
How to grow water lilies planting methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Water lilies have the laudatory name of the water goddess, it is a plant growing in the water, it usually blossoms in summer and autumn, the flowers are beautiful and full of personality, always able to attract the attention of others, loved by the public. Many people think that water lilies are a plant.

Water lilies have the laudatory name of "goddess in the water". They are plants that grow in water and generally bloom in summer and autumn. the flowers are beautiful and full of personality. they are always able to attract the attention of others and are loved by the public. Many people think that water lilies are very easy to raise, but they are not. Let's follow the editor to learn about it.

How to grow water lilies

1. Select basin soil

Try to choose flowerpots with outward opening, wide mouth and shallow flowerpot. Opening outward leaves will grow vigorously, the basin mouth is wider, the flowers are larger, the flowerpots are shallower, and the interval between flowering is small. As for the soil in which water lilies are grown, which is different from ordinary flowers, the more sticky the better, the silt in the pond is the best choice.

2. Seed treatment

The seeds of water lilies have a hard shell and need to be soaked. Before going there, the concave end of the seed needs to be worn out to facilitate germination. Then soak the seeds in warm water of 20 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius and wait for them to germinate. Larger than a week or so, green buds will grow. After sprouting, it is moved to the sunny place, and when young leaves grow, it can be planted.

3. Upper basin

When the seed is planted, the pot soil is ready, put it aside, and wait for two leaves to grow. The seeds that sprout and have long leaves should be planted into the soil together, and it is appropriate that the water does not submerge the leaves. After planting, it is necessary to conserve the amount of water and replenish it in time.

Planting methods and matters needing attention of water lilies

I. planting methods

1. Soil

Water lilies do not have high requirements for soil, as long as the soil is neutral (within PH6-8), but it is better for its growth to be raised in loam with high organic matter content.

2. Use water

The water depth suitable for the growth of water lilies is between 25 and 30cm, which can be adjusted according to the size of the plant, but the maximum should not exceed 80cm. Usually pay attention to the water quality, must be clean and transparent, if the water is dirty and smelly, it is necessary to change the water in time.

3. Temperature

Water lilies can be maintained in an environment of 25-30 ℃ in peacetime, and the temperature should be adjusted to more than 13 ℃ in winter, otherwise ordinary water lilies will be frostbitten except for some hardy varieties.

4. Lighting

Light is the most important factor in raising water lilies, because it is a strong light plant, and the stronger the light is, the better it will grow. Therefore, no matter what season, we need to give it enough light, if there is not enough natural light in winter, we can make up the light in an artificial way.

II. Points for attention

1. Pruning in time. When the water lily blossoms, there will be some residual flowers and leaves left on the plant, they will not only increase the nutrient consumption of the plant, but also affect the ornamental effect, which needs to be cut off in time.

2. Change mud every year. Raising water lilies needs to change the soil every year, because after a year of growth and consumption, the nutrients in the mud are basically used up by the plant, so it is difficult to support the plant to continue to grow. Changing mud can give it more nutrients and help it grow.

Why don't water lilies blossom?

1. The problem of variety

In the family breeding water lilies, it is best to choose rich flower types of water lilies, and then to meet a variety of growth needs, it is easier to blossom.

2. The cause of illumination

The necessary condition for the growth of water lilies is sufficient light, if the long-term lack of light, it will make water lilies grow luxuriantly but blossom poorly, and even will not blossom. So when raising water lilies, you need to give them all-day sunshine.

3. Do not divide plants for a long time

When cultivating water lilies in pots, it is best to split every one or two years. If you do so for a long time, the roots of the water lilies in the flowerpot will become more crowded and clogged, and the root system will grow poorly, which will affect flowering. So after the water lilies have been cultivated for a period of time, it is time to split the plants.

4. Excessive use of base fertilizer

In the early stage of the growth of water lilies, applying too much fertilizer, especially base fertilizer, is not conducive to its flowering. In addition, if the soil is not good when planting, the loss of nutrients will also cause the water lilies not to blossom.

What if the water lily leaves turn yellow?

First, the reason why the leaves turn yellow

New leaves withered due to lack of water due to lack of watering. The humidity in the air is too small, and the dry environment is easy to cause the withering of new leaves.

Second, the method of yellowing

1. When buying water lilies, you should choose water lilies with full appearance and texture of the terminal buds, strong and strong, and there are no strict requirements for the size of their tubers, so as to avoid buying water lilies with fuzzy buds and not prominent buds.

2. When cultivated, you can stand upright, lie horizontally in the mud or insert it obliquely in the mud. The terminal bud is best planted shallowly in the mud, so that the root system will go directly into the soil. Avoid mixing raw fertilizer into the soil and avoid fermenting water lilies to a certain extent.

The flower shape of water lilies is very beautiful, which can be regarded as a kind of valuable flowers and plants. In addition to the well-known ornamental value of water lilies, they can also be used as medicine, so friends who raise water lilies at home must take good care of them.