
How to raise Tripterygium wilfordii Culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Xinyeteng must be no stranger to many people, and we can often see it in our life. The leaves of Tripterygium wilfordii are larger and heart-shaped, so they have this name. The heart leaf vine also has a certain role in purifying the air, so now many people like to raise it at home.

Xinyeteng must be no stranger to many people, and we can often see it in our life. The leaves of Tripterygium wilfordii are larger and heart-shaped, so they have this name. Heart leaf vine also has a certain role in purifying the air, so now many people like to raise it at home. However, in the process of breeding, there are also some areas that need to be paid attention to.

How to raise the heart leaf vine

1. Tripterygium wilfordii has strong adaptability and begins to grow at about 10 ℃. To keep the soil moist, spray water and cool the plants when dry, keeping the air humidity 70% to 80%. However, if the temperature is lower than 15 ℃, the amount of water should be reduced. Keep about 5 ℃ in winter, and the basin soil should not be too damp.

2. The peak growing season is from May to September, with fertilizer and water applied once or twice a month, mainly mature thin organic liquid fertilizer. But not too much, otherwise it will make the petiole long and weak, not easy to stand upright, affecting the ornamental effect. Apply sufficient base fertilizer when changing pots in spring.

3. The requirements for light are not strict. In summer, due to high temperature, high temperature and high humidity, shading and ventilation should be strengthened, and the temperature in autumn and winter is low and all-day sunshine. If the light is too strong, the leaves will be yellow and green, and the shade will be too long and lodging, which will affect the ornamental effect.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tripterygium paniculata

1. Culture methods:

1. Light. Heart leaf vine itself does not have high requirements for light, but it is inseparable from light. At best, it can receive four to six hours of light a day. When the sun is not sufficient in winter, it can be exposed outside for a long time to get more sunshine. In summer, the weather is relatively hot and the sun is more poisonous. Therefore, it should be shaded properly.

2. Humidity. In winter, we can add less water appropriately, but in summer, because the sun is hot and the speed of water evaporation is beyond our imagination, we can pour more water appropriately, but we should try our best to avoid watering it at noon. At noon, the weather is hot and the stomata of the plants are open. At this time, watering will damage the stomata of the plants and restrict the growth of the vines.

3. Temperature. The optimum temperature for the growth of the heart leaf vine is between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius. According to this habit, the heart leaf vine can be reasonably protected and shaded in summer to avoid the death of the heart leaf vine caused by the high temperature. In winter, the plants should be kept warm to avoid frostbite or even frostbite to death.

2. points for attention:

The cold weather in winter is very likely to cause heart leaf rattan frostbite at night, so we should pay more attention to it and treat it with a certain warm window if necessary.

What if the leaves of the heart leaf vine fall?

1. In summer, we must avoid facing the sun directly and keep the basin soil moist. When it is found to be dry, spray water like its surface. It is best to apply fertilizer once or twice a month, not too many times, otherwise it will make the branches collapse, affect the beauty, turn the pots once a year in spring, and trim the old roots entangled together. If not repaired, it will lead to malabsorption and can not support the huge leaves.

2. It is not resistant to freezing. The temperature in winter should be controlled above 10 °C. if the temperature is too cold, it will die. In summer, the temperature should be controlled between 25 °C and 32 °C. if we pay more attention to it, the humidity had better be kept at 70%. In this way, the growth rate will be faster, and it needs to be placed in a semi-shady place in its growth and development.

The method of climbing supported by Tripterygium

First of all, choose a brown column, you can replace it with other columns, wrap it with a brown skin, and then insert the column in the middle of the flowerpot and wrap the vines growing to about 30 centimeters around the column. at least four plants should be planted in each flowerpot. This can create a very luxuriant effect, and too few will affect the ornamental property. Fix it with a thin rope, be light when fixed, and don't strangle it off. Then normal maintenance can be done.

In fact, the prevention and control of Tripterygium is not difficult, we can start from its growth habits. In breeding, we must do a good job in the management of light, fertilizer, water and temperature, especially in winter. Only in this way can the heart leaf vine grow better.