is more prosperous. And, in order to let each side receive light evenly, it is best to adjust its orientation after a period of time to avoid differences in growth state.

4. Temperature

This aspect is very simple, and it is best to keep it within the appropriate scope. Specifically, it is 20 to 25 degrees, which is conducive to its exuberant growth.

Growth habits of Cymbidium

Chunlan likes cool, moist and well-ventilated environment, avoiding extreme heat, dryness and direct sunlight. The growing soil of Cymbidium is suitable to be well drained, rich in humus and slightly acidic.

The suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium was 15 ℃ to 25 ℃, 18 ℃ to 25 ℃ from March to October and 10 ℃ to 18 ℃ from October to March of the following year. As long as the temperature is suitable in winter, it can blossom normally even if the temperature is 0 ℃. The lowest capacity is from-5 ℃ to-8 ℃. But the most suitable temperature in winter is 3-8 ℃. Keep the basin soil from freezing and place it in the sunny place of the south window.

As mentioned above, orchids are very valuable flowers and plants, which need to be maintained patiently, so Chunlan also needs careful maintenance. Although Chunlan is more difficult to maintain, but the maintenance is good, its ornamental value is extremely high, if placed in the study, office, living room absolutely high-end!