
How to raise green pineapple in green navigation methods and matters needing attention in breeding green pineapple

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Due to the use of some relatively innovative elements, Luhang green pineapple will be more convenient than ordinary green pineapple when planting, especially watering. Luhang green pineapple has its own function of replenishing water, so basically it can be cultured in a relatively free-range way, no.

Due to the use of some more innovative elements, Luhang green pineapple will be more convenient than ordinary green pineapple when planting, especially watering, green turnip has its own function of replenishing water, so basically it can be cultured in a more stocking way, but we should also be careful not to store too much water in the water storage basin, so as not to soak the green pineapple to death.

How to raise Luhang green pineapple

Luhang green pineapple is a tall vine with slender young branches and 15-20 cm long internodes. Negative plants, like hot and humid environment, like scattered light, avoid direct sunlight. The vitality is tenacious, meets the water namely lives, the overwintering temperature is not lower than 15 ℃. It is suitable for growing in loose, fertile, slightly acidic soil containing humus.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of green pineapple in Luhang

I. the culture method of Luhang green pineapple

The main results are as follows: 1. In the shaded growth environment, the positive direction is not strong, but in the northern autumn and winter season, in order to improve the photosynthesis of Luhang green turnip leaves, the necessary illumination should be carried out. Luhang green pineapple can be placed in a sunny place indoors at noon.

2. Temperature, the green turnip can grow normally above 20 degrees, and it can pass the winter safely above 10 degrees, but do not put it outdoors, the temperature is too low, even if the time is very short, it will make the leaves frostbite.

3. Humidity, the growth environment of Luhang green pineapple needs to have a certain humidity. In order to ensure normal growth, water can be sprayed to the leaf surface regularly, or placed next to the humidifier.

4. Watering, Luhang green pineapple needs to keep the soil moist at all times, but it is necessary to reduce watering when the temperature is low. It is best to use water that has been hung for a day in winter watering. Too cold water may damage the roots.

5. Fertilization, in autumn and winter in the north, Luhang green turnips will stop growing, and fertilization should be reduced, mainly by spraying; before winter, liquid fertilizer can be poured twice a month to keep the leaves green.

Matters needing attention of Luhang green pineapple

Green turnip can be cultivated extensively, and the pot soil must not be too dry, otherwise it will cause yellow leaves to defoliate; watering should not be too much, which is easy to cause rotten roots, and the leaves should be scrubbed every few days in winter to keep them bright. If the green turnip is placed in a place where the light is too strong or too dark for a long time, it is easy to cause the plant to flourish, the plant type to be scattered and the leaves to turn green.

The efficacy and function of Luhang green pineapple

1. Adsorb PM2.5

The PM2.5 in the air pollution index usually refers to particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter. Because of their small diameter, these particles are suspended in the air and can be absorbed into the lungs of the human body to cause a variety of diseases. Luhang green pineapple has a strong adsorption capacity, which can absorb particles in the air, and the adsorption rate is more than 80%. It can be said to be the world of PM2.5.

2. Absorbing formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is regarded as one of the most troublesome decoration pollutants, all newly renovated houses can not avoid formaldehyde pollution, and formaldehyde pollutants are often released continuously for more than ten years, formaldehyde has choking nose smell, and can cause cancer. The leaf structure of Luhang green apple is like the surface of activated carbon, which can better absorb and absorb formaldehyde. The process is often continuously purified, so it is equivalent to an indoor purifier.

3. Indoor carbon dioxide can be collected.

Carbon dioxide is the main pollutant in Greenhouse Effect, especially in winter, when people close the windows tightly to keep out the cold. This airtight way will lead to the accumulation of carbon dioxide indoors. If people live in this environment for a long time, it will cause chest tightness, shortness of breath and other phenomena. And Luhang green pineapple can carry out strong photosynthesis, thus absorbing indoor carbon dioxide cleanly.

4. Adjust the indoor temperature

Plants have transpiration and photosynthesis. First of all, in these two internal reactions, the indoor heat is often absorbed, and at the same time, transpiration can also release water to the room, thus adjusting the indoor humidity, so it is equivalent to a small air conditioner. it can effectively improve the problem of indoor temperature overheating and indoor air humidity is too dry.

5. Beautify the indoor environment

From the aesthetic point of view, the leaves of Luhang green pineapple are relatively large, and there are many planting forms. It can be potted with transparent glass or planted with soil. The emerald and green leaves, when you are tired at work, relax your mood and carefully watch the green turnip can relieve your eyesight. And it can also be cultivated in the form of hanging curtain.

The difference between Luhang green pineapple and ordinary green pineapple

1. The leaves of Luhang green apple are dark green, the common green apple is yellow, and the leaves of green green apple are larger than those of ordinary green apple.

2. Luhang Luoluo is cultivated by Luhang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., and Luhang is its brand rather than variety.

Luhang green pineapple is a kind of plant with strong vitality, with stems up to several meters long, branches coiled around, different shapes, high ornamental value, and can be raised in soil or water.

Luhang green pineapple is a kind of green pineapple brand with a very wide range of functions, which can not only effectively purify the air, but also adjust the indoor temperature and beautify the environment, so we can properly consider Luhang green pineapple when selecting green pine. can make our green pineapple breeding road become more smooth.