
How to plant cyclamen seeds? is it easy to raise cyclamen?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, From the name of cyclamen, we can guess that cyclamen will be welcomed by people, because the Chinese are a hospitable nation, and at the same time, the name cyclamen has a better meaning, so cyclamen has gradually become a member of people's families.

From the name of cyclamen, we can guess that cyclamen will be welcomed by people, because the Chinese are a hospitable nation, and at the same time, the name cyclamen has a better meaning, so it is not surprising that cyclamen has gradually become a member of people's families. At the same time, the demand for cyclamen planting technology is also gradually beginning to flourish.

How to plant cyclamen seeds

1. Cyclamen sowing time

The sowing season of cyclamen requires that you can sow seeds all the year round, but you should pay attention to the temperature when sowing, preferably between 15 degrees Celsius and 18 degrees Celsius.

2. Cyclamen sowing steps

Put the soil in the flowerpot that is ready to sow, poke a few small holes in the pot soil, about one to two centimeters, put cyclamen seeds into it and cover it with soil gently, after planting, cover the top of the flowerpot with a layer of plastic film to maintain the humidity and temperature of cyclamen growth, and then cover a layer of shade net to block light. Cyclamen should pay attention to maintain soil moisture when growing, not too dry or too wet.

3. Work after sowing cyclamen

Cyclamen germination takes more than a month, after emergence, gradually let it see the sun, otherwise the plant will only grow, about three months after sowing, cyclamen will grow real leaves, the fifth month, you can change pots.

The above methods all belong to natural sowing, and can also be used to accelerate the germination of cyclamen seeds.

Put cyclamen seeds at 25 degrees Celsius and soak for about 24 hours to achieve the effect of budding.

After the first guest seed is covered with two layers of paper towels, it can also achieve the effect of sprouting in about 24 hours.

Is cyclamen easy to raise?

Cyclamen is not difficult to raise, as long as you master the right method, cyclamen can grow well.

The culture method of cyclamen

1. Soil selection

Cyclamen culture soil can use humus soil, forest rotten leaf soil, furnace ash and so on, and add appropriate amount of calcium carbonate and other chemicals to prepare. This kind of soil is relatively loose, which is helpful to the growth of cyclamen. During cultivation, we should pay attention to the size of the container, gradually increase and can not use large pots to cultivate small seedlings.

2. Fertilization method

Cyclamen like fertile soil, but do not like thick fertilizer, turn over the basin need to apply some basic fertilizer, generally 1-2 weeks can be fertilized once, pay attention to thin fertilizer diligently. After several months of vegetative growth, organic fertilizer is applied, flowers are watered with water, and fertilization should be stopped when the temperature can not be controlled in summer.

3. Watering method

Although cyclamen is drought-resistant, it is best to keep the soil moist during its growing season and pay attention to the fact that there is no stagnant water in the basin. Water frequently but less, don't get too wet. If the summer is not dormant, normal watering can be carried out, and the basin soil needs to be kept sweet and moist. After the Beginning of Autumn, he will enter the reproductive growth period. at this time, it is necessary to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to control the growth of nutrition, promote the differentiation of flower buds and blossom.

4. Temperature requirement

The growth temperature of cyclamen is suitable at 10-22 ℃, and the temperature during the day and night should be kept at 8-10 ℃. Flowers can also bloom if the night temperature is controlled at about 7-8 ℃, but the florescence will be delayed slightly; if it is lower than 6 ℃, it will not blossom normally.

5. Lighting demand

Temperature and light have certain effects on the growth and development of cyclamen. In the whole process, we need to start with the temperature and consider prolonging the flowering period. When the number of flowers decreases in late April, the flowers need to be removed from the greenhouse and cultivated in a well-ventilated place. Climate change, suitable temperature and light will make cyclamen grow a batch of scape and continue to blossom. In the Yangtze River basin and its southern region, the leaves gradually turn yellow after May, which is a reflection of the rise in temperature. At this time, watering needs to be controlled. In summer, conditional cooling equipment should be used to lower the temperature of the environment.

What's the advantage of raising cyclamen?

1. Watch

Cyclamen is known as the king of potted flowers. Cyclamen has beautiful plant shape, luxuriant flowers and fragrant flowers, which is very suitable for potted ornamental plants. It can be placed on the indoor sunny bracket, on the desk. Cyclamen can also be potted by soilless cultivation, which is charming and more suitable for family decoration.

2. Purify the air

Cyclamen can absorb harmful gases such as dioxide in the air. Cyclamen absorbs sulfur dioxide through leaves and converts it into non-toxic or low-toxic sulfates by growing flowers. Cyclamen, like all plants, can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and can increase the amount of negative ions in the air and increase air humidity.

3. Adjust the mood

Cyclamen varieties can release a comfortable aroma and allow people to relax in stressful work. The fragrance of flowers released by cyclamen can regulate people's mood and make us more energetic and energetic. Cyclamen also has the effect of calming and helping sleep, and cyclamen can regulate indoor humidity, thereby increasing the humidity of the skin.

4. Fengshui action

① living room

Cyclamen implies the auspicious meaning of greeting distinguished guests and praying for good luck. It can make visitors feel very popular. And make the family safe and happy.

② Restaurant

Cyclamen can inject life and vitality into the restaurant and add a cheerful atmosphere, which will make the restaurant full of vitality and appetites.

③ study

The study is a quiet and elegant place, and the ball-pressing plants have a quiet and calming effect.

Cyclamen, known as the king of potted flowers, is very suitable for breeding at home. It can not only effectively beautify the home environment, but also purify the air, regulate mood, and effectively improve the family's feng shui. At the same time, the breeding method of cyclamen is not painful, so friends who like it do not hesitate.