
Preservation method of tulip bulb when does the tulip bulb germinate

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When it comes to tulips, many people know that tulips are the national flower of the Netherlands, but they have become very common in recent years. The flowers of tulips are bright and gorgeous, blooming in the shape of a cup on the branches and stems, which are loved by everyone. But raising tulips.

When it comes to tulips, many people know that tulips are the national flower of the Netherlands, but they have become very common in recent years. The flowers of tulips are bright and gorgeous, blooming in the shape of a cup on the branches and stems, which are loved by everyone. However, flower lovers who cultivate tulips often have a lot of questions, such as how to preserve the bulbs of tulips and so on.

Preservation method of Tulip bulb

Keep it at room temperature: wrap the ball directly in a newspaper or net bag and put it in a cool and ventilated corner.

Cryopreservation: store the seed balls in the refrigerator.

When does the tulip bulb sprout?

Seeds do not dormant, but low temperature is needed for germination. The suitable low temperature is about 5 ℃. Germination is delayed above 10 ℃ and not germinated above 25 ℃. Under suitable conditions, the germination rate can reach more than 90%. It can germinate 40-45 days after sowing. After germination, the seedlings were transferred to 23 ℃ after about 70 days under 13 ℃, which could accelerate the ripening of bulbs.

In Nanjing area, the cold frame was sown in autumn in November, and the natural low temperature in winter was used to sprout in mid-February of the next spring. It takes about 135 days from germination to harvest. During dormancy in summer, bulbs were dug up and stored in 20 ℃-25 ℃, planted in autumn, and flowered 4-5 years later.

The method of potted tulips

1. Soil requirements

Tulips prefer fertile soil, the soil should be both moisturized and breathable, preferably alkaline, relatively soft sandy soil. The soil is mixed with rotten leaves and organic fertilizers such as dried chicken manure. Be sure to keep the soil loose and have plenty of water a few days before planting. After the bulb sprouts, you can apply liquid fertilizer to the soil once or twice. Make sure the soil is moist, but do not store water.

2. Requirements for watering

When watering tulips, it should be noted that the water requirements vary greatly in different periods. Try to choose the morning when watering. Water should be watered thoroughly at the beginning of planting, so that the soil and bulbs can take root tightly together and should be kept hydrated for a week. When it comes to the florescence, the water demand increases, and the water content should be increased accordingly. At the stage of growing bulbs after the flower fades, the moisture can be reduced. Pay attention to the choice of spraying when watering, try not to let there is stagnant water in the flowerpot.

3. Temperature requirements

Tulips like to be warm in winter and cool in summer, but they are good at dealing with the cold and can survive even at more than 30 degrees below zero. On the contrary, if the temperature is too high, it will inhibit its growth and lead to the decay of flowers. However, the most suitable temperature for tulip growth is between 16 and 18 degrees. It only begins to grow when the temperature reaches about 8 degrees. In general, in the case of potted planting, the temperature conditions at home can basically be met.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The insect pests of tulips are mainly aphids and root mites. When insect pests occur, the corresponding insecticides can be selected for spraying. The main diseases are stem rot, soft rot, quenching, broken color disease, blind bud disease and so on. The prevention and prevention of diseases and insect pests is very important. When planting, the soil should be disinfected and healthy bulbs free of diseases and insect pests should be selected for planting. In the later stage, diseased plants should be decisively dug up and destroyed. At ordinary times, pay attention to maintain ventilation and appropriate temperature.

How to prolong the flowering period of tulips

1. Natural florescence

The temperature rises gradually in spring, and it will bloom one after another around March and April, which lasts for three or four months, usually five to a week from blooming to dying. Apart from human intervention, it usually grows rapidly from November to spring to prepare for flowering, so you can start with this time to prolong the flowering period.

2. Methods

1. Shading

Shading can use tall trees or artificial awnings. Some exhibition experiments found that for the same variety, the flowering time of the plants treated with semi-shading in the early stage will be delayed by three or four days, but the overall viewing time can be increased by about five days, so this method is feasible. Semi-shade two weeks before flowering, covering a week to half a month or so.

2. Moisture

The frequency and quantity of water supply will also affect the flowering time. Previously, watering once a week and replenishing water every two or three days will increase the flowering time of plants that are watered more frequently by three or four days. What we are talking about here is that before flowering, the moisture content of the flower should be reduced appropriately after it blossoms.

3. Fertilizer

A few weeks before flowering can add a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer, not too heavy, tulips originally do not require very high fertilizer, adding a small amount of fertilizer can prepare better nutrients for flowering.

4. Lighting

Most plants like daylight, and tulips are no exception. They can appropriately prolong the time of receiving sunlight during the growing period, and then spend the first few days in shade, which can promote flowering and prolong flowering time.

Many flower lovers breed tulips for nothing else, just for its high ornamental value. But the maintenance of tulips is not simple, it is not easy to raise a good pot of tulips, which further tests the patient care of flower friends.