
How to raise hyacinth culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Hyacinth is a kind of flower plant introduced from the Netherlands. Because of its unique fragrance and colorful colors, many flower friends like it very much, so it is cultivated in many parts of our country. Hyacinth is a very special plant, which can be used for water

Hyacinth is a kind of flower plant introduced from the Netherlands. Because of its unique fragrance and colorful colors, many flower friends like it very much, so it is cultivated in many parts of our country. Hyacinth is a very special plant, which can be cultured in both hydroponics and soil. Next, let's learn about its breeding method.

How to raise hyacinth

1. Soil

Hyacinth should choose sandy loam with good drainage and not too dry, which requires fertile soil and high content of organic matter. Before planting, we should apply enough base fertilizer, cultivate in the field, and avoid continuous cropping.

2. Fertilization

During the growth period of autumn and winter, topdressing based on phosphorus and potassium was applied for 1-2 times. There is no need to apply fertilizer during flowering, topdressing once before and after flowering, and applying sufficient base fertilizer before pot soil planting.

3. Watering

Hyacinth is sunny, cold-resistant and suitable for growing in a cool and humid environment. Therefore, it is necessary to water frequently to keep the soil moisture between 60 and 70 {bf} in order to facilitate the growth and reproduction of hyacinth.

4. Lighting

After the hyacinth is planted, it is placed in a sunny place and exposed to scattered light for 1 to 2 hours a day, so that its leaves and pedicels grow healthily and change in one direction every day, so that it does not grow to one side because of light tendency. If the light is insufficient, or if it is dry for a long time in winter, it will lead to poor flowering.

5. Temperature

Generally, there is no other management before flowering. If seeds are not to be collected after flowering, the flower stem should be cut off to promote bulb development. The cutting position should be in the uppermost part of the flower stem as far as possible. The summer temperature should not exceed 28 ℃, and the temperature for promoting flowering should be 5-10 ℃.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of hyacinth

I. Culture methods

1. Temperature

The root growth of bulb was the best at 2-6 ℃, the optimum temperature for bud germination was 5-10 ℃, the optimum temperature for leaf growth was 10-12 ℃, and the most favorable for bud and flowering stage was 15-18 ℃. The storage temperature of bulb is 20-28 ℃, and the optimum storage temperature is 25 ℃, which is the most ideal for flower bud differentiation.

2. Lighting

In the process of hyacinth culture, it is recommended to give an appropriate amount of light time every day, if the light is too weak, it will lead to thin plants, small buds, yellow leaves, etc., but the light intensity should not be too large, if the light is too strong, it will lead to the florescence of hyacinth too short.

3. Soil

Hyacinth should choose sandy loam with good drainage and not too dry, requiring fertile soil, high content of organic matter, good aggregate structure, neutral to slightly alkaline, pH 6-7. Pot substrate can be mixed with humus-rich humus soil, garden soil and coarse sand, adding a small amount of bone powder.

4. Moisture

The principle of watering is to see both dry and wet. Pay attention to the moisture should not be too much, and should not let the basin soil too dry. In order to maintain the humidity of the greenhouse, the watering time is better in the morning.

II. Points for attention

1. Outdoor breeding. Generally speaking, hyacinth is more suitable for low temperature environment, so it is best to breed it outdoors and wait until the temperature is below 0 ℃ before moving it indoors.

2. Dispel the fragrance of flowers. Hyacinth is not only beautiful, but also exudes a strong fragrance. If you can't get used to the fragrance of the flowers, keep it ventilated so that it dissipates as soon as possible.

When does the hyacinth change the water?

1. Do you need to change the water

When hydroponic hyacinth is cultivated, it is necessary to change water. This is mainly to ensure that when hyacinth is cultured in water, there will be more oxygen in the water, and the more oxygen it contains, the better the plant will grow.

2. Frequency of changing water

In fact, water cultivation hyacinth does not need to change water very frequently. In general, water can be changed every 7-10 days in spring and autumn, every 5 days or so in summer, and a longer interval in winter. It is usually 10-15 days.

3. Key points for changing water

When hydroponic hyacinth, add water to pay attention to the distance between the surface of the water and the bottom of the bulb, do not submerge the bulb. At the same time, the water level should not be too high. If you are using tap water, you need to rest it in use first. You can add some nutrient solution to the water properly. Note that during the growth period, hyacinths grow slowly, and after waiting for roots, you only need to keep the water level at a position where you can reach the surface of the water.

How to deal with Hyacinth after Water cultivation

1. Continue aquaculture

The hyacinth after the blooming of hyacinth in water culture continues to be raised in water until the temperature rises gradually in early June, the leaves of hyacinth will turn yellow and enter the period of summer dormancy.

2. Cut off the leaves

Cut off all the withered and yellow leaves of hyacinth during summer dormancy and cut off all the roots.

3. Refrigerated hyacinth

Leave the bulbs in a cool and ventilated place for 1 to 2 days (never in the sun). After drying thoroughly, wrap the bulbs in a newspaper and put them in a can and put them in the freezer (not the freezer).

4. Temperature requirement

The temperature should not exceed 10 degrees during the summer, otherwise the bulbs are perishable.

5. Re-culture

When the temperature gradually turns cool into late autumn in November, take out the hyacinth bulbs that have been preserved for a summer, place them on the mouth of the bottle in a proper container, add water to about 1CM from the bottom of the bulbs, and then place them in a completely dark and cool place for 5 ℃ to promote roots. The root system will sprout after about 25 days, and when the root system grows to 2CM, it can be raised according to the normal maintenance method of hyacinth until it blossoms.

For the cultivation of hyacinth, hydroponic culture is one of the most popular ways to maintain hyacinth, generally only a container plus a basin of water can be fed. This method is relatively easier than soil culture, and flower lovers who need to be farmed can choose according to their own preferences.