
How to cut off the branches and leaves of Dragon Tuzhu

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dragon spit bead is a very imaginative plant, at least from the name, dragon is a very sacred species, can be called dragon spit bead plant, must be very popular with people, so we can guess, dragon spit bead appearance must be

Dragon spitting beads is a very imaginative plant, at least in terms of its name, the dragon is a very sacred species, and the plant that can be called dragon spitting beads must be very popular with people, so we can guess that the appearance of dragon spitting beads must be very beautiful, so for a person who is already beautiful, there is nothing wrong with being fond of dressing up.

How to prune the branches and leaves of the dragon spitting beads

1. When will the dragon spit beads be trimmed

To shape the beautiful plant type of dragon spitting beads, when the cuttage or sowing seedlings grow to 15 cm after pot planting, cut branches 10 cm away from the pot mouth to promote the germination of sturdy new branches.

During the growing period, we should strictly control the height of the branches and pay attention to topping and picking the heart, so that the branches will be neat and blossom in the future. Half a month after picking the heart, Bijiu or Daizhuangsu was applied to control the plant height so that the plant was short, leafy and flowered.

When changing pots every spring, the aboveground branches are trimmed and truncated to make the plant round, with many branches and flowers.

2. How to trim the dragon spitting beads

Longtuzhu is a climbing evergreen shrub. In order to maintain its beautiful plant shape, pruning must be strengthened. Generally, when changing the basin in early spring and April, cut the plant 10-15 cm high from the mouth of the basin, remove the upper part, and promote the germination of sturdy new branches.

During the period of growth and development, attention should be paid to coring, controlling the height of the branches, and making the branches neat. After each flower fade, the flower stem should be cut off in time to make the plant low and plump. Adopting such a heavy cutting method can not only promote the blooming of flowers and leaves in the following year, but also avoid the trouble of setting up brackets.

3. Material treatment of Longtuzhu cut flowers.

When the dragon spits beads as a cut flower material, the sturdy flowers after pruning need to bloom a wide range of flowers, and flower friends who plant in a large area need to pay attention to this one.

The dragon spits the pearl leaf color is thick green, the calyx is like jade, the Corolla is scarlet, full of poetic feeling. Potted plants decorate the windowsill or balcony with handsome posture and bright novelty.

In the process of storage and transportation, flowers are sensitive to ethylene, and 0.4 mm / L silver thiosulfate solution is sprayed 10 days before storage and transportation. Flowering plants without spraying silver thiosulfate were transported in the dark for more than one day and the transport temperature was 20 ℃, which would cause flowers to fall off.

The Cuttage Propagation method of Dragon spitting Pearl

1. Cutting propagation time of dragon spitting beads.

The cuttage propagation of Longtuzhu is best carried out in spring and autumn.

2. Selection of Longtuzhu cuttings.

The root of the plant is easy to produce adventitious roots, so we can look for the germinated seedlings, dig up the roots, and pick the leaves to make cuttings.

3. Cutting method

When choosing the stem, insert the treated twig or hardwood into the soil.

When choosing root insertion, cut off a section of the strong root of the mother plant, and the lower incision is an oblique notch to avoid root inversion. Or when you can't tell the difference between the top and the bottom, put the cuttings flat on the medium and cover the soil.

The watering method of dragon spitting beads

1. How to water during the growing period

The vigorous growth period of Longtuzhu needs adequate water supply, but it does not mean that it should be watered too much. as long as we often keep the potted soil in a moist state, the water demand of Longtuzhu can be guaranteed if it is not dry.

2. How to water at flowering stage

The demand for water during the flowering period of dragon spitting beads is very small, not only do they not need how to water, but also prevent petals from getting wet, especially in rainy and rainy weather. Flower friends must move the dragon spitting beads placed outdoors and open-air balconies indoors, otherwise it will cause the flowers to wither and cause the florescence to end early. Generally speaking, flower friends can judge from the potted soil, and one principle is not to be too dry or too wet.

3. Seasonal watering

Take the most representative summer and winter as an example, because of the high temperature and high evaporation in summer, the replenishment of water should be timely and sufficient, while in winter it is completely opposite to that in summer. After all, dragon spitting beads also hibernate, so the moisture content should be reduced naturally in order to ensure safe passage through the cold and long winter.

4. The harm of improper watering

Many flower friends often have too much watering when cultivating dragon spitting beads. once too much watering, the plant will grow some branches that do not blossom, or it will cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. It will also lead to serious root soaking that can develop into rot. Flower friends can judge according to the above symptoms, stop watering in time, and carry out treatment.

How to fertilize dragon spitting beads

1. Methods of fertilization

Longtuzhu this plant does not have too much demand for fertilizer, so flower friends should not fertilize too much. Generally speaking, more fertilizer is needed during the flowering season, if it is phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, it is usually carried out within 10 to 15 days, and if it is relatively thin, it is usually carried out once in 7 to 10 days, and then it can be maintained for three or four consecutive cycles. At ordinary times, it is based on the growth of the plant to judge, as long as master the amount of fertilization. There is another situation that requires fertilization, that is, when the plant leaves have yellow leaf lesions, it is due to the lack of fertilizer, some fertilizer can be added appropriately at this time. Keep in mind that there is no need to fertilize at all in winter.

2. What kind of fertilizer should be applied

Although Longtuzhu does not have too high fine requirements for fertilizer, the choice of fertilizer does not mean that flower friends can give it at will. Longtuzhu supplementary fertilizer must pay attention to the ratio and content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can not only ensure the nutrition needed by the plant, but also achieve a kind of health, healthy and efficient compound fertilizer. Among them, it is rich in microorganisms, which can also contribute to the metabolism of the plant, making the stems and flowers of the dragon spit beads look more shiny and enhance the ornamental value.

Therefore, for the beautiful dragon spitting beads, we need to take some measures to maintain its beauty, just like to make a beauty have stronger antioxidant capacity, so that we can be beautiful for a longer time. The longer way to make the dragon spit beads is to prune, shape or give proper nutrients.