
What if the leaves of cyclamen turn yellow and black? the solution of cyclamen dropping leaves

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, For the cultivation of cyclamen, what people care about is that in addition to its role in air purification and fengshui, the ornamental value can attract a lot of people to cultivate it. When it blossoms, the flowers look more bright and beautiful under the foil of green leaves. So

For the cultivation of cyclamen, what people care about is that in addition to its role in air purification and fengshui, the ornamental value can attract a lot of people to cultivate it. When it blossoms, the flowers look more bright and beautiful under the foil of green leaves. So the problem of its green leaves is also a key point that needs to be paid attention to.

What if the cyclamen leaves turn yellow and black?

1. the light is too strong

Cyclamen is a light-loving plant, but when raising cyclamen, pay attention to the light should not be too strong, because too strong light will lead to cyclamen wilting, leaves yellowing phenomenon, very dangerous.

Measures: in the cultivation of cyclamen, we should pay attention to the intensity of light, especially in the summer when the light is very strong, in order to avoid cyclamen leaves yellowing phenomenon, to shade.

2. Overwatering

In fact, cyclamen leaves yellowing phenomenon, and watering also has a lot to do with. Cyclamen in the process of breeding, watering must be appropriate, not too much or too little, too much watering will lead to root rot and yellowing of leaves.

Measures: watering must be appropriate, this is very important, basically after the soil is dry before watering, one-time watering should not be too much. Be careful not to spray water on cyclamen leaves too often.

3. The leaves turn yellow during the dormant period

In fact, cyclamen also has a dormant period, and its dormancy time is mainly in summer, when the leaves turn yellow and fall.

Measures: this situation is a relatively normal phenomenon, you can take the seed ball out of the flowerpot, put it in the refrigerator for cold storage, and then take it out and replant it in the autumn. It can still grow again.

The solution of cyclamen to drop leaves

1. The temperature is too high

Generally, in summer, the temperature is relatively high, when cyclamen plants will enter a dormant state, the leaves will be yellow and withered, and even fall out.

Therefore, when the temperature is too high, we should pay attention to move the cyclamen plants to a ventilated and cool place.

2. Caused by poor ventilation

In the cultivation of cyclamen, if there is excessive fertilization and growth is too exuberant, and for a long time without pruning, there will be poor ventilation, branches and leaves will be too dense, and then there will be leaves yellowing and leaf loss phenomenon.

Therefore, in the cultivation of cyclamen should be reasonable fertilization and strengthen pruning, so that it maintains a good plant type, and this can also enhance ventilation and light transmission, so that it can grow better.

3. Air dryness leads to

If the air is too dry, the humidity is not enough, it will make the leaves dry up, or even lose the leaves.

When the surrounding air is relatively dry, you can spray more water to the plant to maintain the humidity of the air. But be careful not to water too much to avoid rotting roots.

What about cyclamen rotting roots?

1. Ways to avoid rotting roots of cyclamen

In order to avoid cyclamen rotting roots, when watering, do not directly water, so that there will be water in the center of the tuber, the correct way is to gently lift the leaves, along the edge of the flowerpot, slowly watering. Moreover, the principle of ensuring that it will not be done or watered. The same is true when fertilizing, in addition, fertilization should not be too thick, otherwise it will burn roots. In summer, we should pay attention to the cyclamen to prevent the heat and cool down.

2. The treatment method of rotting root of cyclamen.

If the bulb part of cyclamen has rotted, the rotten part can be removed with a sharp blade, smear the wound with plant ash, dry the wound, replant it into permeable and breathable soil, and recover gradually for about a month, watering as little as possible. If most of them have rotted, there is no value for recovery, so it is recommended to abandon them.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom?

1. The temperature is too low

Breeding cyclamen needs a relatively warm environment, if the temperature is too low to meet the requirements of flowering, then cyclamen is more difficult to blossom, and the bud will shrink.

2. The basin soil is too wet.

Cyclamen likes to be wet, but in the process of breeding, if the basin soil is too wet, it will lead to rotting roots. Rotten roots will affect the growth and flowering of cyclamen, resulting in its non-flowering.

3. Lack of light

If there is a lack of light, cyclamen is more difficult to bloom. So be sure to keep enough light to make it blossom better.

4. Fertilization leads to

When cyclamen blossoms, we should be careful not to fertilize, because fertilizing at this time will cause cyclamen's bud to wither and cannot blossom.

Cyclamen is farmed by the majority of flower friends because of its unique ornamental value. It is very beautiful and embellishes the home very beautifully. If the leaves turn yellow and do not blossom above, it is mostly due to improper daily maintenance, so we should know more about its growth habits before breeding.