
How to raise Wenshu Orchid Culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Wenshulan belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae. It has beautiful flowers, a faint fragrance, and a certain ornamental value. In addition to ornamental, it also has medicinal effects. It is a pity that such a valuable plant does not plant a pot at home. So how on earth did it?

Wenshulan belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae. It has beautiful flowers, a faint fragrance, and a certain ornamental value. In addition to ornamental, it also has medicinal effects. It is a pity that such a valuable plant is not planted at home. So how is it planted and what needs to be paid attention to in the planting process? let's take a look.

How to raise Wenshu orchid

1. Humus soil or fine sand soil is needed for disinfection. (humus soil needs to be soaked in boiling water, while fine sand soil needs to be roasted. Maintain a temperature of about 25 °C. It can take root and sprout in about 50-70 days.

2. Two or three leaves were selected for transplanting, and they could not be irradiated by strong light during germination.

3. For seed reproduction, it is appropriate to plant seeds in late autumn, collect seeds and sow seeds, cover the soil according to twice the diameter of the seeds, keep the potted soil moist at all times, water more, and grow about 3 true leaves after germination.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Wenshu Orchid

I. Culture methods

1. Soil: Manjusri does not have strict requirements on soil, is resistant to salt and alkali, and grows better in soils rich in humus, loose and fertile, and good drainage.

2. Watering: Wenshu orchid needs sufficient moisture in the growing season, often keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged, and reduce watering after autumn.

3. Sunshine: in the heat and heat of summer, Wenshu orchids should be shaded properly, from 7 am to 12:00, all-day sunshine should be accepted, and a shade should be built from 12:00 to 15:00.

4. Temperature: Wenshulan prefers warmth and is not resistant to cold. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-20 ℃. It should be overwintered in an indoor environment of no less than 5 ℃ in winter.

5. Fertilization: Manjusri likes fertilizer, manure should be applied 2-3 times a month, and phosphate fertilizer should be applied twice before and after flowering, which is beneficial to more flowering and long-lasting flowering.

II. Points for attention

1. Cooling and humidification in summer. Wenshulan is afraid of hot sun exposure in summer, so after entering summer, the plant should be moved to the shade shed or north balcony for maintenance, and often sprinkle water to the ground to create a cool and humid environment.

2. Fertilizing frequently during the growing period. Thin fertilizer should be applied frequently during the growing period. The thin fertilizer was applied mainly by nitrogen fertilizer in spring, the liquid fertilizer mainly by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in bud stage, and the rotten cake fertilizer in autumn. The interval of fertilization is 2 weeks.

3. Watering frequently during the growing period. Water is watered every 2 days in spring, once every evening in summer, and reduced in autumn. Watering is strictly controlled in winter (usually watering once every 2 weeks).

How to Water Pei Wen Shu Lan

1, the use of transparent glassware, need to meet the nutrients during the growth period, and photosynthesis, hydroponics, to maintain a suitable amount of water, do not need sand, keep the roots white.

2. During the growing period, in order to carry out water and fertilizer management, watering should not be too little every day, and fertilizers must be added every 1-2 weeks during the period from May to September, and stop after winter.

3. Erase the bad buds. In its prosperous period of growth, it often breeds bad buds and evil buds from around it, which need to be erased.

4. in order to make the leaves green and beautiful, light and shade are needed. At the height of summer, sunshine is needed from morning to noon, and shade is needed in the afternoon.

What about Manjushri's rotten root?

If the root of Wenshu orchid is rotten is difficult to treat, drag the flowers out of the pot, quickly cut off the rotten part of the root, use potassium permanganate for disinfection, re-pot for planting. If it is only a small amount of decay, you can use the above methods, wait for about three days to replant and normal maintenance. In its growing period, we must keep adequate water and fertilizer, do not be diligent in watering, fertilize too much.

It turns out that Wenshulan can be cultivated not only in soil, but also in water. Hydroponics put it in a glass bottle, so that even the roots can be seen, giving people another unique feeling through the effect of glassware, and hydroponics can always pay attention to its rotten roots, if it happens, it can be found and treated in time.