
Does ivy blossom (when does it bloom) how to fertilize ivy

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ivy is a very beautiful plant. First of all, the leaves of ivy are very beautiful. At the same time, the intertwining of three layers of ivy can also produce some very enchanting gestures. So planting ivy is something that people who like classical temperament are very suitable and willing to do.

Ivy is a very beautiful plant. First of all, the leaves of ivy are very beautiful. At the same time, the twining of three layers of ivy can also produce some very enchanting gestures. So planting ivy is a very suitable and happy thing for people who like classical temperament, but for such beauties as ivy, it would be more perfect if they could blossom.

Does ivy blossom?

Ivy is an evergreen vine and should be capable of flowering. The flowering period is usually in autumn, and the flowering period is longer, of course, with luck, the flowering period will last until spring. When each inflorescence has a flower, the flower is small, white-green or light yellow, with a faint fragrance. If you have a pot of ivy that has been tied up for several years, the flowers are distributed from top to bottom when they bloom, ranging from 5 to 40, which is very beautiful.

How to fertilize ivy

1. Fertilization method

Ivy chooses to use decaying soil mixed with river sand to make basin soil. During the period of vigorous growth, liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month. There is no need to fertilize ivy in summer and winter. Avoid using too much nitrogen fertilizer, or it is easy to fade the lines on the leaves. The leaves should not be contaminated when fertilizing to avoid damage to the leaves.

2. Daily nursing of coordinated fertilization.

The growth of ivy needs a warm environment, the general temperature is about 20 degrees is the most appropriate, to maintain a constant temperature to avoid high temperatures. When planting indoors, you should pay attention to ensuring ventilation and maintain a temperature of more than 10 degrees in winter. Plant growth is inseparable from light, ivy also needs a certain amount of light, short-term lightless growth is also possible, but not for too long, otherwise it is easy to cause plant color dim, affecting beauty and growth. In spring and autumn, expose ivy to more light in the morning and evening as much as possible, which can make it grow healthier and brighter.

How does the ivy look?

1. Ivy overhanging bonsai

This kind of bonsai usually takes 4 to 6 years to cultivate, and the branches and leaves can be pruned according to their own aesthetic ideas. The hanging branch is obviously extending to the side of the basin. Coring is carried out every spring to promote branches, properly cut the branches that are too dense, and try to ensure that 5-10 branches hang downwards, and the branches are tilted to one side when pruning, and the trailing type is still very simple.

2. Ivy single-wood bonsai

The soft branches of ivy are generally difficult to grow upright, and it takes time and labor to make a single-wood bonsai, which usually takes 7 to 8 years to complete. Generally choose a hexagonal or octagonal upright purple sand basin, plant 2-3-year-old seedlings in the basin, let the ivy grow on it, and wait for the branches to grow to 20-30 cm. In short, during the growth period, we should constantly pick the heart, keep it thick and weak, turn the pot once in 2 ~ 3 years, and the plant will grow for 5 ~ 6 years.

3. Ivy with wood bonsai

Choose a rectangular purple sand basin with a length of 40 cm to 50 cm, and then choose a dead tree stump with a height of 60 cm to 70 cm in shape, posture and color, and plant it in the back position on the left side of the basin, and the longer dead branches extend to the right side of the basin. Plant the 4-6-year-old ivy in front of the dead tree stump, wind the branches around the branches of the stump, and take good care of them.

4. Ivy column-attached bonsai

Galina Ivy can make columnar bonsai with a diameter of 25cm and a height of 30cm and 40cm.

Plant a brown pillar about 1 meter high in the pot, plant ivy around the column, and tie the branches and buds of ivy to the pillar with silk thread to prolong its growth.

5. Ivy basket bonsai

There is also a more beautiful one. Choose a solid color flowerpot, plant vines on both sides of the pot, connect the top to a circle around the city, and slowly let the ivy grow around the rattan. It will soon form a circle, pruned on time, and make sure the shape is beautiful.

How to water ivy

1. According to the season

The growing season of ivy should be watered frequently and adhere to the principle of seeing dry and wet. Watering must be thoroughly watered, but do not accumulate water in the basin soil, otherwise it will lead to rotten roots and fallen leaves of ivy. In addition, when the weather is dry, clean the leaves with clean water to ensure that the leaves are bright and tidy, and increase the humidity of the air. In winter, the growth and metabolism of ivy is slow, so properly control watering to ensure that the basin soil is slightly wet.

2. According to the material of the flowerpot

Ivy flowerpots usually choose plastic pots and mud pots, and the evaporation of water is different when the soil is the same. Water evaporates slowly in plastic pots, so the watering interval of ivy grown in plastic pots is longer. Normally, ivy plants in plastic pots can be watered every 4-6 days, and mud pots can be watered every 2-4 days.

3. According to the growth situation

The growth of ivy is the best indication of whether there is enough water. 1-2 days after watering, observe the growth of the plant, if the leaves are dark green, do not water for the time being. If the plant wilts and appears yellow leaves, it may be overwatered and need to be removed from the pot in time. Secondly, according to the situation of the basin soil, the wooden chopsticks can be inserted into the soil to check whether the bottom of the basin soil is short of water. If there is more wet soil on the chopsticks, the plant is not short of water, otherwise, it is necessary to replenish water in time.

Ivy does live up to expectations and can produce very beautiful flowers, so the person who grows ivy must be a very happy person, not only can observe the leaves in the non-flowering season, but also can watch the flowers fluttering with the leaves in the flowering season.