
How to raise Acorus calamus bonsai culture methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The leaves of Acorus calamus are green and bright, bringing a cool and cool experience in the hot summer. Therefore, it is often used as an aquatic plant in landscaping. In recent years, the tall and straight posture and efficacy of Acorus calamus also make it suffer more and more.

The leaves of Acorus calamus are green and bright, bringing a cool and cool experience in the hot summer. Therefore, it is often used as an aquatic plant in landscaping. In recent years, the tall and straight posture and efficacy of calamus have also made it loved by more and more flower friends, and have begun to breed at home in the mode of bonsai. Let's learn how to breed it.

How to raise the bonsai of calamus

1. Watering: calamus likes to be moist and avoid drought. Daily watering is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist, but too much watering can easily cause leaf yellow.

2. Temperature: Acorus calamus likes to be warm to high temperature, and the suitable temperature for fertility is about 18-28 ℃.

3. Lighting: the cultivation place of Acorus calamus should choose half-shaded place to avoid strong direct sunlight. If it can accept 50-60% light, it can grow vigorously and the leaf color is soft. The interior decoration chooses the window edge light source to enter, if the growth momentum weakens, should immediately move out of the outdoor, and accept the soft sunlight to restore vitality.

4. Separate planting: Acorus calamus should clean up the dead branches and leaves before overwintering, burn or rett manure centrally, renew open field cultivation for 2-3 years, force ramet when planting is too crowded for a long time, replant after changing soil, and change pot planting once every two years.

5. Pruning: it is a consensus that the leaves of Acorus calamus are more and more thinner and thinner, but the times of pruning are not easy to be too frequent. Rotten leaves and yellow leaves are removed regularly to keep the best ornamental effect.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Acorus calamus

I. Culture methods

1. Soil

Acorus calamus likes water, and the loose and permeable sandy loam is suitable for the growth of Acorus calamus. Vermiculite, river sand and nutritious soil can be mixed at 1:1:1, and some bean cake fertilizer can be mixed in the soil, which can not only be breathable but also provide sufficient nutrients. It is better to cultivate loam rich in humus.

2. Fertilization

Acorus likes nitrogen fertilizer, rotten bean cake water fertilization is the best, can avoid burning seedlings, nitrogen fertilizer can promote its growth, late need to apply topdressing 2-3 times, and combined with fertilization to weed.

3. Moisture

Acorus likes a humid environment and avoids drought. Daily watering is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist, keep the water level during the growing period to prevent the leaves from drying up and cause the leaves to wither, pay attention to keep the environment moist, and spray water on the leaves to keep moisture if necessary, but if you water too much, it is also easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow.

4. Lighting

Acorus likes shade, summer sun exposure, can be shaded for the plant, for potted plants can be moved into indoor scattered light, the rest of the season can be placed in the outdoor slightly shaded water edge or the shady place of big trees.

II. Points for attention

1, pay attention to each fertilization must bury the fertilizer in the soil surface of about 5 cm, be careful not to be too close to the root, avoid burning roots. Clean up the dead branches and leaves on the ground before overwintering, and be clear about the pathogens and pathogens of diseases and insect pests.

2. Dig out the underground stem before and after the Qingming Festival or during the growing period, remove the old roots and withered leaves, and then cut the underground stem into several blocks with 3-4 new buds per piece for propagation.

How to cultivate Acorus calamus in water

1. Preparatory work

The calamus with large old roots is suitable for hydroponic culture, and the old roots are higher than the mud and meandering like the dragon walker is better. The scattered small plants of calamus can be grouped into clusters, and then wrapped with palm skin and placed in the water basin, but the roots of small plants of calamus are very short, and they can be grouped with enamelled wire. It is necessary to pay attention not to hurt the old roots, and then circle them with enamelled wire.

2. Hydroponic culture method

According to personal preference and the size of the plant, you can choose a watertight flower organ of medium depth, wash the stem segment of calamus, trim off the old root and overgrown root, soak in potassium permanganate solution for 2 hours for sterilization and disinfection, fill the pebbles while fixing the plant in the basin, the horizontal plane can touch the root, do not soak the leaves, and finally put it in a place with sufficient light, so as not to make sunlight exposure.

3. Late maintenance

In the process of daily maintenance of Acorus calamus in water culture, in addition to timely replenishment of water, a little flower fertilizer should be regularly added to the water to supplement nutrition, which can promote its growth and flourish. Acorus calamus is cold-resistant, as long as it cleans up the dead branches and leaves in winter. The summer climate is hot, so the calamus water basin should be placed in the underworld to avoid water evaporation and excessive consumption of nutrients.

Bonsai production of Acorus calamus

1. Matching soil: the loam soil rich in humus is the best for calamus cultivation, and the sandy soil grows well. The culture soil needs to be kept moist frequently, and the bottom of a small pot can be covered with a water plate to maintain moisture.

2. Planting: the planting depth of Acorus calamus is generally appropriate to keep the main bud close to the mud surface, while irrigating 1-3 cm. Potted calamus should choose a pot that will not leak, the inner diameter is about 40-50 cm, and the bottom of the pot needs to apply sufficient base fertilizer, dig a hole in the middle to implant the rhizome, the growing point should expose the soil surface, and add 1-3 cm of water.

Acorus prefers a warm and humid growing environment. Strictly speaking, it is not so difficult to cultivate calamus at home. Its natural growth environment is generally by the pond or paddy field, generally according to such a similar environment should not be a problem.