
How to raise Longtuzhu Culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to the dragon spitting pearl plant, many people may just think that the name is very good, not necessarily understand. In fact, Longtuzhu is a kind of flowers blooming before and after the Dragon Boat Festival. The special flower pattern is unique, elegant and beautiful, which is loved by many flower friends. A lot of people want to raise it.

When it comes to the dragon spitting pearl plant, many people may just think that the name is very good, not necessarily understand. In fact, Longtuzhu is a kind of flowers blooming before and after the Dragon Boat Festival. The special flower pattern is unique, elegant and beautiful, which is loved by many flower friends. Many people want to raise it at home, but do not know how to raise it for a long time.

How to raise dragon spitting beads

1. Soil

Longtuzhu culture soil uses rich, loose and well-drained sandy loam, potted culture soil or peat soil and coarse sand mixed soil, the commonly used soil formula is rotten soil 4 parts, garden soil 4 parts, sandy soil 2 parts.

2. Lighting

After the spring weather turns warm, the dragon spit beads are placed in the courtyard or on the south balcony, giving full light in spring and autumn. If it is hot and hot in summer, the dragon bead flower should be placed under the shade or in a shaded place.

3. Water and fertilizer

After entering the winter, move into the room to control watering, stop fertilization, put it in the sunny place and keep the room temperature above 12 ℃ to survive the winter safely.

4. Watering

Longtuzhu likes to be moist and requires sufficient water during its growth and development. However, too much watering and excessive dampness in the basin soil can easily cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Longtuzhu flower growth period should pay attention to uniform watering, basin soil often maintain a wet state, should not be too wet or too dry, should not be suddenly wet and dry.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Longtuzhu

I. the culture method of dragon spitting beads

1. Watering: Longtuzhu is sensitive to water. Stem and leaf growth period to keep saline soil moist, but watering can not be excessive, the amount of water is too large, resulting in only long vines without flowering, even leaves yellowing, withering, root decay and death. Summer high temperature season should be fully watered and properly shaded. It is necessary to reduce watering in winter and make it dormant in order to survive the winter safely.

2. Fertilization: fertilization should not be excessive. Mature thin cake fertilizer and water should be applied every 7-10 days in flowering season, and fertilizer should be applied for 3-4 times. If yellowing is found in the process of cultivation, it can be combined with topdressing and 0.2% ferrous sulfate can make the leaves change from yellow to green gradually.

3. Temperature: it should not be placed for too long in the dark. If the temperature is above 21 ℃, the flowers will fall for more than 24 hours.

4. Illumination: Longtuzhu needs sufficient light in winter and shade when the summer weather is too hot, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. When the light is insufficient, it will cause vine growth and do not blossom. Flower bud differentiation is not affected by photoperiod, but strong light can promote flower bud differentiation and development.

II. Points for attention

1. Change the basin

Potted dragon spits beads, generally every 1-2 years to change the pot, the time to change the pot in early spring or after the flower fade. After changing the basin, pour through the water, put the seedlings slowly in the shade, and then move to the sunny place for maintenance.

2. Shaping and pruning

Household dragon spitting beads are generally shorter, but in fact, its branches can grow very long, if you pay attention to shaping and pruning, you can cultivate a very beautiful dragon spitting beads. It can not only grow branches, but also be trimmed into beautiful dwarf plants. During the growth and development period, pay attention to pick the heart, control the height of the ramet, make the plant ramet neat and maintain a beautiful appearance.

How to raise and blossom more dragon spitting beads

1. Pruning

If you want it to grow fast, it's like pruning it frequently, otherwise it won't blossom. It blossoms for a long time, and if you take good care of it, it can even bloom for a whole year. After its flowers are withered, the residual flowers should be removed, and then there is no need to prune them and give it enough water and fertilizer. It can continue to grow flowers.

2. Moisture

It should be watered enough during its growth time, the flowerpot and soil should be kept wet, do not sprinkle too much water on the flower when it is blooming, and do not splash water on the flower when watering. In winter, it will stop growing and go into dormancy, and then it can stop watering. Watering should be controlled, otherwise the branches will grow quickly and affect the blooming of the flowers.

3. Lighting

Give it enough sunshine. If it lacks sunlight, it will only grow branches and leaves will turn yellow and fall off. It should be shaded in the heat, and the sun should not be exposed to it directly. It can be placed in windy areas of the house, often sprinkling water around and leaves to increase humidity. It needs to grow in an environment of 18-24 degrees. If it exceeds 30 degrees, it will grow normally as long as there is enough water. If winter comes, in order to prepare for an environment of no less than 8 degrees, the environment below 5 degrees will be frozen, the leaves will fall lightly, and the stem will wither if it is serious.

4. Pick the heart

Remove the withered branches and yellow leaves, which can help the flower buds grow, grow buds ahead of time, and blossom in early May. Flowers usually wither in 25 days. It is necessary to remove them and then fertilize them so that the next generation of flowers can have a chance to bloom. They can also buy special nutrient solutions and spray them on the branches to promote their flowering.

How to prolong the florescence of Longtuzhu

1. Pruning

Every year in March and April, its new branches will gradually sprout out, and then in the upper ten-inch area of its basin, all the above branches will be removed, so that it can grow more new branches. In this way, its flowers can be born in May.

2. Fattening

First, after its flowers have withered, remove the stalks of its old flowers, and loosen the soil for it, and it spends a lot of nutrients when it grows flowers. It should be given a small amount of fertilizer after its flowers have withered, so that it can grow new flowers again in August and September. Second, after its second flower, remove the branches according to the above method, loosen the soil, and fatten it, so that new flowers can grow again in December.

The first thing to cultivate any kind of plant is to fully understand and master its growth habits. Longtuzhu is a kind of flowers introduced inland from the tropics, so the most important thing to cultivate this kind of hot and humid and warm flowers and plants is watering and temperature.